Neural Circulatory Control and SUDEP Risk.
EpilepsySeizuresThe investigators believe epilepsy alters the way the body controls blood pressure, heart rate and breathing, and these changes increase the risk of sudden unexpected death in patients with epilepsy (SUDEP). SUDEP-7 is a risk scoring tool which may correlate with these changes to the heart and blood vessels. This research study measures those differences which may help identify new markers to help predict those patients at greatest risk in the future.

Genetic Markers of Cardiovascular Disease in Epilepsy
EpilepsySeizures3 moreEpilepsy is a common condition which affects over 3 million people in the US. Patients with uncontrolled epilepsy have a lifetime risk of sudden unexpected death (SUDEP) of 35%, which is greatest in those under 40 years of age. The exact mechanisms and causes are not understood but can be due to underlying conditions which affect the heart and brain, which may lead to dangerous heart rhythms and death. Some of these conditions which affect heart and brain have an identifiable genetic cause. This study aims to identify known genetic causes of heart rhythm and sudden death related disorders in patients with epilepsy.

A Natural History Study of hnRNP-related Disorders
Neurodevelopmental DisordersIntellectual Disability6 moreThe purpose of this study is to analyze patterns in individuals with hnRNP (and other) genetic variants, including their neurological comorbidities, other medical problems and any treatment. The investigators will maintain an ongoing database of medical data that is otherwise being collected for routine medical care. The investigators will also collect data prospectively in the form of questionnaires, neuropsychological assessments, motor assessments, and electroencephalography to examine the landscape of deleterious variants in these genes.

Seizures Detection in Real Life Setting
Epilepsy; SeizureFocal EpilepsyEpilepsy is a disabling neurological disease that affects tens of millions of people worldwide. Despite therapeutic advances, about a third of these patients suffer from treatment-resistant forms of epilepsy and still experience regular seizures.All seizures can last and lead to status epilepticus, which is a major neurological emergency. Epilepsy can also be accompanied with cognitive or psychiatric comorbidities. Reliable seizures count is an essential indicator for estimating the care quality and for optimizing treatment. Several studies have highlighted the difficulty for patients to keep a reliable seizure diary due for example to memory loss or perception alterations during crisis. Whatever the reasons, it has been observed that at least 50% of seizures are on average missed by patients. Seizure detection has been widely developed in recent decades and are generally based on physiological signs monitoring associated with biomarkers search and coupled with detection algorithms. Multimodal approaches, i.e. combining several sensors at the same time, are considered the most promising. Mobile or wearable non invasive devices, allowing an objective seizures documentation in daily life activities, appear to be of major interest for patients and care givers, in detecting and anticipating seizures occurence. This single-arm exploratory, multicenter study aims at assessing whether the use of such a non-invasive, wearable device can be useful in a real life setting in detecting seizures occurence through multimodal analysis of various parameters (heart rate, respiratory and accelerometry).

Remote EEG Device for Identification of Risk for Neonatal Seizures
Neonatal EncephalopathyThe purpose of this study is to see if the use of wireless brain wave monitoring can be helpful for newborns and help their medical providers identify seizures earlier and to monitor for the risk for seizures.

Magnetic Seizure Therapy for Schizophrenia
SchizophreniaThis trial attempts to evaluate the treatment efficacy of magnetic seizure therapy (MST) and its safety among schizophrenia patients. Half of the participants will be randomized to MST group, while the other half will be randomized to receive electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

Cannabidiol Oral Solution in Pediatric Participants With Treatment-Resistant Childhood Absence Seizures...
Childhood Absence EpilepsyThe primary purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of Cannabidiol Oral Solution in the treatment of pediatric participants with treatment-resistant childhood absence seizures. This study will also assess safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of Cannabidiol Oral Solution, and any improvement in qualitative assessments of participant status over the duration of the study in pediatric participants with treatment-resistant childhood absence seizures. The study will include a 4-week Screening Period, a 5 or 10 day Titration Period (depending study Cohort), a 4-week Treatment Period followed by 5-day Tapering for doses >20 mg/kg/day and a 4-week Follow-up Period.

Study to Test the Safety and Efficacy of Padsevonil as Adjunctive Treatment of Focal-onset Seizures...
Drug-Resistant EpilepsyFocal-Onset SeizuresThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of Padsevonil administered at individualized doses as adjunctive treatment for subjects with drug-resistant epilepsy.

Registry of Subjects With Drug Resistant Epilepsy and Treated With the VNS Therapy System.
EpilepsySeizures1 moreMulticenter global post-market registry of subjects diagnosed with drug resistant epilepsy and treated with the VNS Therapy System.

An Open Label Study to Evaluate the Effects of Ezogabine/Retigabine Added to Existing Anti-epileptic...
EpilepsyThis is a multicentre, open label study to examine the effect of ezogabine/retigabine on the voiding function of adult subjects with drug-resistant partial onset seizures (POS). Subjects fulfilling the study entry criteria at Screening and at Baseline including a comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist or retina specialist and a skin assessment by the investigator will receive ezogabine/retigabine. The starting dose of ezogabine/retigabine will be 300 mg/day. Subjects will be up titrated by 150 mg/day weekly up to the maximum ezogabine/retigabine daily dose of 1200 mg (or the highest tolerated dose). During the 49 days of the treatment phase, subjects will undergo three repeat non-invasive assessments of voiding function. In addition, subjects who meet pre-determined criteria for voiding dysfunction will undergo multichannel cystometry in order to characterise bladder hypocontractility, bladder outlet obstruction or a combination of events which clinically is manifest with difficulty emptying the bladder or acute urinary retention. At the end of the Treatment Phase, all subjects will enter the Taper Phase, a 3-week down titration period. Subjects who have new findings of abnormal pigmentation of the retina, unexplained vision loss, pigmentation of non-retinal ocular tissue or discoloration of skin, lip, nail, or mucosa since baseline will be asked to enter the Safety Follow-Up / Continuation Phase. All subjects will undergo 6-monthly comprehensive eye examinations during the Safety Follow-Up / Continuation Phase. Subjects who have not developed abnormal discoloration of the skin, lips, nails or mucosa will continue to undergo skin assessments by the investigator. Any subject who has developed abnormal discoloration of the skin, lips, nails or mucosa since baseline will be referred to a dermatologist for evaluation and 6-monthly follow up assessments. All subjects will continue to be followed until the pigmentation and/or discoloration has resolved or stabilised, as defined by no change over 2 consecutive 6-monthly assessments conducted over at least 12 months after discontinuation of ezogabine/retigabine.