Seizure Control as a New Metric in Assessing Efficacy of Tumor Treatment in Patients With Low Grade...
Brain NeoplasmLow Grade Glioma1 moreThis study investigates how seizures can vary over time with changes in low grade gliomas and its treatments. This study may help doctors find symptoms or triggers of seizures earlier than normal, and ultimately earlier care or treatment for seizures.

Electrographic Seizure Management and Neurobehavioral Outcomes in Critically Ill Children
SeizuresElectrographic seizures are common in critically ill patients leading to increased use of resource-intense continuous EEG monitoring for seizure identification and management. When identified, electrographic seizures are generally treated with anti-seizure medications, but there are very limited data available regarding optimal treatment in terms of the efficacy or safety of specific anti-seizure medications or overall management strategies. This is a single-center prospective observational study. The investigators aim to: (1) track critically ill patients undergoing clinically indicated EEG monitoring and seizure management to identify risk factors for electrographic seizures, (2) create prediction models guiding EEG monitoring resources to the patients at highest risk for seizures, and (3) evaluate our current management strategy in terms of safety.

Etiology and Treatment of Neonatal Seizure
SeizuresSeizure Disorder2 moreGenetic diagnosis for neonates suffering from epilepsy has important implications for treatment, prognosis, and development of precision medicine strategies. Investigator performed exome sequencing (ES) or targeted sequencing on neonates with seizure onset within the first month of life. Investigator subgrouped our patients based on the onset age of seizure into neonatal and before 1 year (1-12 months), to compare the clinical and genetic features and treatment strategies.

North Carolina Genomic Evaluation by Next-generation Exome Sequencing, 2
Epilepsy; SeizureNeuromuscular Diseases15 moreThe "North Carolina Clinical Genomic Evaluation by Next-gen Exome Sequencing, 2 (NCGENES 2)" study is part of a larger consortium project investigating the clinical utility, or net benefit of an intervention on patient and family well-being as well as diagnostic efficacy, management planning, and medical outcomes. A clinical trial will be implemented to compare (1) first-line exome sequencing to usual care and (2) participant pre-visit preparation to no pre-visit preparation. The study will use a randomized controlled design, with 2x2 factorial design, coupled with patient-reported outcomes and comprehensive clinical data collection addressing key outcomes, to determine the net impact of diagnostic results and secondary findings.

BOTOX Effects on Seizure Severity and Susceptibility
Drug-resistant Focal SeizureThe purpose of this research is to determine whether BOTOX injections will reduce seizure frequency and severity. We chose to test its effects on epilepsy because epilepsy and migraine have common features so, are often treated with common drugs.

Antiepileptic Drugs in Elderly Patients
SeizureEpilepticThe purpose is to study the population pharmacokinetics, effectiveness and safety of antiepileptic drug (phenytoin, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, parempanel, etc) in elderly patients and recommend optimized dosage regimens.

Self-modulation of the Sense of Agency by Means of Real-time Neurofeedback
Psychogenic SeizureEpilepsy3 moreThis study investigates whether the sense of agency is sensitive to self-regulation by means of EEG-based neurofeedback. During neurofeedback, the brain activity in response to a motor task is recorded in real-time and displayed back to the participants. The participants can therefore use this information to adapt their performance on the motor task.

Comparing the Performance of a Categorical Loudness Scaling Based Fitting With a Behavioural Fitting...
Hearing LossThis study aims to collect data in newly implanted cochlear implant-recipients to inform future development of fitting methods to optimally and efficiently program a cochlear implant.

Comparison in New Cochlear Implanted Subjects of a Tonotopy-based Fitting With or Without Fine Structure...
Sensorineural Hearing LossBilateralBrief Summary: Main objective: Comparison of a tonotopy based fitting strategy (TFS) with fine structure coding to a tonotopy based fitting strategy without fine structure coding (TnoFS) for speech perception in noise. Secondary objectives: Comparison of TFS to TnoFS for the perception of musical elements (contour test). Comparison of TFS to TnoFS for speech perception in quiet Comparison of TFS to TnoFS for the qualitative preference for the listening of musical pieces. Comparison of TFS to TnoFS for the melodic recognition

Antiseizure Medication in Seizure Networks at Early Acute Brain Injury
Brain InjuriesAcute11 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to explore the effect of FDA-approved antiseizure drugs in the brain connectivity patterns of severe acute brain injury patients with suppression of consciousness. The main questions it aims to answer are: Does the antiseizure medication reduce the functional connectivity of seizure networks, as identified by resting state functional MRI (rs-fMRI), within this specific target population? What is the prevalence of seizure networks in patients from the target population, both with EEG suggestive and not suggestive of epileptogenic activity? Participants will have a rs-fMRI and those with seizure networks will receive treatment with two antiseizure medications and a post-treatment rs-fMRI. Researchers will compare the pretreatment and post-treatment rs-fMRIs to see if there are changes in the participant's functional connectivity including seizure networks and typical resting state networks.