Gingival Recession (RT1) Treatment With Different Gingival Augmentation Surgeries
Gingival RecessionThin gingival phenotype is one of the major causative factors of gingival recession type 1 which can result in hypersensitivity, discomfort, and compromised esthetics. This study assess the efficacy of increasing the gingival thickness from thin gingival phenotype to thick gingival phenotype in the treatment of patients suffering from gingival recession (RT1) and maintenance of results using either connective tissue graft or de-epithelized free gingival graft after non-surgical periodontal debridement compared to non-surgical periodontal debridement alone.

Evaluation of Volume Stable Collagen Matrix in RT2 Gingival Recession Compared to Connective Tissue...
Gingival RecessionGingival recession is the migration of the gingiva to a point apical to the cemento-enamel junction. In order to treat challenging miller class 3 or RT2 recessions, several mucogingival approaches have been proposed. The subepithelial connective tissue graft (CTG) combined with a coronally advanced flap (CAF) has been considered as the "gold standard" for recession coverage around teeth. However, significant resorption of CT graft material has been reported if the graft material is exposed. And that can reduce the possibility of complete root coverage. volume stable collagen matrix - (VCMX ) is a volume stable, fully resorbable, porous, collagen matrix of porcine origin and spongious consistency and is one of the most biocompatible, novel material to be used in this study. VCMX of porcine origin is predominantly made of collagen type I and III and a small portion of elastin. VCMX is able to overcome the volume stability limitation of most commercially available grafts. The surgical technique proposed in a case series using a volume-stable collagen matrix and autogenous subepithelial CTG may be an effective method for periodontal biotype modification through thickening of the entire facial aspect for the treatment of gingival recession. VCMX consists of a single porous layer with interconnected pores (93% volume porosity) and an average pore size of 92 µm. While mechanical stability is achieved by chemical crosslinking, mechanical testing demonstrated preserved elasticity of the material over 14 days. Data have convincingly demonstrated enhanced promigratory and proadhesive properties of three primary cell types human oral fibroblas(hOFs) and human umblical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs), grown on the VCMX. The VCMX was characterized with an efficient adsorption of four recombinant growth factors (TGF-β, PDGF-BB, FGF-2, and GDF-5), naturally present in the blood clot. And in a RCT with Miller's class 1 and 2 it also showed that it provides volume stability and withstands early resorption, while encouraging formation of new soft tissue. Due to its wettability, suture-ability and biological properties, the device has been reported to become well integrated with surrounding soft tissue. No study has been evident on comparing VCMX and SCTG for Miller's class 3/RT2 recession defect. Therefore the purpose of the study is to compare the clinical outcome of VCMX ans SCTG in Miller's class 3/RT2 .

Two Different Graft Harvesting Techniques Applied in Localized Gingival Recessions
Gingival RecessionLocalized4 moreThe primary purpose of this study is to compare the root coverage rate of the gingival unit-shaped connective tissue graft, obtained by intraoral de-epithelization, with the traditional de-epithelialized free gingival graft in localized recessions of anterior and premolar teeth. In addition, it is aimed to compare the postoperative gingival thickness between the two techniques. The secondary aim is to search the effects of both techniques on periodontal parameters and to evaluate patient-centered outcomes.

The Effects of Palatal Pre-sutures in Connective Tıssue Graft Surgery
SutureComplication2 moreConnective tissue graft operation is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures to increase the width of the attached gingiva and to treat gingival recessions. The most preferred donor site during this operation is the palatal mucosa.Reported postoperative complications are usually related to the donor site. Problems such as prolongation of bleeding time, delay in wound healing and severe pain in the palatal region where the graft is taken are frequently encountered. Bleeding control in the palatal donor area is very important for patient comfort. Additional measures may be required to control bleeding, such as sutures with or without hemostatic agents, or acrylic, plastic palatal stents and periodontal pastes prepared before the operation. Suturing the Greater Palatine Artery (GPA) or terminal vessel branches has been shown to be an effective method to control palatal bleeding. Therefore the aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the pre-suture method applied in the palatal region before the connective tissue graft is taken in reducing hemostasis.Pre-suture method can increase the operator's field of vision and operational comfort. Patient-reported outcomes such as the amount of pain and bleeding in the palatal donor area during and after surgery, painkiller intake, number of days of discomfort, satisfaction, quality of life, and willingness to be treated will be evaluated. In addition, it will be evaluated whether this suture technique affects the healing of the half-thickness flap in the palatal region after obtaining a connective tissue graft with a single incision method.

The Use of Coronary Displaced Flap and Deepithelialized Free Graft in the Treatment of Multiple...
Gingival Recession Generalized ModerateSuccessful treatment of multiple gingival recessions (MRG) is a major challenge in periodontal plastic surgery due to complicated predisposing anatomical features of the surrounding tissues, such as a thin gingival phenotype or a limited zone of keratinized gingiva, variations in the depth and width of adjacent gingival recessions, shallow vestibulum and coronally inserted frenums and/or plica.The application of coronary advanced flap (CAF) or tunnel technique (TUN) with connective tissue graft (CTG) gives the best results in the therapy of MRG The application of connective tissue grafts in combination with various surgical techniques is accepted as the "gold standard" in GR therapy. A limitation in the application of CTG is the limited region of the donor site, especially in cases where a larger dimension of the CTG is required, or if the thickness of the hard palate tissue is inadequate. Techniques for obtaining subepithelial CTG (S-CTG), whether it is the trap-door technique or the single incision technique, are often associated with postoperative pain and discomfort, as well as necrosis/dehiscence of the palatal flap at the donor site. In order to overcome these limitations and obtain a firmer and more uniform CTG, especially when the thickness of the palatal tissue is inadequate (≤2.5 mm) and when a large dimension of the graft in the apico-coronary or mesio-distal direction is required, deepithelialization of the free gingival graft has been proposed (D-FGG). D-FGG has also been shown to be less prone to postoperative contraction, as it consists predominantly of collagen-rich connective tissue from the lamina propria, while adipose/glandular tissue is minimally represented. FGG can be deepithelialized intraorally with a diamond bur or diode laser, or extraorally with a scalpel. Despite all the biological advantages of D-FGG, there is scarce evidence in the literature about its histological characteristics after intraoral and extraoral deepithelialization, as well as the clinical outcomes of grafts thus obtained in combination with CAF in the treatment of MGR. Therefore, this aims of the study are to investigate the clinical efficacy and postoperative patient morbidity using D-FGG and modified CAF in the treatment of MGR, as well as to evaluate the histological characteristics of grafts obtained using two different deepithelialization techniques.

The Effect of Free Gingival Graft on Root Closure
Gingival RecessionLack of Keratinized GingivaFree gingival graft is a mucogingival surgical technique applied to increase keratinized gingival width and reduce gingival recession. Free gingival graft is one of the most widely used approaches in root closure treatments and in increasing the height of the keratinized gingiva. Evaluation of the effect of the amount of creeping attachment on the root surface caused by the free gingival grafts placed coronally and apical to the mucogingival line on the gingival recession in the mandibular anterior region with keratinized gingival deficiency with gingival recession. Forty patients with gingival recession and insufficient keratinized gingival height will be randomly divided into 2 main groups as free gingival grafts to be placed coronal and apical to the gingival recession.

Root Coverage Using ADM and Coronally Positioned Tunnel With or Without Enamel Matrix Derivative...
RecessionGingival24 patients will be treated with a coronally positioned tunnel with AlloDerm RTM with or without the addition of Enamel Matrix Derivative to compare the baseline and 6-month changes in recession defect coverage, clinical attachment levels, amount of keratinized tissue width, and soft tissue thickness.

Comparison of Root Coverage Outcomes by NORD Flap Versus Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft in...
Gingival RecessionManagement of GR in the initial stages (when there is no inter proximal attachment and bone loss involved) has better clinical outcomes and reduces the chances of further progression of recession. Surgical treatment of recession involves techniques like pedicle grafts and free soft tissue grafts and their modifications. Sub epithelial connective tissue graft is considered as the gold standard in root coverage techniques. However this procedure involves a second surgical site increasing surgical time, complexity and patient morbidity. So there is a need of a technique which overcomes these limitations, is easier to perform and helps to achieve comparable root coverage with stable results over a long term. Novel overlapping rotated double (NORD) flap is a novel technique which offers a solution to this problem. This may help to achieve greater thickness of gingiva in the region of GR after healing and may reduce the risk of future recession. This technique is being compared with the bilaminar technique utilizing the sub epithelial connective tissue graft at the control sites, both the test and control groups will be treated using a microsurgical approach. If there is no significant difference in the root coverage achieved between the two techniques, this may reduce the need of harvesting connective tissue graft from a second surgical site. This technique is also expected to have better patient reported outcomes and will benefit the patients and operator both. This technique may also help to modify the phenotype of the affected tooth, thus making the results more stable.

Comparison of Two Methods of Covering a Single Lower Front Tooth With Receded Gums
RecessionGingivalThe primary objective of this randomized clinical trial is to compare the mean root coverage achieved with Coronally Advanced Flap (CAF) + Connective Tissue Graft (CTG) (control) to Gingival Pedicle Split Thickness flap (GPST) + CTG (test) for the treatment of isolated gingival recession defects in mandibular incisors. The secondary objectives are to compare the percentage of complete root coverage and keratinized tissue gain between the two techniques.

Evaluation of Sticky Bone With or Without EDTA for Treatment of Gingival Recession
Gingival RecessionGingival recession is a common clinical finding in periodontal disease which is frequently associated with esthetic concerns, root hypersensitivity, and root caries. Many surgical therapeutic approaches have been developed to predictably obtain root coverage of gingival recession defects. Injectable PRF (I-PRF) is the liquid form of PRF. I-PRF is a bioactive agent obtained by low-speed centrifugation, and it has the capacity to stimulate tissue regeneration. At high concentrations, PRF may stimulate the secretion of several growth factors and trigger fibroblast migration. I-PRF is generally used in regenerative treatments, with good outcomes. Ethylenediaminetetraaceti acid (EDTA) is a chelating agent that could enhance the attachment of connective tissue to the root surface by exposing collagen and, as a consequence, enhance root coverage. EDTA works at neutral pH, and this property has been reported to preserve adjacent tissue vitality. The present study will be carried out to evaluate the effect of sticky bone with or without EDTA root surface biomodification for treatment of gingival recession.