
Active clinical trials for "Glaucoma"

Results 1451-1460 of 1636

Evaluation of OCT Measurements

Assess Eye Measurements in Patients Having Retina Pathology or Glaucoma

The purpose of the study is to repeatability, reproducibility and agreement of eye measurements in retina and glaucoma patients.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Analysis of Visual Pathways in Glaucoma Patients Using a 3tesla-MRI

GlaucomaFractional Anisotropy

Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease representing the second cause of blindness worldwide. IOP (Intra occular pressure) is the most common risk factor, but not the only one as it is observed for normal tension glaucoma. Some studies have reported lesions of the optical pathways on MRI examination MRI 3T (Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3 Telsa), by increasing spatial resolution and DTI (diffusion tensor Imaging)with fractional anisotropy could help us to analyze visual pathways and to determine the association with neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer. The investigators propose to compare volume and structure of the visual pathways between glaucoma patients and healthy subjects matched on age and sex. Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of retinal ganglion cells, visual field deterioration and optic nerve cupping. Some studies have suggested that all the visual pathways could be damaged in glaucoma. Recently, a German study proved a significant reduction of volume of the optic radiations in glaucoma versus healthy subjects in MRI 3T. Some authors have also suggested that glaucoma could share similarities with the other neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease. MRI 3T and DTI allow studying visual pathways with a high level of spatial resolution.Fractional anisotropy is a tag of microstructure.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

Comparative Effectiveness of Treatment Strategies for Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

Open Angle Glaucoma

The primary objectives of the study are: To compare the proportion of patients who achieve a successful response to treatment (reduction in Intraocular Pressure (IOP) of >15%) between patients treated with laser surgery (including argon laser trabeculectomy, and selective laser trabeculoplasty) with patients receiving additional medications, at 1-year post-treatment initiation. To compare the proportion of patients who achieve a successful response to treatment (reduction in IOP of >15%) between patients treated with other procedures (including incisional surgery, drainage device procedures, and other glaucoma procedures) with patients receiving additional medications, at 1-year-post-treatment initiation. The study is a prospective, observational cohort study and will not provide or recommend any treatment. Patients who have failed initial medical therapy with two glaucoma medications will be identified and enrolled at the time of scheduling of a laser surgery procedure or other procedure such as incisional surgery or drainage device, or initiation of an additional course of therapy with medication as determined by their physician. This inception cohort of new initiators of laser surgical treatment, other procedures, or additional medical therapy will be followed for 12 months. All decisions regarding treatment are solely at the discretion of the physician in accordance with their usual practice. Enrollment is expected to begin in February 2011 and continue through 12 months of follow-up after enrollment targets have been reached.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Factors Influencing Patient Satisfaction in a Glaucoma Population


To administer a questionnaire to patients seen by Wills Eye Glaucoma Department physicians at Wills Eye Hospital assessing satisfaction with their office visit, vision related quality of life, and related issues. To collect and de-identify information from each participant's medical chart related to their care including information pertaining to demographics, disease severity, and prior and current treatment To assess the correlations between demographic factors, vision related quality of life, eye disease, and treatments with patient satisfaction survey responses.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of the Repeatability and Reproducibility of AngioVue

NormalGlaucoma & Retinal Pathology

The purpose of this study is to assess the repeatability and reproducibility of measurements of the vascular structures and the anatomical structures of the posterior pole of the eye based on AngioVue volume scans in normal subjects, glaucoma patients, and retina patients.

Completed20 enrollment criteria

Comparison of SITA-Standard Compared to SITA-Fast Visual Fields.


This study will compare SITA-Standard and SITA-Fast tests in patients newly referred to the glaucoma screening clinic at the RD&E hospital.

Unknown status2 enrollment criteria

Artificial Intelligence-assissted Glaucoma Evaluation

Artificial IntelligenceGlaucoma

Glaucoma is currently the second leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. Our study intends to combine clinical data of glaucoma patients in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center with Artificial Intelligence techniques to create programs that can screen and diagnose glaucoma.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

The Diagnostic Performance of BMO-MRW and RNFL Thickness and Their Combinational Index Using Artificial...

GlaucomaTomography1 more

This study evaluates the relationship between BMO-MRW and RNFL thickness measured by OCT. SD-OCT exam will be performed to all patients in this study.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Prospective Study of the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of Congenital Glaucoma in France...

Congenital Glaucoma

Evidence of a relationship between age at discovery of congenital glaucoma and visual acuity at 4 years of age. The delay in diagnosis is a factor of poor visual acuity. Will justify the implementation of information programs with health and education professionals in order to improve the functional prognosis of patients with congenital glaucoma.

Unknown status2 enrollment criteria

Comparison Between an Electronic Mobile Device and Optical Coherence Tomography to Determine Cup-to-disc...


This study was a non-inferiority trial with masked data analysis. Individuals ranging from 18 to 60 years from both genders that met the pre-defined criteria were included. This study was carried out in Recife at Clinica Oftalmologica Zona Sul and at Centro de Informatica-UFPE. Using both equipment, 5 vertical cup-to-disc ratio (VCDR) evaluations were performed for each eye of the individuals, under midriatic conditions. Evaluations were done by examiners who did not know previously results obtained from other equipment. Data was collected by the main researcher of this research. This study was approved by the ethics committee before it started and all research members signed the TCLE agreement. The statistical test employed in this study was Pearson Correlation test.

Unknown status7 enrollment criteria

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