
Active clinical trials for "Gonorrhea"

Results 21-30 of 129

A Study to Learn About How Trumenba Vaccine Shots Work Against Gonorrhea Infection in Teenagers...

GonorrheaChlamydia1 more

Brief Summary: The main purpose of the study is to learn about how well Trumenba vaccine shot works against gonorrhea infection. This study looks at data records from a database in the United States. This study includes patient's data from the database who: Are 15-30 years old. Have received at least one dose of Trumenba and a MenACWY vaccine or who have received only MenACWY vaccine. Have enough months of data in the database. This data has already been collected in the past and is being studied between April and June of 2023.

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

Immunisation for Adolescents Against Serious Communicable Diseases (B Part of it NT)

GonorrheaMeningococcal Disease

This study aims to implement a targeted 4CMenB immunisation program in young people aged 14-19 years in the Northern Territory (NT). As part of the NT program consenting 14-19 year olds will receive 2 doses of the licensed 4CMenB vaccine. An oropharyngeal swab will be collected on the same day as the first dose of the vaccine and 12 months later to assess carriage of Neisseria meningitidis. The first swab will assess baseline carriage prevalence among 14-19 year olds in the NT. The swab taken 12 months later will provide data on the change in carriage that may occur after implementation of the immunisation program. Emerging evidence suggests that the 4CMenB vaccine may be protective against gonorrhea. Therefore, vaccine effect (impact and effectiveness) against both invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) and gonorrhea in the NT will be assessed using data from the above study comparing notifications between vaccinated and unvaccinated as well as comparing pre and post implementation periods.

Recruiting6 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Doxycycline Post-exposure Prophylaxis to Reduce Sexually Transmitted Infections in...

GonorrheaChlamydia1 more

The purpose of this study is to understand if taking an antibiotic called doxycycline by mouth as soon as possible after sexual contact without a condom can reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. The study will also look at the safety of doxycycline PEP and the impact that PEP may have on the bacteria that cause STIs as well as on bacteria that normally live on the body. While doxycycline is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), taking doxycycline immediately after sexual contact to prevent infection is investigational and is not approved by the FDA for this use. Participants will take part in the study for 1 year.

Active11 enrollment criteria

Mucosal Immunity Against Neisseria Gonorrhoeae After 4CMenB Vaccination


This is a Phase 2 mechanistic clinical trial to assess the systemic and mucosal immunogenicity of the multicomponent meningococcal serogroup B vaccine (4CMenB or Bexsero (R)) (group 1, 40 subjects) against Neisseria gonorrhoeae, using a placebo vaccine (normal saline) as a comparator (group 2, 10 subjects). There will be approximately 50 participants, ages 18-49, both male and non-pregnant female subjects, enrolled at 1 site in the US. The goal will be to ensure adequate representation of subjects by sex in both treatment groups. The enrollment will be stratified by both sex and treatment arm. During enrollment of the "biopsy cohort" male and non-pregnant female subjects will be randomized 4:1 to either 4CMenB or placebo, up to a maximum of 10 male and 10 non-pregnant female subjects. Group 1 (approximate N=40) will receive two doses of 4CMenB on Day 1 and Day 29. Group 2 (approximate N=10) will receive two placebo injections on Day 1 and Day 29. Both groups will receive a single-dose prefilled syringe that is administered intramuscularly (0.5-mililiter each). The duration of each subject's participation is approximately 8 months, from recruitment through the last study visit, and the length of the study is estimated for 14 months. The primary objective is to characterize the rectal mucosal Immunoglobulin G IgG antibody response to Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) elicited by the 4CMenB vaccine as compared with the placebo vaccine (normal saline) in healthy adult subjects.

Active45 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of EVO100 for Prevention of Urogenital Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae...

Sexually Transmitted DiseasesGonorrhea1 more

This study will evaluate whether EVO100 vaginal gel prevents the sexual transmission of CT and GC infection

Active31 enrollment criteria

Expedited Partner Therapy and the HIV Prevention Cascade

HIV-1-infectionGonorrhea Male2 more

The HIV epidemic in Peru remains concentrated in the subpopulation of men who have sex with men (MSM), where the prevalence of disease has been estimated between 10-22% in recent epidemiologic surveys. Partner-based methods to limit the spread of HIV and STI co-infection, including partner notification and partner treatment, provide an important new strategy for HIV control in the region. Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) has been shown to reduce rates of persistent or recurrent gonorrhea and chlamydia infection in heterosexual patients, but has not been fully evaluated for use among men who have sex with men (MSM). CDC guidelines support the use of EPT for partner management with heterosexual patients, but note the absence of evidence necessary to make an equivalent recommendation for the use of EPT with MSM. Randomized clinical trials to assess the impact of EPT on partner notification, treatment, and STI re-infection among MSM are critical to the development of evidence-based partner management guidelines. As a theoretical model, EPT integrates behavioral, social, and biomedical approaches to HIV/STI control in a comprehensive prevention intervention. Our proposed exploration of the social and behavioral dimensions of partner notification and treatment will provide a methodological structure for understanding the influence of EPT on behavioral decision-making processes, interpersonal factors that influence partner notification, and network patterns of STI transmission within MSM populations in Peru. The proposed study includes a screening protocol to identify eligible MSM subjects for participation in our planned study of the effect of EPT on partner notification, treatment, and linkage to HIV prevention and care services. Potential participants will complete a behavioral survey and undergo physical examination and testing for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. Participants diagnosed with Gonorrhea and/or Chlamydia (at any anatomic site) will be eligible for enrollment in our Partner Management study of EPT and the HIV prevention cascade among MSM in Peru. Participants in the Partner Management study will be randomly assigned to receive either standard of care partner notification counseling or standard counseling along with a maximum of five antibiotic treatment packets to deliver to their recent sexual partners. Participants will be asked to return to the site after 21 days to report on their actual partner notification behavior, with differences in notification evaluated between the two groups. Participants will then work with a study counselor to identify their recent partners and, if the participant agrees, to provide contact information so that the study team can contact these partners. Study staff will either confirm that the partner has already been notified, or provide notification of their likely STI exposure. After informing partners of their STI exposure, staff will ask partners to provide verbal consent to a single question evaluation (whether or not the partner had previously been informed of their exposure) to verify participant-reported behavior. Partners will also be asked to visit the study site to complete a brief survey of their sexual practices and treatment-seeking behavior, as well as to undergo testing for HIV and STIs. All of the above data will be used to construct models of the spread of HIV and STIs in local MSM networks, and the potential effect of EPT on controlling the spread of STIs in this population.

Active5 enrollment criteria

Meatal Swab Yourself With Testing for Infections Collectively


The goal of this study is to improve the accuracy of chlamydia multi-site testing in men who have sex with men (MSM) and trans-women, whilst saving diagnostic costs, by comparing two new pooling methods with the 3-samples tested separately to assess the diagnostic accuracy of pooled specimens for lymphogranuloma venereum detection (LGV) - a type of chlamydia infection Chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing for MSM and trans-women usually involves 3 samples from the throat, bum and wee-pipe. The tests can be combined into a single sample pot (pooled sample) which reduces costs, but in a previous study this reduced the accuracy for finding chlamydia. The main question for this study is: Can the accuracy of chlamydia testing in a pooled sample be improved by reducing the amount of urine added to minimise dilution, or by using a meatal sample instead of a urine sample? Participants will be asked to complete two sets of their own throat and bum samples, and then combine these into two pooled samples with 1)a meatal swab and 2)a smaller amount of first catch urine. The order of these samples will be randomised. These samples will be compared against separate samples taken at the same visit, to see how accurate the pooled samples are at diagnosing chlamydia and gonorrhoea with the different sampling techniques.

Not yet recruiting2 enrollment criteria

Extraordinarily Fun Training Project in Compulsory Secondary Education - Sexually Transmitted Infections...

Chlamydia InfectionsGonorrhea4 more

Project FEDE-ITS will improve the STI knowledge and its treatment, of adolescents in the 1st and 2nd year of compulsory secondary education in the intervention group compared to compared to the control group, and will modify the sexual risk practices and the perception of risky practices of alcohol and other drug use during sex of participants in the intervention group compared to the control group.

Not yet recruiting7 enrollment criteria

Vienna HIV Infection Via Sex Study

HIV InfectionsHIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis4 more

The main objective of this prospective observational cohort study is to investigate the epidemiology, the risk factors and ultimately the incidence of novel HIV infections among individuals at high risk for acquiring HIV via sex practices.

Recruiting4 enrollment criteria

The Antibiotic Guardian Study- Clinical Evaluation of a Novel, Rapid Diagnostic for Gonorrhoea and...

Sexually Transmitted DiseasesBacterial1 more

Primary research question: Are novel molecular tests for rapid detection of Mycoplasma and Gonorrhoea infections and antimicrobial resistance sensitive and specific in symptomatic patients attending a sexual health clinic? Secondary research question: Are novel molecular tests for detection of antimicrobial resistance in Mycoplasma and Gonorrhoea infections more accurate than standard laboratory culture techniques?

Recruiting16 enrollment criteria

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