Open-Label, Dose-Finding, Pharmacokinetics, Safety and Tolerability Study of Oritavancin in Pediatric...
Gram Positive Bacterial InfectionsThe purpose of this Phase 1 trial is to evaluate the pharmacokinetics, safety and tolerability of oritavancin in patients <18 years old with a confirmed or suspected bacterial infection.

Clinical Decision Support Tool for Vancomycin Dosing in Children
Gram-Positive Bacterial InfectionsVancomycin2 moreThis study will evaluate the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic dosing properties of intravenous vancomycin in pediatric patients using a novel computer decision support (CDS) tool called Lyv. Dosing will be individualized based on AUC24/MIC. The results will be compared to matched historical controls.

Evaluating Newly Approved Drugs in Combination Regimens for Multidrug-Resistant TB With Fluoroquinolone...
TuberculosisMultidrug-Resistant5 moreendTB-Q Clinical Trial is a Phase III, randomized, controlled, open-label, non-inferiority, multi-country trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of two new, all-oral, shortened regimens for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) with fluoroquinolone resistance.

A Study of Ceftobiprole in Patients With Fever and Neutropenia.
FeverNeutropenia2 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the safety and efficacy of ceftobiprole versus a comparator in patients with fever and neutropenia

Substance Use Disorder (SUD)-Associated Infections' Treatment With Dalbavancin ENabling OUtpatient...
Gram-Positive Bacterial InfectionsGram-Positive Bacteraemia2 moreThe Investigators aim to study the outcomes of serious infections due to vancomycin susceptible infections in gram-positive organisms susceptible to vancomycin in people who use drugs (PWUD). The Investigators hypothesize, that a simplified 2-dose dalbavancin regimen, will improve compliance with antimicrobial therapy and that it may facilitate engagement in the treatment of the underlying substance use disorder, and particularly injection drug use - often the true etiology behind these severe infections.

Open-label, Multiple-dose, Phase III Study of the Population Pharmacokinetics of I.V. Synercid in...
Gram-Positive Bacterial InfectionsOpen-label, multicenter, multiple-dose, study of population pharmacokinetics of I.V. Synercid (7.5 mg/kg every 8 hours) in 75 pediatric patients. The purpose is to assess the population pharmacokinetics of Synercid in pediatric patients and to collect additional safety and efficacy data in pediatric patients.

Linezolid in the Treatment of Hemodialysis Patients With Catheter-Related Gram-Positive Bloodstream...
BacteremiaGram-Positive Bacterial InfectionsThis study will treat hemodialysis patients who have a central catheter that is thought to be infected with a specific bacteria (Gram positive bacteria).

Daptomycin for the Treatment of Infections Due to Gram-Positive Bacteria
Gram-Positive Bacterial InfectionsThe purpose of this study is to provide daptomycin, an antibiotic, to patients who are failing conventional therapy, or who cannot take approved antibiotics for one reason or another.

New Antibiotic to Treat Patients With Community-acquired Pneumonia Due to a Specific Bacteria (S....
PneumoniaPneumococcal2 moreThis study will treat patients who have a community-acquired pneumonia that is due to a specific bacteria (S. pneumoniae)

A Study of Oral and Intravenous (IV) Tedizolid Phosphate in Hospitalized Participants, Ages 2 to...
Gram-Positive Bacterial InfectionsThis is a study to assess the pharmacokinetics (PK) of tedizolid phosphate and its active metabolite, tedizolid, and the safety of tedizolid phosphate following administration of a single IV (Part A) or oral suspension (Part B) administration to hospitalized participants ages 6 to <12 years (Groups 1 and 3, respectively), and 2 to <6 years (Groups 2 and 4, respectively).