Microbial Resistance of Rifaximin in Hepatic Encephalopathy
Hepatic EncephalopathyAims and Objectives: To determine the safety and efficacy of rifaximin plus lactulose as secondary prophylaxis of HE compared to lactulose alone. To evaluate the effect of long-term administration of rifaximin on development of resistant mutants and investigating its correlation with its efficacy. Methods: An open label parallel, prospective interventional study was conducted. One hundred patients experienced at least one attack of hepatic encephalopathy were included in the study. Patients were randomly allocated either to receive rifaximin plus lactulose or lactulose alone for 6 months. Conn score, Model of End stage Liver Disease (MELD) score, asterixis grade, complete blood count (CBC), liver function tests, kidney function tests, urine and stool analysis and abdominal ultrasonography were compared in both groups. The primary efficacy endpoint was the time to the first breakthrough. The secondary efficacy endpoint was the time to the first hospitalization involving HE. Safety assessment was done by reporting any adverse events, serious adverse events and by repeating biochemical evaluation every 2 weeks. Determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of rifaximin for lactose fermenter isolates was done for the entire patients before starting treatment and at the end of treatment.

Effects of Proteins in Patients With Cirrhosis and Prior Hepatic Encephalopathy
Hepatic EncephalopathyThe purpose of this study is to compare a normal-protein diet containing branched-chain amino acids to a low-protein diet in patients with non-terminal cirrhosis (MELD < 25) who have developed an episode of hepatic encephalopathy within two months prior to inclusion.

Effect of Midodrine and Albumine in the Prevention of Complications in Cirrhotic Patients Awaiting...
Renal FailureHyponatremia3 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of prolonged administration of albumin and midodrine on the prevention of complications (renal failure, sepsis, hemorrhage, hepatic encephalopathy and hyponatremia) in patients with cirrhosis in the waiting list for liver transplantation. One hundred and ninety four patients with cirrhosis and awaiting a liver transplantation will include in the study. Patients will be randomized to receive albumin and midodrine (treatment group) or administration of placebo (saline for albumine) and tablets with excipients without midodrine (control group). Patients will be followed-up during 12th months. In the treatment group albumin will be given at a dose of 40g every 15 days and midodrine 5mg tid, in addition with lactitol (conventional doses) and the specific treatment that patients require by cirrhosis. The group control will receive placebo in the same way than the treatment group in addition with lactitol and the specific treatment that they require by their disease. In all the patients liver and renal function test, hormones determination (renin, aldosterone, noradrenaline), and cytokines will be determined in basal conditions. All these determinations will be repeated at month 1st,3rd, 6th and 12th months. Before the inclusion in the study neuropsychological test and critical flicker test will be performed to diagnose minimum EH. These tests will be repeated at 3rd, 6th and 12th months. All the determinations will be repeated at any time that the patients develop any complication considered as an end point. In baseline conditions and at 3rd and 6th months a questionnaire of quality of life (SF36) will be performed. During a year of follow-up the number of paracentesis that patients require, the incidence of renal failure and EH and their relationship with hormonal activity and cytokine levels, free transplant survival and quality of life will be recorded.

Brain Imaging in Patients With Chronic Liver Disease and Functional Impairment.
CirrhosisHepatic EncephalopathyHepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a frequent complication of chronic liver disease (cirrhosis) and involves a wide spectrum of problems from mild impairment of reaction times in driving and operating machinery through to disturbances in mood, behaviour and conscious levels. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method of obtaining pictures of the inside of the body. Patients with liver disease have previously been studied with MRI which has highlighted changes in the brain. This research aims to highlight some of the differences in the way that the brain functions in patients with liver disease. Using our new, more powerful MRI scanner, with more sophisticated techniques we hope that the novel combination of MRI techniques can objectively detect the presence of , and monitor HE. Study hypothesis: Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a reversible, metabolic disturbance of the brain, associated with low grade brain swelling and disturbances of the chemical balance within the brain, resulting in functional impairment, the presence of which MR imaging can detect with sufficient sensitivity to monitor the changes that may occur over time in response to treatment.

To Assess Efficacy of Nutritional Therapy in Secondary Prophylaxis of Hepatic Encephalopathy Versus...
Liver CirrhosisThe study will be conducted on patients attending /admitted to Department of Hepatology from April 2017 to December 2018 at ILBS, New Delhi . Clinical, anthropometric and biochemical assessment will be done by candidate, co-supervisors and supervisor. Patients in treatment group will receive nutritional therapy in the form of 30-kcal/kg/day and 1.5gm/kg/day protein with supplements. Other patients will continue diet that they were receiving before along with lactulose. Previous treatment and prophylaxis of variceal bleed any (endoscopic variceal ligation or beta blocker) will be continued as before. All subjects will be followed up every month for treatment compliance and for development of any complications.

Lactulose, L-ornithine L-aspartate, or Rifaximin Versus Placebo for Preventing Hepatic Encephalopathy...
Hepatic EncephalopathyThe aim of this study is to determine whether lactulose, L-ornithine L-aspartate, and rifaximin are effective in the prevention of the development of hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients with acute variceal bleeding

Characterization of Metabolomic Fingerprints in Patients With Acute Liver Failure and Acute-on-chronic...
Hepatic EncephalopathyAcute Liver Failure1 moreHepatic encephalopathy is a frequent complication of both acute liver failure (ALF) and acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) and could be responsible among other neurological complications of residual impairment after liver transplantation. Specific metabolomic studies have shed light into pathophysiology. Nevertheless, whether HE metabolomic fingerprints differ between HE in ALF and HE in ACLF and their evolution after liver transplantation (LT) is unknown. The aim of our study is to analyse the metabolomic fingerprint in plasma of 2 different groups of patients before and after LT: hospitalized patients with ALF and HE hospitalized patients with ACLF and HE We will analyse metabolomic results to explore if there is any difference in metabolomic fingerprints between these 2 groups and if LT modify the metabolomic fingerprint in plasma in these 2 groups and in the same way. We will collect blood samples in these 2 groups on the day of HE occurring and then on day 1, day 7 and day 30 (+/- 2 days) after LT. We aim to enroll 10 patients in ALF group and 20 patients in ACLF group. Inclusion criteria are defined as age > 18 years, patient presenting with ALF (Synthetic liver failure (INR > 1.5) with hepatic encephalopathy (grade 1-4 of West-Haven classification), without pre-existing hepatopathy, HE beginning within <26 weeks) or ACLF (≥ grade 1 from CANONIC criteria), and clinical HE (grade 1-4 of West-Haven classification) on the day of enrolment. Exclusion criteria are defined as age < 18 years, absence of HE, LT without pre-existing HE, patients who already undergone a LT, legally protected person. An EDTA blood sample will be collected, centrifuged and frozen on the day of enrolment, then on day 1, day 7 and day 30 (+/- 2 days) after LT. Metabolomic analyses will be performed by different techniques but especially with high resolution liquid phase mass spectrometry in collaboration with CEA. Statistical analyses will be both univariate (Mann-Whitney or Wilcoxon tests) and multivariate (with a classical and adapted method for metabolomic studies: Partial Least-Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA)). We expect to identify different metabolomic fingerprints between HE in both ALF and ACLF patients as well as different kinetics for symptoms resolution after LT. The long-term objective is to target the specific metabolic pathways for each group in order to allow development of new targeted drugs against HE in these 2 different conditions.

High Volume Plasmapheresis for Refractory Hepatic Encephalopathy in Liver Intensive Care Unit.
Refractory Hepatic EncephalopathyStudy Design- Randomized Controlled trial Duration of enrolment-Feb-2016 to December 2017 Sample size-120 patients Methodology We will include consecutive with advanced hepatic encephalopathy not responding to treatment of precipitants and on treatment with Lactulose and Rifaximin for 48 hours . Two groups will be divided. One arm -Lactulose and Rifaximin will be continued Second Arm - Plasmapheresis will be added to the standard medical care therapy.(Maximum of 3 sessions once in 24 hours/or alternate days with an follow up for 5 days)

Effects of Branched-Chain Amino Acids on Muscle Ammonia Metabolism in Patients With Cirrhosis and...
Liver DiseasesHepatic Encephalopathy1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether Branched chain Amino Acids enhances the uptake of ammonia in muscle tissue.

Oral Acetyl-L-Carnitine Therapy Reduces Fatigue In Hepatic Encephalopathy
Hepatic EncephalopathyThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of exogenous ALC on the both physical and mental fatigue in mild and moderate encephalopatic patients.