Stronger at Home: Improving Outcomes for Older Adults After Hip Fracture
Hip FracturesThe goal of this clinical trial is to compare the effectiveness of a new 14-week individually-tailored home-based rehabilitation program called "Stronger at Home" with usual care in improving functional recovery in community-dwelling older adults after hip fractures. The main question this trial aims to answer are: • Is the Stronger at Home program more effective than usual care in improving functional recovery at the end of the 14-week intervention? secondary questions include: What is the cost-utility of the Stronger at Home program compared to usual care at 3.5 months, 6 months, and 12 months after discharge? Does the program have a sustained impact on functional recovery at 6 months and 12 months post-discharge? Participants in the trial will be asked to engage in the following tasks: Participate in the Stronger at Home program, which includes using a self-directed toolkit consisting of educational resources and an illustrated exercise program. Follow the guidelines provided in the toolkit for gradually increasing exercise intensity and incorporating different types of exercises into their daily life. The effects of the Stronger at Home program will be compared to those of usual care.

Emergency Physician-performed Ultrasound-guided Femoral Nerve Blocks in Patients With Hip Fractures....
Hip FracturesIn this prospective study, emergency physicians perform ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block for patients with hip fractures. We compare the effectiveness of analgesia and patient satisfaction of ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block with liberal use of the pain medication in the emergency department. The primary outcome is the assessment of time to relief the pain with fewer adverse effects and less rescue pain medication use. The secondary outcome is patient satisfaction with pain management.

Comparison of the Effects of Pericapsular Nerve Group (PENG), Suprainguinal Fascia Iliaca Compartment...
Hip FracturesPain Management3 moreHip fracture is a common cause of surgery, especially in elderly patients. Unilateral spinal anesthesia in hip fracture surgery can prevent the undesirable effects of spinal anesthesia due to sympathetic blockade. However, severe pain in hip fracture patients limits the positioning required for unilateral spinal anesthesia. The sedation and analgesia required to position patients with fractured hip remains inferior may cause respiratory depression, hemodynamic instability or postoperative cognitive impairment, especially in elderly patients. Lower extremity peripheral blocks can be used preoperatively to minimize the use of sedatives that may be required during positioning and to provide effective and safe analgesia.

Iron Supplementation for Geriatric Hip Fractures
Hip FracturesFragility Fracture1 moreGeriatric hip fracture is an important disease that affects the health life of the elderly in China. Geriatric hip fracture is often complicated by a variety of comorbidities due to advanced age. And anemia is a common comorbidity. At present perioperative management of geriatric hip fracture, transfusion is only indicated for moderate and severe anemia, while no special medical intervention for mild anemia in China. More and more studies have found that iron can not only correct anemia, but also improve cardiac function, patients' quality of life and function. This study investigated the effect of perioperative iron supplementation on activity tolerance in elderly patients with hip fracture complicated with iron deficiency anemia. The study was a randomized, parallel controlled clinical study. Due to the requirements of the ethics committee, the unblinded setting was cancelled due to ethical considerations. Research will be grouped according to whether to accept iron supplementation treatment, are divided into 2 groups, respectively, iron treatment group and the traditional method. The method of randomization was stratified block randomization. The experimental group added to the intravenous iron sucrose during perioperative period according to the degree of iron deficiency. If there is still a iron deficiency or anemia at discharge, oral ferrous lactate is added after discharge. The outcomes include 6-minute walk distance, Harris score, EQ-5D score six months after surgery, perioperative blood transfusion rate, and so on in the two groups.

PENG Block vs Fascia Iliaca Block for Emergency Department Analgesia in Hip Fractures
Hip FracturesPain management is a crucial aspect of the care of hip fracture patients. Patients with poorly controlled pain have an increased risk of delirium, long-term functional impairment, and remain hospitalized longer. Today, to relieve hip fracture pain, fascia iliaca block is routinely performed in the emergency department in addition to other pain medications administered by vein or by mouth. Several studies have questioned the analgesic efficacy of this block, suggesting the superiority of the newer PENG block. The purpose of this multicenter, randomized study is to compare the analgesic efficacy of PENG block versus fascia iliaca block, hypothesizing the superiority of the new approach over the gold standard. Participants will be blindly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to the study or control group, recruited from the Emergency Departments of IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo and Colchester Hospital (UK). The main outcome is represented by the reduction of pain after the two blocks, measured as %SPID (percentage of "pain intensity difference"), a value derived from VAS scale measurements in the first hour post-procedure. Secondly, we will evaluate the proportion of patients with satisfactory pain control, the amount of opioids used and the safety profile of the two approaches.

Titanium Fusion Implant in Combination With Trans-iliac Screws for Insufficiency Fractures of the...
Pelvic FractureInsufficiency Fractures1 moreMany approaches to the surgical treatment of OF-P have been tried, but no one method has stood out as particularly successful. The placement of three implants, including implants that could minimise motion in the sacroiliac joint through early fixation and long-term fusion of the sacroiliac joint, can prevent micromotion in the fracture and thereby improve the clinical outcome of OF-Ps. The iFuse-3D implant was shown to be safe and effective for chronic sacroiliac pain in non-osteoporotic patients. The primary aim is to assess the proportion of patients operated on using iFuse-3D in conjunction with transiliac-transsacral screws who regain pre-fracture mobility by the time of hospital discharge.

Geriatric Hip Fractures Caregiver Programme
Geriatric Hip FractureObjective: To study whether fracture hip patients can be benefited from the empowerment program Hypothesis to be tested Primary hypothesis: empowerment program can improve the patient's functional recovery. Secondary hypothesis: the program can improve readmission rate, length of stay, and secondary fracture. Design and subjects This is a prospective randomised controlled trial and subjects are fracture hip patients Instruments Ipads are needed to show the videos of the rehabilitation program Interventions The empowerment program consists of three main areas which directly correspond to the contents that the patients and caregivers expressed as most needed in interviews conducted by the investigators during hip fracture patients' follow up: Knowledge of the disease Confidence and skills in self-care management Support in the post-discharge period Main outcome measures Primary outcomes: Functional scores (Modified Barthel Index and EQ-5D-5L) at the first follow-up visit (3 months postop). Timed-up-and-go test at follow-up at 6 months and 1 year. Secondary outcome: Cumulative readmission rates at 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year The length of stay in the convalescent hospital Subsequent injury with fractures within 1 year Data analysis Chi-square test is used for categorical variables. For continuous variables, the normal distribution is determined by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Independent t-test is used for comparing average values of normally distributed continuous variables, while the Wilcoxon rank sum test is used for comparing median values of abnormally distributed variables. Binary logistic regression is used to determine predictive factors for outcomes. Multivariate analysis is performed to verify independent predictive factors for outcomes. Expected results Fracture hip patients can be benefited from the empowerment program.

Iliopsoas Plane Block vs PENG Block for Hip Arthroplasty
Hip FracturesHip Injuries1 moreHip arthroplasty is one of the most common orthopedic procedures especially in elderly patients due to deformation of joints. Patients may complain of severe pain due to surgical trauma and prosthesis. Regional anesthesia methods may be performed to reduce opioid consumption and opioid-related side effects. The hip joint consists of the femoral head and the acetabulum. Sensory innervation of the hip joint is provided by the femoral nerve, obturator nerve, articular branches of the sciatic nerve, and superior gluteal nerve. Because of the increasing use of ultrasound (US) in anesthesia practice, US-guided nerve blocks are widely used. Pericapsular nerve group block (PENG block) is a novel fascial block defined by Arango et al. This block aims to block the femoral nerve and the accessory obturator nerve by injecting local anesthetic between the pubic ramus and the psoas tendon. The iliopsoas plane block (IPB) is a new block defined by Nielsen et al. It does not cause a motor block, but selectively blocks the sensory branches of the hip joint originating from the accessory obturator nerve and the femoral nerve. This prospective study compares the efficacy of PENG block and IPB for postoperative analgesia management in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty with a prosthesis.

Conservative or Operative Therapy in Patients With a Fragility Fracture of the Pelvis
Pelvic FractureIn our society the population consists of more elderly patients. Medical treatment needs to be adjusted to this patient group. This research project focusses on patients with a fragility fracture of the pelvis. This results from a minor trauma and can cause a long immobilization period because of severe pain. For FFP type II b and II c there is no consensus on the best treatment option. Either a surgical minimal invasive sacroiliac osteosynthesis or conservative treatment is a possibility. Of course, both treatment options have pros and cons. This research project will randomize all patients with a FFP IIb or IIc fracture in either surgical or conservative treatment. These treatments will be evaluated at the follow-ups, 4 weeks, 4 months and 1 year after trauma. This will be evaluated with the DEMMI, Accelerometer, EQ-5D (EuroQol Quality of Live Questionnaire), radiological results, range of motion, pain-levels and reporting any postoperative complications or adverse events. Patient will be included over a period of 18 months and will be followed for at least a year. This research project aim to answer the question which treatment option for FFP type IIb and IIc is the most adequate.

Feasibility of High Density Sit-to-stand Functional Resistance Training in Patients With Hip Fracture...
Hip FracturesSarcopenia1 moreThe objective of this study is to examine if functional high-density, high-volume chair rise training is feasible for increasing lower extremity strength without causing excessive hip pain during execution in patients with hip fracture following a municipality -based outpatient rehabilitation program. Feasibility criteria is defined as: 1) hip fracture-related pain might increase during the exercise programme, but not persistent after each session. 2) adherence to the program must be 75% or more. 3) Less than 20% drop-outs due to pain and/or discomfort during training.