Rec-LH PD and Safety Profile in Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism Men
Acquired Hypogonadotropic HypogonadismObjectives: The overall clinical question is whether LH supplementation to men in indication for FSH according to the AIFA note 74, or with HH, will improve spermatogenesis and pregnancy rate (spontaneous or after ART) over FSH alone or FSH+hCG. However, since LH has never been used in men so far, the first, specific object of this study is the assessment of pharmacodynamics and safety profile of LH in HH men. To this end, this study will evaluate the pharmacodynamics and safety profile of recombinant LH (Luveris) and compare the response to Luveris and urinary hCG (Gonasi HP) in HH men. The pharmacodynamics will be assessed primarily for testosterone levels in response to increasing doses of LH and the comparison of the response to a fix dose of hCG, and later for more extend steroid profile. Methods: Multicentre longitudinal, interventional, randomized, open-label, phase II, clinical trial, assessing pharmacodynamics of LH in acquired HH men. The statistical hypothesis is non-inferiority of the highest LH dose employed compared to a fix hCG dose. Primary endpoint: serum testosterone levels evaluated by liquid-chromatography, tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Secondary endpoints: Safety and tolerability as determined by AE reporting, vital signs, and ECG, stereognosis (inhibin B, free testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), estradiol, whole steroid profile provided by LC-MS/MS) and testicular volume. Patients: 32 men with acquired HH, including HH after neurosurgery for tumours or HH due to pituitary adenoma-related mass effect. Patients will be randomized (1:1) according to a permuted- blocks randomization list, to the study group, treated with Luveris (increasing doses at two weekly intervals), or to the control group treated with Gonasi HP (2000 IU twice/week). In the study group, increasing LH dosages will be administered to obtain a testosterone dose-response curve, starting with the minimum expected efficient dose (75 IU/d, sc) for two weeks followed by 150, 225 and 300 IU at two-weekly interval, respectively. The control group will be treated by the standard approach, i.e. hCG 2000 IU IM twice-weekly for 8 weeks. Patients will be further followed up for 4 weeks after treatment withdrawal. During the study, the patients will be evaluated two times per week during the treatment phase and every two weeks in the follow-up phase.

Prolonged Pulsatile Kisspeptin Administration in Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Hypogonadotropic HypogonadismThe goal of this study is to develop novel treatments for patients with a condition called hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) through the use of exogenous kisspeptin.

A Study to Monitor Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Hypogonadal Men Treated With Nasal Testosterone...
HypogonadismThe purpose of this study is to assess the change in 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) between baseline (Day 0) and Day 120 following 4 months of testosterone therapy with Natesto.

Natesto Spermatogenesis Reboot
HypogonadismMaleThis is a prospective, non-blinded study of hypogonadal men with a history of testosterone therapy who became azoospermic or severely oligospermic and wish to avoid symptoms of hypogonadism during their recovery of spermatogenesis in an effort to establish paternity. The study will determine if Natesto can alleviate hypogonadal symptoms while preserving the recovery of spermatogenesis

Pain Alleviation With Testosterone in Opioid-Induced Hypogonadism
Opioid UsePain2 moreThe aim of this trial is to evaluate whether testosterone replacement results in greater improvement in pain perception, pain tolerance, sexual function, fatigue, and quality of life when compared with placebo in men with chronic back pain treated with opioids who have opioid-induced hypogonadism (low testosterone).

Opioid Antagonism in Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Hypogonadotropic HypogonadismThe goal of this study is to evaluate the effects of opioid antagonists on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in subjects with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH).

Effects of Testosterone Undecanoate vs Placebo on Intrahepatic Fat Content in Overweight/Obese Men...
Fatty LiverOverweight/Obesity3 moreThe epidemics of obesity, MeTSy, T2DM and CVD are increasing worldwide. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is becoming recognized as a condition possibly involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases. The prevailing hypothesis for NAFLD pathogenesis is the 'two-hit' model, with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia playing essential roles, which have a plethora of effects on hepatic lipid metabolism and can lead to accumulation of triglycerides in hepatocytes. Accepted treatment for NAFLD is lifestyle modifications. Sex hormones might be relevant in T2DM development and treatment. Low testosterone (T) has deteriorating effects on glucose levels, and aggravates in obesity as aromatization of T is enhanced. T deficiency is related to increases of visceral fat accumulation and associated with development of NAFLD. T replacement might be a successful way in hypogonadism to treat obesity and counteract progression of MEtSy,T2DM or CVD driven by visceral fat accumulation or NAFLD. Primary Objective To investigate the effects on hepatic lipid content reduction of a therapy with Testosterone undecanoate 1000mg compared to placebo given for 52 weeks in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypogonadism.

Kisspeptin Administration in the Adult
Hypogonadotropic HypogonadismKallmann Syndrome4 moreThe goal of this study is to learn about the role of kisspeptin in the reproductive system. Kisspeptin is a naturally occurring hormone in humans that causes the release of other hormones, including gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in the body.

Locomotor Training With Testosterone to Promote Bone and Muscle Health After Spinal Cord Injury...
Spinal Cord InjurySpinal Cord Injuries24 moreThis pilot study will determine the feasibility of implementing a combinatory rehabilitation strategy involving testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with locomotor training (LT; walking on a treadmill with assistance and overground walking) in men with testosterone deficiency and walking dysfunction after incomplete or complete spinal cord injury. The investigators hypothesize that LT+TRT treatment will improve muscle size and bone mineral density in men with low T and ambulatory dysfunction after incomplete or complete SCI, along with muscle fundtion and walking recovery in men with T low and ambulatory dysfunction ater incomplete SCI.

Improving Cancer-related Fatigue, Sexual Dysfunction and Quality of Life in Older Men With Cancer...
HypogonadismMale2 moreThis is a large randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine the efficacy of testosterone replacement on cancer-related fatigue in older men with incurable cancer who report fatigue and have low testosterone levels.