Early Versus Conventional Cessation of Hydrocortisone in Septic Shock
Septic ShockAdverse Event5 moreSeptic shock is one of the causes of death in ICU and hospital. Refractory shock is the problem which healthcare providers should recognize though it is difficult to handle with. The corticosteroid called hydrocortisone is one of the treatment in refractory septic shock which requires vasopressor to maintain blood pressure. In recovery phase of septic shock and weaning off vasopressor, there is no definite way to taper off hydrocortisone.

Efficacy and Safety of Rapid Intermittent Correction Compared With Slow Continuous Correction in...
HypernatremiaThis study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of rapid intermittent correction and slow correction with an electrolyte-free solution in patients with severe hypernatremia (glucose-corrected serum sodium, ≥ 155 mmol/L).

Racial Differences in Serum Sodium and Blood Pressure Regulation
Sodium ExcessRacial Disparities2 moreNearly nine-in-ten Americans overconsume salt. Black individuals are more prone to salt-sensitive hypertension. The central goal of the study is to determine if dietary sodium influences blood vessel function and nervous system regulation of blood pressure differentially in black, compared to white individuals. These findings may help to explain why high dietary salt causes increases in blood pressure more frequently in black, compared to white individuals. A secondary goal of this project is to also determine the role of lifestyle factors (i.e., sleep, physical activity, and nutrition) on potential baseline racial differences in cardiovascular function.

Cardiac Tissue Sodium Assessment in CKD Patients Using Sodium MRI
Chronic Kidney DiseasesDialysis; Complications1 moreChronic kidney disease (CKD) is prevalent worldwide and affects around 10% of people living in developed health economies. As the kidney loses its function in patients with CKD, the kidneys are unable to filter toxins out of the blood as efficiently as those of healthy individuals. Arguably, sodium (salt) is the most relevant toxin in CKD and can build up in the kidneys of patients with CKD. Salt build-up has also been found to occur in the heart muscle tissue and could drive the development of scarring of the heart muscle tissue which contributes to heart failure. Using sodium magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we would like to measure the levels of salt in the heart muscle tissue. We will examine whether the heart muscle tissue has high salt levels, and if so, whether this relates to any heart defects. A conventional proton MRI will be done to measure heart function. The MRI images of healthy volunteers, CKD patients, and those on hemodialysis will be analyzed for levels of salt and the findings will then be compared to the cardiac biomarkers (proteins or enzymes that are released into the blood when the heart is damaged or stressed) and fibrosis (scarring) measured from each patient's proton MRI images to establish a possible correlation. This research has the potential to precede additional studies that may investigate the effect of diuretics (a drug that increases the production of urine) on the heart muscle tissue of CKD patients. Using sodium magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), it is possible to measure the sodium content in the cardiac tissue of patients with kidney disease. In this research study, it will be investigated whether the elevated levels of sodium in patients with kidney disease is also present in their hearts, and if so, whether this relates to cardiac abnormalities. Cardiac sodium MRI images of healthy volunteers, hemodialysis patients, and CKD patients will be analyzed for sodium content. This sodium information will then be compared to the biomarkers of cardiac function and fibrosis measured from each patient's proton MRI images in order to establish a possible correlation. This research has the potential to precede additional studies that may investigate the effect of diuretics on the cardiac tissue of kidney disease patients.

Plasma Sodium and Sodium Administration in the ICU
HypernatremiaHyponatremia1 morePatients in the Intensive Care Unit often present with low levels of plasma sodium and are therefore often administered high amounts of sodium, both as an additive to intravenous glucose solutions and as a constituent of various drugs and infusion fluids. Recent findings question the benefit of these large quantities of sodium and raise the question whether the individual physician takes the total sodium administration into account when sodium additives are prescribed. It can also be suspected that sodium prescription differs significantly between physicians.

Correction of Hypernatremia by Intravenous Hypotonic Solution Compared to Enteral Water
HypernatremiaHypernatremia, defined as an elevation of serum sodium >145 mEq/L, is one of the most common electrolyte disturbances in hospitalized patients and intensive care units. In this study, the investigator aims, for the first time, to compare two strategies used for the correction of hypernatremia, using intravenous hypotonic solution compared to naso- or orogastric tube enteral water.

Increasing Vegetable Intake Using Monosodium Glutamate: A Reduced-Effort Intervention
Healthy NutritionCulinary Medicine1 moreFood Intake Study: This will be a 4-week randomized controlled intervention study with a vegetable intake questionnaire, daily food intake, and seasoning usage measurement to test the acceptability of different seasoning ingredients and vegetable intake in healthy adults. Participants will be randomly assigned to one of three groups (a) vegetables prepared with MSG to replace some of the NaCl content (MSG group); (b) vegetables prepared with only NaCl (NaCl group); (c) vegetables prepared with potassium chloride to replace some of the NaCl content (KCl group). Sensory Evaluation Study: A sensory evaluation utilizing all seasoning methods from the intervention will be conducted at a Texas Tech University culinary education lab. In a Texas Tech University culinary education lab, 2-4 vegetables will be cooked and seasoned with either MSG, NaCl, or KCI for taste testing. Then, using a standardized form, participants will rate their acceptability and preference of each vegetable, including sensory characteristics such as appearance, color, odor, texture, and flavor.

A Short, Animated Storytelling Video to Increase Knowledge About Sodium Intake as a Cardiovascular...
Sodium ExcessCardiovascular Risk Factor3 moreThis study will evaluate the effect of a short, animated storytelling intervention video on sodium intake as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease on immediate and medium-term retention of knowledge about the risks of cardiovascular diesaes due to increased sodium intake. We will also measure voluntary engagement with the content of the short, animated storytelling intervention video on positive psychological capital. In this 4-armed, parallel, randomized controlled trial, 10,000 adult, US participants will be randomly assigned to (1) a short, animated storytelling intervention video on sodium as a cardiovascular disease risk factor followed by surveys assessing the facts om sodium and cardiovascular disease conveyed in the video (2) the surveys only, (3) an attention placebo control video followed by the before mentioned surveys, and (4) an arm that is exposed to neither the video nor the surveys. Two weeks later, participants in all four arms will complete all of the surveys. The primary outcome is knowledge about the cardiovascular disease risk associated with increased sodium intake (immediate and medium-term). The major scondary outcome is the extent of voluntary engagement with the short, animated storytelling video content.

Treatment of Sodium Retention in Liver Cirrhosis With Dexamethasone
Liver CirrhosisAccumulation of salt and water in patients with liver disease (so called liver cirrhosis) is possibly related to the increased effect of steroid hormones on salt reabsorption in the kidney. By reducing overall steroid production with the dexamethasone the accumulation of salt and water could be prevented.

Amiloride in Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic SyndromeEdema1 moreThe AMILOR study compares treatment of edema in nephrotic syndrome with Amiloride vs. Furosemide.