A Study of Patients With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension Who Were Insufficiently...
GlaucomaOpen-Angle1 moreThis is a retrospective chart review and will assess changes in IOP after treatment with any fixed combination in patients who previously received monotherapy.

A Study of Lumigan® in Patients With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) or Ocular Hypertension (OHT)...
GlaucomaOpen-Angle1 moreThis is an observational study of Lumigan® 0.01% (bimatoprost) treatment in clinical practice for patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) or Ocular Hypertension (OHT).

Aerobic Training in Pregnant Women With Gestational Diabetes and Chronic Hypertension
PregnancyGestational Diabetes Mellitus1 moreThe aim of the present study is verify glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and HOMA behavior in pregnant women with gestational diabetes or chronic hypertension after an aerobic training in cycle-ergometer. The sample is composed by 64 pregnant and sedentary women, 20 weeks' pregnant. Two experimental groups (gestational diabetes and chronic hypertension, n = 16 each) will perform a low-intensity aerobic training in cycle-ergometer, three times/week, for 45 minutes each session. Two control groups (gestational diabetes and chronic hypertension, n = 16 each) will perform an unique session/week of relaxation and stretching. Outcomes: first ventilatory threshold, HbA1c,HOMA, type of delivery, weight and height of the newborn.

Evaluation of an Information Pamphlet for Postpartum Women That Had a Hypertensive Pregnancy
HypertensionPregnancy-InducedIt is known that preeclampsia is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic hypertension, nephropathy and thromboembolism. The study's aim, subsequent to these informations, is to help prevent those consequences. Information tools have been known to enhance retention of information given orally. The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge and satisfaction of women after an episode of preeclampsia after reading an explanatory pamphlet on preeclampsia. The investigators also want to change their perception on cardiovascular risk, their risk of recurrence and preeclampsia's medium to long-term consequences and the ways to prevent them.

Assessing Blood Pressure Remotely in Childhood Cancer Survivors
HypertensionSecond malignant neoplasms and cardiac late effects are primary drivers of serious non-recurrence morbidity and mortality in long term childhood cancer survivors. Cardiac late effects have been most prominently associated with exposure to high doses of anthracyclines or chest radiation. While increased recognition of late effects has resulted in risk-targeted therapy and reductions in use of high dose radiation and anthracyclines for many patients, these cardiotoxic exposures continue to be essential components of curative childhood cancer therapy. In addition, as survivors age they are increasingly susceptible to other general risk factors for cardiovascular disease recognized in the general population, such as hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. This study will evaluate a high blood pressure monitor (HBPM)-based intervention for the early detection of pre-hypertension and prevention of clinical hypertension in survivors of childhood cancer. Eligible and consenting participants will be randomized into one of three groups: GROUP 1: Instructed to measure blood pressure (BP) every day for 3 months. GROUP 2: Instructed to measure BP for 7 consecutive days once a month, for 3 months. GROUP 3: Instructed to measure blood pressure for 3 consecutive days each month, for 3 months. The randomization to the above groups will be done using sequential assignment of newly recruited participants based on a randomly ordered list. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the feasibility of High Blood Pressure Monitoring (HBPM) for three consecutive months using a remote blood pressure device provided to participants of the St. Jude Lifetime cohort (SJLIFE) protocol. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: Assess compliance with use of HBPM by measurement frequency, evaluating overall and defined minimum use in each of the three different groups. Assess compliance with use of HBPM by cell phone status, evaluating those with and without a personal cell phone capable of connecting directly to the home blood pressure monitoring device via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth network.

RIBOGENE: Optimisation of Riboflavin Status in Hypertensive Adults With a Genetic Predisposition...
Participants With the MTHFR 677TT GenotypeApproximately 10% of the world's population have a particular genetic makeup (known as the TT genotype) that may increase their risk of having higher blood pressure. Previous work conducted by the investigators research group at the University of Ulster, in collaboration with clinical colleagues from across Northern Ireland, in premature CVD patients and hypertensive adults generally has demonstrated that a dietary level of riboflavin (1.6mg/d) decreases blood pressure, specifically in those with the TT genotype. To date, the blood pressure lowering effects of higher doses of riboflavin in individuals with the TT genotype is not known. The aim of this study is to investigate whether supplementation with riboflavin at a low dose supplemental level (10mg/d) can decrease blood pressure more effectively than the dietary level (1.6mg/d) by optimising riboflavin status and normalising MTHFR activity. This aim will be achieved by conducting a double-blind placebo-controlled intervention study over a 16 week period. Participants will be recruited from cohorts screened for the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T polymorphism. Those identified with the TT genotype (homozygous for the polymorphism) that wish to participate in this research will be asked to attend a baseline and week-16 appointment and will be asked to take a daily riboflavin (1.6 or 10mg/d) or placebo capsule for the duration of the study. At each appointment a blood sample will be taken and blood pressure, height, weight and waist circumference will be measured. If the results of this study show that intervention with a higher dose of riboflavin can lower blood pressure more effectively in individuals with the TT genotype this will have important implications for those responsible for the management of blood pressure. The findings will be of particular relevance in populations with a higher prevalence of the polymorphism.

Post Marketing Surveillance (PMS) Study to Assess Safety and Efficacy of Micardis in Patients With...
HypertensionThe objective of this PMS study was to monitor and assess the safety of Micardis tablets in patients with hypertension over a period of 6 years

Observation of the Efficacy and Tolerance of Motens® (Lacidipine) in Patients With Essential Hypertension...
HypertensionStudy of the efficacy and tolerance of Motens® (lacidipine) in patients with essential hypertension. To obtain information on the dosage used in practice and the tolerance at the start of treatment (12 weeks)

Observation of Therapy With Micardis® (Telmisartan) in Patients With Essential Hypertension in Hospitals...
HypertensionThe aim of the observational study was to supplement the data on efficacy, safety and tolerability of telmisartan under daily conditions in hospitals

Pharmaco-epidemiological Study Describing a Population of Hypertensive Patients Treated With a Fixed-dose...
HypertensionStudy to compare the level of blood pressure control in hypertensive, hypertensive diabetics and hypertensive with renal insufficiency (observed data) in the study population, with the objectives of the High Authority for Health recommendations (benchmark)