
Active clinical trials for "Hypertension"

Results 5211-5220 of 5863

iMedA: Improving MEDication Adherence Through Person-Centered Care and Adaptive Interventions


The aim of this study is to design, implement, and evaluate an adaptive personalized digital intervention, to be delivered through a mobile application, to increase medication adherence and self-care management for persons with hypertension. This is a collaborative project between Halmstad University and Region Halland in Halland county, Sweden. The project is divided into three steps: 1)Focus groups 2)pilot study 3)Longitudinal study. The design of the study is influenced by the Intervention Mapping technique, which is used for the design and development of health promotion programs. The investigators first conducted a systematic review in order to detect the determinants, behaviors to change, and implemented digital strategies in the previous studies. The result was drawn in the Matrix of Change Objectives to facilitate the mapping. Then through focus groups, the investigators are going to ascertain the needs of the Swedish context. Through what has been learned with these findings, digital interventions will be designed and developed to be delivered via mobile application. A pilot study is considered then to evaluate the feasibility and usability testing of digital intervention. Finally, a longitudinal study is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the digital intervention in the longer term. The design is proposed to be an interrupted time series (ITS) approach which is considered to be the strongest quasi-experimental design that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention.

Unknown status10 enrollment criteria

Feasibility and Efficacy of Brief Behavior Change Counseling on Lifestyle in Hypertensive and Diabetics...

HypertensionDiabetes1 more

The purpose of this study will be to assess the feasibility and the preliminary efficacy of brief behavior change counseling on lifestyle among diabetic and hypertensive patients

Unknown status9 enrollment criteria

Hypertension Treatment Adherence Improving Trial


Persistent adherence to lifestyle modifications and blood pressure lowering medications were the best way to control blood pressure. But low adherence was noted in reviews and studies resulting those taking blood pressure lowering medications could not achieve a controlled blood pressure. In this study, a theory-guided educational program will be developed with an aim to improve the blood pressure, self-efficacy and adherence behaviors among those diagnosed with high blood pressure in the community. 148 participants will be recruited and divided into control group and intervention group randomly in a ratio of 1:1. The intervention group will receive the theory-guided educational program, while the control group will receive the usual care. The study will last for 12 weeks. Data will be collected at baseline, week 8 and week 12. SPSS and generalized estimating equations model will be employed for data analysis. The results will inform an effective way to conduct health promotion in community. The improved adherence to lifestyle modifications and medications will be beneficial to the clients' health.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

Effect of Renal Denervation on NO-mediated Sodium Excretion and Plasma Levels of Vasoactive Hormones...

Essential Hypertension

Catheter based renal denervation (CRD) in humans represents a promising new treatment of resistant hypertension. CRD is currently investigated as a treatment option in patients with resistant hypertension defined as at least 3 antihypertensive drugs (including a diuretic) in a randomized, sham-controlled, multicenter trial in Denmark (ReSet). In ReSet, patients are randomized to either CRD or a sham procedure with 6 months follow up. The mechanisms by which CRD reduce blood pressure are only partly understood and the interaction between renal sympathetic nerves and nitric oxide (NO) has not been investigated in humans. To Study the interaction between NO and renal sympathetic nerves, we designed the present substudy, where the effects of NO-inhibition on renal, hemodynamic and hormonal variables are studied before and after CRD.

Unknown status14 enrollment criteria

Ocsaar and CYP2C9 Ploymorphism, Is There a Connection Between Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics...


Most Angiotensin receptor blocker's (ARBs) are metabolized by cytochrome P4502C9 (CYP2C9), one of the major isoforms of the cytochrome P450 in human liver microsome. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether CYP2C9 polymorphism has a significant clinical influence on the blood pressure lowering effect of losartan and valsartan. Weather there is a genetic importance in choosing the right ARB for the right patient.

Unknown status15 enrollment criteria

High Blood Pressure Strategy (HBPS)


This program developed by the HSFO aims at helping people of Ontario and their primary healthcare providers better diagnose, manage and control high blood pressure. The High Blood Pressure Strategy brings together healthcare providers and patients to improve the way in which family doctors, nurse practitioners and pharmacists work together and with patients towards improved control of high blood pressure through the use of evidence-informed tools combined with local systems change.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

Effect of Epigallocatechin-Gallate on Inner Retinal Function in Ocular Hypertension and Early Glaucoma...

Primary Open Angle GlaucomaOcular Hypertension

The present study attempts to evaluate the potential beneficial effects of a flavonoid, the epigallocatechingallate, on retinal ganglion cell function, evaluated by pattern electroretinogram, in subjects with ocular hypertension or early glaucoma.

Unknown status10 enrollment criteria

Educational Intervention for Hypertension Management


An interventional study is designed and a structured educational session will be conducted regarding the management of Blood pressure for the general physicians of Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Islamabad, Multan and Quetta. The purpose of designing this study is to observe the effect of hypertension educational intervention for general physicians to improve patient outcomes indirectly. Results of this study may provide a basis for developing a hypertension educational program targeted at general physicians.

Unknown status9 enrollment criteria

Effects of Physical Training on Vascular Function as a Therapeutic Target in Pulmonary Hypertension...

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

The role of physical training in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is controversial. The aim of the project is to evaluate the effect of physical training on markers of endothelial function and integrity and to identify those biomarkers associated with a better therapeutic response in patients with PAH and in an experimental model of pulmonary hypertension. Methodology: 1) Study in humans: sample size will be 50 patients with PAH. Responders and non-responders will be identified for a 12-week resistance training program. Before and after the physical training program, endothelial microparticles and circulating vascular progenitor cells, and metabolomic and mitochondrial function parameters in circulating endothelial cells will be analyzed. Patients will be identified in whom a more favorable response to the training program is obtained. Additionally, investigators will evaluate the relationship between this response and the biomarkers both at baseline and their change with the training program. 2) Study in a murine experimental model: investigators will study mice with pulmonary hypertension induced by the administration of Semaxanib (SU5416) and exposure to hypoxia for 3 weeks and control mice. Half of them will exercise on a treadmill for 3 weeks. At the end of the program the right ventricular pressure will be measured and the animals will be sacrificed. Morphometric studies in pulmonary and cardiac tissue, pulmonary endothelial function and metabolomic parameters in cardiac and skeletal muscle will be performed. Differences in these variables between the different experimental groups will be analyzed.

Unknown status15 enrollment criteria

Acute Effect of Agiotensin-(1-7) in Healthy and Hypertensive Subjects


In the modern concept of Renin-angiotensin System, Angiotensin-(1-7) plays a key role and demonstrates promising therapeutic potential due to it is generally opposite effects to Angiotensin II. The aim is to evaluate the effect of Ang-(1-7) acute administration on systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) and heart rate (HR) in healthy and hypertensive subjects.

Unknown status31 enrollment criteria

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