
Active clinical trials for "Hypertension"

Results 5251-5260 of 5863

High Blood Pressure in Paediatric Patients With Sleep Disorder Breathing.

Blood PressureSleep Disorder; Breathing-Related

There are data supporting a possible increase in the prevalence of High Blood Pressure (HBP) in pediatric patients with Sleep Disorder Breathing (SDB). Adeno-tonsillectomy has proven to be an effective treatment in the correction of nocturnal respiratory events in the majority of patients. Our objective is to determine the presence of HBP in pediatric patients with SDB and the impact of adenotonsillar surgery on its correction. Methodology: 286 children (4-18 years old) will be included consecutively referred for suspected SDB. Variables: a) Clinical history; b) Anthropometric variables: weight, height, body mass index, neck, hip and waist perimeter c) Chervin questionnaire d) polysomnography (PSG) for the SDB assessment and e) for the HBP evaluation, ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM) and pulse transit time (PTT) will be performed during 24h. In control group (not SDB) and patients with indication for medical treatment, the same tests will be repeated six months after the baseline visit. In patients with surgery indication, ABPM and PTT will be performed just before the surgical treatment and ABPM, PTT and PSG six months after the intervention. In a subgroup of patients, will also assess the presence of subclinical organic damage produced by HBP: blood markers (creatinine / glomerular filtration), urine (albuminuria / proteinuria), electrocardiogram and echocardiography (left ventricle hypertrophy).

Unknown status9 enrollment criteria

Lowering Blood Pressure by Changing Lifestyle

High Blood Pressure

Introduction: High blood pressure is an independent risk factor of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and is a major cause of disability and death. Managing a healthy lifestyle has been shown to reduce blood pressure and improve health outcomes. We aim to investigate the effectiveness of a lifestyle modification intervention program for lowering blood pressure in a rural area of Bangladesh. Methods and analysis: A single-centre cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT). The study will be conducted for six months, a total of 300 participants of age 30 to 75 years with 150 adults in each of the intervention and the control arms. The intervention arm will involve the delivery of a blended learning education program on lifestyle changes for the management of high blood pressure. The education program comprises evidence-based information with pictures, fact sheets, and published literature about the effects of high blood pressure on CVD development, increased physical activity and the role of a healthy diet in blood pressure management. The control group involves providing information booklets and general advice at the baseline data collection point. The primary outcome will be the absolute difference in clinic systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Secondary outcomes include the difference in the percentage of people adopting regular exercise habits, cessation of smoking and reducing sodium chloride intake, health literacy of all participants, the perceived barriers and enablers to adopt behaviour changes by collecting qualitative data. Analyses will include analysis of covariance to report the mean difference in blood pressure between the control and the intervention group and the difference in change in blood pressure due to the intervention.

Unknown status7 enrollment criteria

Effects of Cured Pork Peptides on Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Risk Factors

HypertensionCardiovascular Diseases

Spanish dry-cured ham has been shown a source of antihypertensive peptides in mice. To date, no clinical study has been performed in humans to check the effects of bioactive peptides produced naturally during the processing of pork dry-cured ham on blood pressure. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to investigate whether consuming peptides from cured pork ham with demonstrated angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity lowers blood pressure (BP) and improves other risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Objectives: To demonstrate the lowering effects of bioactive peptides from cured pork ham with >10 months dry-curing process in humans. To check for other possible benefits related to dry-cured ham intake such as: platelet activation and cardiovascular risk factors.

Unknown status7 enrollment criteria

The Effect of Sodium Nitrite on Renal Function and Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Versus Healthy...


The purpose of this study is to investigate how the effect of infused sodium nitrite differs in hypertensives compared to healthy age and sex matched controls. The effects on renal handling of nitrite, nitrate, sodium and water, plasma concentrations of vasoactive hormones, peripheral (brachial) and central blood pressure will be evaluated.

Unknown status32 enrollment criteria

Danish Hypertension Prevention Project - DHYPP


The present study examine healthy, normotensive subjects 18 to 36 years of age whose both parents have essential hypertension. The subjects receive treatment with either the AT1-antagonist candesartan cilexetil, 16 mg daily or placebo for one year. Then, treatment is withdrawn and the subjects is followed for 10 years to determine if the treatment has been able to either prevent or delay the development of hypertension. The primary objective is to determine whether pharmacological treatment with an angiotensin receptor blocker is able to restrain or delay the progression to hypertension. Secondary objectives are to investigate whether any long-term effect on blood pressure is related to the effect of treatment on renal haemodynamic function, or on the left ventricle mass.

Unknown status9 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of the Prevalence of Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in Neonates

Transient Tachypnea of the NewbornPPHN

Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (TTN) is one of the common causes of neonatal respiratory distress as a result of delayed clearance of fetal lung fluid. Neonates with TTN usually require noninvasive respiratory support (e.g. nasal cannula, nasal CPAP) and may need supplemental oxygen therapy to maintain normal oxygen saturation levels. There have also been reports of "malignant TTN," in which affected children develop persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN).

Withdrawn8 enrollment criteria

China Rural Hypertension Control Project 2014


China Rural Hypertension Control (CRHC) Project is a cluster randomized trial aims to test the effectiveness of a standardized protocol-based treatment program on hypertension control in rural China.

Withdrawn8 enrollment criteria

Combined Use of Angiography, Optical Coherence Tomography and Intravascular Ultrasound in Evaluation...

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

It has been hypothesized that one of the benefits of bosentan relates to pulmonary vascular remodeling. The investigators believe that this study will help document the nature of beneficial changes that occur in patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) in response to bosentan therapy. In turn, demonstrating that changes in pulmonary vascular structure and function accompany clinical improvement.

Withdrawn13 enrollment criteria

The Hemodynamic Effects During Sustained Low-efficiency Dialysis Versus Continuous Veno-venous Hemofiltration...

End- Stage Renal Disease Patients

Hemodynamic instability occurs frequently during dialysis treatment and still remains as significant cause of patient mobility and mortality. Postoperative hemodynamic optimization has been proved to reduce morbidity in high-risk patients. Intracranial pressure increased can lead to further structural and functional impairment owing to its deleterious effect on the compromised microcirculation and metabolism. This study was to compare the intra-cerebral pressure (ICP) and hemodynamic parameters between the sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED) and continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH) in post- brain tramatic patients.

Withdrawn3 enrollment criteria

FDG Uptake and Lung Blood Flow in PAH Before and After Treatment With Ambrisentan

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

The investigators are doing this research study to find out how blood flow changes in the lungs of people with pulmonary hypertension before and after treatment with ambrisentan (sold under the brand name Letairis). The investigators hope that knowing about these differences will help us to better understand pulmonary hypertension and find new ways to diagnose it earlier.

Withdrawn22 enrollment criteria

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