
Active clinical trials for "Hypertension"

Results 5261-5270 of 5863

Noninvasive Cardiac Output Measurements in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension Undergoing Right...

Pulmonary Hypertension

Subjects in this study have been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH) and their doctors have referred them for a right heart catheterization (RHC). Heart catheterization involves inserting an IV (a needle with a small tube) into a vein in the neck. A long, narrow tube, called a catheter, is guided through the IV into the blood vessel and guided to the heart (sometimes this procedure can be done through a vein in the groin instead). Once the catheter is in place, small instruments can be inserted into the catheter to measure the pressures in different areas of the heart. These measurements can help the doctor diagnose possible problems with the heart functioning. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the measurements provided by a device, called Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitoring (NICOM). The NICOM device is non-invasive which means the investigators do not have to go inside the body to obtain the heart pressure measurements. While the device has been approved for use in any patient, it remains possible that patients with PH will have differences in the way the device calculates measurements. In this study, the investigators will compare the in-the-body (right heart catheterization) measurements to the non-invasive, outside-body measurements provided by the NICOM device to evaluate any differences. The NICOM device is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to measure heart pressures. This device is usually used when a patient can't undergo a right heart catheterization. In this study, the investigators are using the device to gather heart pressure measurements for research during the right heart catheterization procedure that is scheduled as part of the patients' normal, routine care. The research data is being used to devise better, less invasive ways to assess disease severity, track disease progression and evaluate response to therapy. The NICOM device is made by Cheetah Medical.

Withdrawn4 enrollment criteria

Pharmacogenomics in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionPulmonary Hypertension1 more

Our goal is to determine clinically in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension patients if associations exist between the efficacy and toxicity of sitaxsentan, bosentan, and ambrisentan and several gene polymorphisms in several key disease-specific and therapy specific genes. Also characterized is the relationship between these polymorphisms and the severity of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension using either baseline hemodynamic or clinical surrogates for disease severity. Hypothesis: Polymorphisms influence the efficacy and toxicity of specific Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension therapy as well as development/severity of PAH via their effect on PA remodeling, drug response, or metabolism. This study requires a one time 8.5 ml blood sample and clinical data to be obtained at initiation of therapy, 4 months after initiation of therapy and 12 months after initiation of therapy.

Withdrawn14 enrollment criteria

Microvascular Function in Primary Aldosteronism

Primary AldosteronismEssential Hypertension

Patients with primary aldosteronism, which is the most prevalent form of secondary hypertension, have an increased rate of cardiovascular events, compared to patients with essential hypertension, even with equal severity of hypertension. This might be partially attributed to the association of increased aldosterone levels with insulin resistance. How this relation can be explained from a pathophysiological point of view, is insufficiently established. Recently, microvascular dysfunction has been proposed as a link between insulin resistance and hypertension. Loss of NO-mediated vasodilation is an important feature of microvascular dysfunction; in addition, an impaired insulin-mediated microvascular NO production has been suggested to underlie the reduction in insulin-stimulated glucose disposal that is characteristic of insulin-resistant states. Increased aldosterone levels are not only associated with insulin resistance, but also with endothelial dysfunction. In addition, they interfere with the vascular effects of insulin. Therefore, the investigators hypothesize that in patients with primary aldosteronism, increased aldosterone levels induce microvascular dysfunction through reduction of NO-availability, which contributes to the development of insulin resistance, and of hypertension, in addition to the sodium-retaining effects of aldosterone.

Withdrawn16 enrollment criteria

Efficacy and Safety of Upfront Combination of ΒΟsentan and ΤΑdalafil in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension...

Pulmonary Hypertension

The development of disease-targeted drugs for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has significantly improved within the last years. Combining drug products with different mechanisms of action such as Endothelin-Receptor-Antagonists (ERAs) and Phosphodiesterase-Type-5-inhibitors (PDE-5-Inhibitors) has become increasingly important for the treatment of PAH. Recently, the results of the AMBITION study reported that an upfront combination treatment of ambrisentan and tadalafil immediately after diagnosis leads to a delayed disease progression. On the other hand, the sequential combination of bosentan and sildenafil did not show a similar positive clinical effect and this was attributed to a negative clinically relevant pharmacodynamic drug-drug interaction. Although, recent guidelines have extrapolated that initial upfront combination treatment follows a class effect in terms of efficacy and safety, there is an imperative need to support this notion with other combinations of ERAs and PDE-5-Inhibitors.

Withdrawn17 enrollment criteria

Coagulation Activation by Hyperosmolar Agents in Intracranial Hypertension

Intracranial HypertensionCerebral Edema

Osmotherapy consists in the therapeutic use of osmotically active substances with the aim of reducing the volume and therefore the intracranial pressure. It therefore represents an essential component in the clinical management of cerebral edema and intracranial hypertension, whether they are a consequence of head trauma, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, and neoplasm or neurosurgical procedures. The current study aims at evaluating in vivo the effects on haemostasis parameters of hypertonic saline solutions at different concentration, as compared to mannitol, in patients with neuroradiological signs (CT / MRI) of cerebral edema / non-traumatic intracranial hypertension.

Withdrawn15 enrollment criteria

Implantable System for Remodulin Post-Approval Study

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

The purpose of the Implantable System for Remodulin (ISR) Post Approval Study (PAS) is to provide evaluation and periodic reporting of the safety and effectiveness of Medtronic market-released ISR, including the catheter and the pump.

Withdrawn7 enrollment criteria

Renal- and Pulmonary Function in Relation to Abdominal Hypertension After Abdominal Reconstruction...

HerniaVentral4 more

An incisional hernia is technically challenging to operate and is the most frequent long-term complication after open surgery, resulting in impaired quality of life and reduced physical ability. Large hernias contain large amounts of abdominal volume, which similarly are missing from the abdominal cavity. Due to adaptations of the abdominal wall muscles and decreased space in the abdominal cavity, abdominal wall reconstruction lead to increased tension and thereby increased intraabdominal pressure. Reduced renal and lung function after surgery is one of the leading causes of prolonged hospitalization, increased costs and mortality. Elevated intraabdominal pressure is a known risk factor for kidney injury, but relationships between hernia surgery, increased intraabdominal pressure, renal and lung function are still unclear. Therefore, in patients undergoing surgery for incisional hernia, we will investigate the extent and consequences of elevated intraabdominal pressure, as well as its relation to renal injury and reduced lung function. We will also investigate the relationship between hernia dimensions and the development of increased intraabdominal pressure, as well as identifying patients at particular risk of developing elevated intraabdominal pressure. From April 2020 to October 2021, we will include 100 patients at Bispebjerg Hospital, Denmark, diagnosed with medium to giant incisional hernia, who will undergo scheduled surgery. Patients are followed from before to 30 days after surgery. They will be examined with CT scans before and after surgery. Blood tests, pulmonary function tests and measurement intraabdominal pressure will be performed before and until 3 days after surgery. Thirty days after surgery, lung function tests and blood tests are repeated at a final examination at the out-patient clinic. During follow-up, differences in hospital stay, complications, reoperations, and mortality will be investigated. Participation in the project is not associated with any side effects and risks. The study is expected great scientific gain, as the results can help identify particularly vulnerable patients in need of extended observation and treatment. The results obtained by the project are sought to be published in relevant scientific journals and conferences. The project is expected to extend over a 3-year period, which will include commissioning, data collection, analytical processing, dissemination of results and conduction of PhD thesis.

Withdrawn6 enrollment criteria

Noninvasive Cardiac Output Measurements in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension Undergoing Exercise...

Pulmonary Hypertension

Subjects in this study have been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension and their doctors have referred them for an exercise test as part of their normal, routine care. The exercise test will either be a treadmill test or a 6 minute walk test. During a treadmill test, a patient typically walks on a treadmill while their heart is monitored using an electrocardiogram, which records the electrical activity of the heart through 10 small electrode patches attached to the skin of the chest, arms and legs. Additionally, heart rate and blood pressure are monitored throughout the test. A 6-Minute Walk test requires patients to walk for up to 6 minutes to determine how far they can go in order to measure the heart function related to exercise. The purpose of this study is to measure internal heart pressures using a device called Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitoring (NICOM) during an exercise test. Normally heart pressures are measured during invasive (meaning that doctors have to go inside the body using a needle or surgery) heart procedures. The NICOM device is non-invasive which means the investigators do not have to go inside the body to obtain the heart pressure measurements. In this study, the investigators will evaluate the non-invasive measurements provided by the NICOM device during the exercise test and see how it relates to information from some of subjects' past heart procedures. This research is being done to devise better, less invasive ways to assess disease severity, track disease progression and evaluate response to therapy. The NICOM device is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to measure heart pressures. This device is usually used when a patient can't undergo a right heart catheterization. In this study, the investigators are using the device to gather heart pressure measurements for research during the exercise test that is scheduled as part of the subjects' normal, routine care. The research data is being used to devise better, less invasive ways to assess disease severity, track disease progression and evaluate response to therapy. The NICOM device is made by Cheetah Medical.

Withdrawn4 enrollment criteria

Comparison Fetal Hemodynamic Measurements Antihypertensive Versus Control


This is a prospective case-control study to evaluate women who are pregnant and take antihypertensive medication for fetal hemodynamics (middle cerebral artery peak systolic flow and umbilical artery Doppler systolic to diastolic ratio) compared to a control group of pregnant women not taking these kinds of medications. The hypothesis is that the investigators expect to observe little to no difference in the comparison between the medication group and the control group.

Withdrawn11 enrollment criteria

Prognositc Factors in COVID-19 Patients Complicated With Hypertension


There are currently no clinical studies reporting clinical characteristics difference between the hypertension patients with and without ACEI treatment when suffered with novel coronavirus infection in China.

Withdrawn9 enrollment criteria

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