Minority Health Genomics and Translational Research Bio-Repository Database (MH-GRID)-2.0
HypertensionBackground: - High blood pressure is a common problem. It can cause heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure. It affects African Americans more than other racial groups. Data were collected from over a thousand African Americans across the country. The data were put into a database (MH-GRID). The data were about genes, diet, sleep, body mass index. They also cover stress and access to healthy foods and parks. Researchers at NIH will study these data in new ways. They want to learn more about the connection between African Americans and high blood pressure. Objective: - To study MH-GRID data to find the causes of severe high blood pressure and other cardio-metabolic problems in people of African ancestry. Eligibility: - African Americans age 30 55 with severe high blood pressure were used in the MH-GRID study. No new participants will be enrolled in this study. Design: - Researchers will examine data from the MH-GRID study.

Egypt Hypertension Study
Different Classes of the Antihypertensive TreatmentThis study is an epidemiological non-interventional trial that aims to evaluate standard daily practice in managing patients with arterial hypertension. The trial only records real-life clinical practice with no additional diagnostic or monitoring procedures. The study is purposed to collect the following Egypt-specific epidemiology data on hypertension: demographic data, patients' characteristics, and patients' management/treatment in order to reach its rationale.

Prevalence of Resistant Hypertension With DOT
HypertensionHigh blood pressure is a risk factor for bad clinical events, such as heart failure, stroke, kidney failure and death. This risk is much higher in those with 'resistant' hypertension, in whom the blood pressure remains high despite more than 3 blood pressure medicines. Current estimates of the proportion of individuals with resistant hypertension may be an overestimate, since some of them are not actually adherent (i.e. not taking the medicines they are prescribed). Methods to detect non-adherence, such as asking the patient, counting pills, and getting records from pharmacy are not fool proof. Direct observed therapy (where patients are administered medicines under observation by a health care personnel) is quite useful to diagnose this, and is the standard of care in the Renal Hypertension Clinic, before more tests and interventions (such as CT scans, renal angiogram) are performed. In this study, the investigators will measure the proportion of patients with resistant hypertension who are non-adherent based on direct observed therapy, and follow them up to examine the impact of this diagnosis.

Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension Using Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images
Pulmonary HypertensionIn this study, study team aim to i) evaluate the accuracy of 3D IVS curvedness for prediction of RV systolic pressure (RVSP), mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) with RHC; ii) evaluate the usefulness of 3D IVS curvedness for predicting the response to vasodilator challenge with RHC, in patients clinically suspected or known to have primary PH.

Estimation of Pulmonary Capillary Blood Volume in Pre- and Postcapillary Pulmonary Hypertension...
Hypertension PulmonaryThe aim of the study is to investigate the role of the non-invasive assessment of nitric oxyde (NO) diffusion capacity (DLNO) in the differential diagnosis of different forms of pulmonary hypertension (PH). DLNO alone and in combination with the measurement of carbon monoxide (CO) diffusion capacity (DLCO) may help to differentiate between pre- and postcapillary forms of pulmonary hypertension. This hypothesis is based on the fact that NO has a much higher affinity to hemoglobin as compared to CO and may therefore its decrease may more specifically identify the limiting factors between the alveolar space and the lung capillaries including left heart failure (cardiac edema). As there are no available published data yet to answer this question investigators aim to perform a small pilot study. The results of this study may allow the planning of a prospective study.

Young Adult Cardiovascular Health sTudy
Preterm BirthHypertensionThe purpose of this study is to understand more about why young people who were born prematurely may have increased risk of high blood pressure and lower cardiovascular exercise capacity.

Epidemiologic Study to Evaluate the Proportion of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Korean...
HypertensionThe purpose of this study is investigating the proportion of Cardiovascular disease risk factors of hypertensive patients.

Achievement of Goal Resting Heart Rate on B-blockers in Patients With Stable Angina and Hypertension...
Stable AnginaHypertensionThis is a multicenter survey of Russian data on target heart rate achievement in patients with stable angina and arterial hypertension who are currently treated with beta-blockers for at least 2 months and with no dose change for a minimum of 4 weeks

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Extension Program
Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionKnowledge Translation Program for the guidelines and evidence-based management of PAH patients

Diagnosis of Cardio-Pulmonary Pathology Using Transthoracic Parametric Doppler (TPD)
Lung DiseaseChronic Obstructive6 moreThis is a study that seeks to characterize data obtained from patients with a variety of lung diseases using ultrasound signals obtained from the lung tissue. A standard ultrasound instrument in the doppler mode (not the imaging mode used in examination of pregnant women for instance) is placed on the chest wall and the unique software the investigators have developed analyzes the signal reflected back from within the lung. On the basis of pilot studies performed previously the investigators expect to receive different signals from different diseases. The investigators seek to further characterize these signals to enable accurate diagnosis of different lung diseases using our technology.