Evolution of Pulse Pressure Following Initiation of Antihypertensive Therapy in Patients With Essential...
HypertensionThe main purpose of this prospective, multicentre, french observational study is to analyse the evolution of pulse pressure (PP) and to identify its prognostic factors in hypertensive patients three months after initiation of a new hypertensive therapy. The PP is defined as the difference between systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP).

The Screening and Analysis of Plasma Biomarkers in Irreversible PAH-CHD
Hypertension,PulmonaryThe purpose of this study is to analyse the sensitivity and specificity of circulating endothelial cells to predict irreversible pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital heart disease.

The Use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) to Estimate Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
Intracranial HypertensionThe aim of this study is to determine whether we can predict the intracranial pressure using near infra-red spectroscopy

Assessing the Impact of Calcium Channel Blockers on COGnitive Function in the Very Elderly (AI-COG)...
Cognitive AbilityGeneral1 moreOlder adults are at increased risk of high blood pressure and cognitive decline. High blood pressure itself also increases risk of cognitive decline. A particular type of blood pressure lowering drug (a calcium channel blocker(CCB)) may lower risk of dementia in younger adults but there is no clear evidence of it's impact in those >=80. It is important that we know whether CCB use impacts on cognitive function in this age group. This study will examine the impact of antihypertensives on change in cognitive function with a particular focus on CCBs.

Epigenomic Dysregulation in Preeclampsia-Associated Chronic Hypertension
PreeclampsiaHypertension1 morePreliminary data from the investigator's lab identified novel patterns of differential DNA methylation in genes regulating cardiovascular and metabolic function in blood from women during the first trimester of pregnancy who were destined to develop preeclampsia (PE) in the third trimester. Further, common patterns of differential DNA methylation were found in the common genes from placental tissue at time of birth in the same women after diagnosis with PE, suggesting that the epigenomic patterns that predict pregnancy-induced hypertension may also underlie the development of chronic hypertension years after. It is unknown whether aberrant DNA methylation in pregnancy-induced hypertension is the mechanism by which chronic hypertension develops in these women remote from pregnancy nor is it known if hypertension remote from PE is as responsive to therapeutic treatment of hypertension compared to women who develop hypertension without history of PE. The investigators plan to objectively test the central hypothesis and attain the objective of this project

Study of the Influence of Sleep on Hemodynamic Parameters in Patients With Sleep Disorders
HypertensionSleep1 moreSeveral epidemiological studies in large cohorts suggest a strong association between sleep duration, complaint of insomnia and risk of hypertension.These findings suggest an important role of sleep quality in development of hypertension. Principal limitations of these studies are the cross-sectional study design, self-report sleep duration and poor measurement of blood pressure. The investigators propose to study an insomniac population with complete evaluation of quality and quantity of sleep, associated to complete hemodynamic measurement of hypertension.

Human Intestinal Amino Acid Absorption and the Role of a Local (Renin)-Angiotensin System (RAS)...
Healthy ParticipantsHypertensionAim of this trial is to investigate the expression and localisation of different amino acid transporters and their regulatory proteins derived from the regulatory proteins of the local renin angiotensin system (RAS) in the intestine. This is investigated on one hand in patients who do not take any drugs interfering with RAS. On the other hand expression analysis is done in patients taking daily RAS-active drugs, like ACE inhibitors or sartanes. After obtaining informed consent of patients attending the hospital for clarification of gastrointestinal symptoms by gastroduodenoscopy or colonoscopy, 2 biopsies (in addition to biopsies needed for clinical diagnostics) will be taken from each duodenum, jejunum, ileum and descending colon. Biopsies are investigated anonymously at the Institute of Physiology of the University of Zurich. The mRNA content of amino acid transporters and regulatory proteins, respectively, in the biopsies is analyzed by quantitative PCR. Transport proteins are in addition analyzed with immunohistochemistry. Furthermore amino acid concentration in plasma and urine samples are analyzed by HPLC. From plasma and serum samples RAS parameters like renin, aldosterone, ACE and angiotensin(1-7) are measured.

Prevalence of Primary Aldosteronism in Patients With Resistant Hypertension in China
HypertensionResistant to Conventional TherapyRecent studies indicate that primary aldosteronism (PA) is a much more common cause of hypertension than had been demonstrated historically. In patients with resistant hypertension, the prevalence of PA from different clinics worldwide is about 10-20%. As has been no such data in China, the investigators are conducting a PA study in different province of China to evaluate the prevalence of PA in patients with resistant hypertension.

A Continuous, Non-Invasive, Real-time Method for Estimating and Predicting Intracranial Hypertension...
Intracranial HypertensionElevated ICP (Intracranial Pressure)There is statistically significant correlation between invasive measures of intracranial pressure (ICP) and non-invasive, real-time, continuous physiologic waveform data algorithms to predict ICP. Furthermore, characteristics within this physiologic waveform data will allow modeling for trend prediction of derived ICP information. Specific aims: Develop models to estimate ICP and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) after traumatic brain injury in humans. Predict and anticipate changes in ICP for preemptive management purposes. Analyze characteristics of changes in ICP after treatment failure. Analyze data to predict/anticipate confounding physiologic factors that affect ICP and its treatment. Test the resulting models in real time.

Smoking: a Risk Factor for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension?
Pulmonary HypertensionEnvironmental factors may play a role in the genesis of pulmonary hypertension, especially in endothelial dysfunction. One widespread environmental factor associated with systemic endothelial dysfunction is cigarette smoke. It may well be that cigarette smoking is not only a risk factor for systemic but also for pulmonary vascular diseases and herewith may interact with other risk factors such as a genetic background and associated conditions. The existing studies which deal with this subject are only small single center case control studies providing less data. Therefore a large European multicenter study is necessary. The investigators hypothesis are: a history of tobacco smoke exposure is highly prevalent in patients with PAH compared to the unaffected general population. a history of tobacco smoke exposure is more prevalent in patients with PAH compared to CTEPH.