Sleep Disturbances and Pulmonary Artery/Aorta Diameter in Scleroderma Patient
SclerodermaPulmonary HypertensionTo determine sleep disturbance, pulmonary function test, 6 minute walk, echocardiogram abnormality, arterial blood gas, ventilation/perfusion scan of the chest in Scleroderma patient with Pulmonary Hypertension.

Evaluation of Target Organs Impairment on Patients Suffering From High Blood Pressure
Blood PressureEvaluation of target organs impairment on patients suffering from high blood pressure without known cardio vascular or renal disease, stratified on blood pressure control.

Resistant Hypertension in Patients With Type-II-Diabetes Mellitus
Resistant HypertensionNIDDMThe risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with type-II-diabetes mellitus (type-II-DM)is more than doubled and CVD accounts for 70% of deaths in this group of patients. Hypertension is a major risk factor for CVD in patients with type-II-DM and a major contributor cardiovascular mortality. Uncontrolled- (UH) and resistant hypertension (RH)are more common in patients with type-II-DM, why further bloodpressure (BP) control is needed. The prevalence of UH and RH has not been examined in a consecutive Danish outpatient population with type-II-DM. The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence of resistant hypertension in patients with type-II-diabetes and to examine the characteristics of patients with resistant hypertension as compared to patients with controlled hypertension with regards to arterial stiffness.

Risk Assessment of Long-Haul Truck Drivers
GonorrheaChlamydia Infections7 moreInternational studies have repeatedly documented a substantial prevalence of sexual risk behaviors and high rates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) ranging from 5%-56% amongst long-distance truck drivers ("truckers") living in diverse international settings including India, Bangladesh, South Africa, China, Laos and Thailand. The prevalence of sexual risk factors and STI/HIV in US drivers is unknown. This proposal will provide both qualitative and quantitative data on HIV risk behaviors by interviewing and testing truckers working for established long-distance trucking firms, the sector which accounts for most of the jobs in the trucking and warehousing industry in the United States. The data obtained from this study will be used to inform the development of an HIV prevention intervention for long-haul truck drivers.
REVEAL Registry™: Registry to Evaluate Early And Long-term PAH Disease Management
Pulmonary HypertensionThe REVEAL Registry™ is a multicenter, observational, U.S.-based study of the clinical course and disease management of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients. All consecutive consenting patients diagnosed with WHO Group I PAH according to specific hemodynamic criteria at participating institutions will be enrolled. Participating patients will be followed for a minimum of five years from the time of enrollment.
The Double Exposure Study: The Impact of Job Strain and Marital Cohesion on Blood Pressure
HypertensionPsychosocial and lifestyle stressors, such as job strain (JS) and marital factors have previously been associated with a sustained increase in blood pressure (BP). In a one-year longitudinal follow-up to the Baseline Double Exposure cohort study, we, the researchers at Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre, evaluated whether JS and marital cohesion continued to be associated with ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in subjects enrolled with normal or untreated high BP.
Irbesartan for the Prevention of Atrial Arrhythmias and Cardiac Electrical Remodeling in Patients...
Atrial FibrillationHypertensionThe purpose of this study is to determine whether irbesartan will reduce the rate of recurrent atrial high rate episodes and the development of clinical sustained atrial fibrillation in patients with hypertension and permanent pacemaker.
Cornell Translational Behavioral Science Research Consortium: Hypertension Qualitative Study
HypertensionTo explore the meaning, causes and treatment of hypertension in eligible patients. In addition the cultural, social, and psychological factors that either facilitate or serve, as barriers to behavioral change will be illuminated in this patient population.
RIAT Registry: Reason for Not Intensifying Antihypertensive Treatment
HypertensionTo support physicians in their active management of hypertensive patients. By targeting specific systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) figures physicians will closely monitor the BP values and as such will have an individualized control of the treatment in each patient.
Antecedents of Hypertension: Role of Race and Stress
Cardiovascular DiseasesHeart Diseases1 moreTo determine the role of environmental stressors in the development of hypertension in Black and white school-age children from hypertensive families.