
Active clinical trials for "Hypertension"

Results 5451-5460 of 5863

Blood Pressure Variability and Cardiovascular Disease Events in Patients With Hypertension

Blood Pressure VariabilityHypertension1 more

Cardiovascular Disease (CV) including stroke is the leading cause of death in Malaysia Hypertension is a major contributor to this. Prevalence of hypertension in Malaysia is high (42%) in adults age 30 years or older. Besides the actual blood pressure (BP) level recently, blood pressure variability (BPV) has been recognized as an independent and strong predictor of CV events especially strokes. However, data on the BP variability and its relationship to CV events is very limited in Asia, particularly in Malaysia. Hence the investigators aim to study BPV and its relationship to CV events in treated hypertensive patients

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Dual Arterial Phase Liver CT in Patients With Suspected Portal Hypertension

HCCCirrhosis1 more

Patients with liver cirrhosis is at risk of developing HCC. To diagnose or detect HCC at CT/MRI, optimal late arterial phase (LAP) acquisition is critical to capture the tumor. For LAP acquisition, bolus-tracking is often used at CT. In patients with portal hypertension, however, bolus-tracking occasionally capture early arterial phase which may be related with slow portomesenteric flow. In this study, we obtain dual arterial phase in patients with suspected portal hypertension and determine whether this protocol (dual arterial phase) would provide higher incidence of LAP acquisition than single arterial phase acquisition.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

The Healthy Cantonese Diet on Cardiometabolic Syndrome

Cardiovascular DiseasesCardiovascular Risk Factor4 more

The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) have been proven to lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. But the DASH diet is inconsistent with Chinese dietary pattern. In this study, based on the typical Cantonese diet, the healthy Cantonese diet is developed according to the DASH diet and the balanced dietary pattern of the Chinese Dietary Guidelines 2016. The randomized control trial is designed to investigate whether the healthy Cantonese diet has benefit to blood pressure, blood lipid, blood glucose and other cardiometabolic biomarkers among adults with cardiometabolic syndrome in Guangdong, China.

Unknown status21 enrollment criteria

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE2), Brain, Gut Dysbiosis in Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is fatal with right heart failure due to raised pulmonary vascular pressure. Gut dysbiosis was identified in animals with pulmonary hypertension. Deidentified human samples will be tested for gut dysbiosis in PAH, circulating bacterial metabolites and markers of inflammation and gut leakiness. The gut microbiome and circulating metabolites, markers of inflammation and gut leakiness of PAH patients and healthy subjects will be compared in deidentified fecal samples and blood.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Pulmonary Hypertension, Quality of Life and Psychosocial Factors

Pulmonary Hypertension

The investigators aim to : describe and analyse psychological characteristics, cognitive factors and representations in patients with Pulmonary Hypertension, a rare disease. assess the psychological characteristics impact on quality of life, check the association between disease and QoL evolution, and the variability of QoL parameters over severity class changes and follow-up

Completed15 enrollment criteria

Pulmonary Hypertension in Interstitial Lung Disease

Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionDiffuse Interstitial Lung Disease

HYPID study is an observational and prospective study of patients with interstitial lung disease and pre capillary hypertension diagnosed by right heart sided catheterization. The primary aim of the study is to identify prognostic factors.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Improving Outcomes for Hypertensive Children


Approximately 200 children age 6 - <18 years receiving medications for essential hypertension (HTN) will be recruited from the Pediatric Hypertension Clinic at the time of a routine clinic visit. Participating subjects will be asked to wear the ambulatory blood pressure monitor (ABPM) for 24 hours within 2 weeks of the qualifying visit. Measurements obtained with the ABPM will be compared to measurements obtained by routine clinical procedures documented in the subject's clinical chart. Kappa statistic will be utilized to compare differences in documented BP control between the two measures as well as changes in therapeutic management decisions by treating physicians with the addition of the ABPM readings. The overall goal is to confirm that ABPM leads to an increased detection of uncontrolled HTN along with a similar increase in adjustments increasing anti-hypertensive medication regimens.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

A Study to Evaluate Whether Losartan Protects the Kidney in Hypertensive Diabetic Participants With...


This study will evaluate whether losartan protects the kidney in hypertensive Type II diabetic participants with microalbuminuria.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Bisoprolol in Hypertension: Effect on Concomitant Elevated Heart Rate


The b.p.m study will be performed to gain the insight in the courses of illness and therapy in subjects, suffering from hypertension and that have elevated heart rate. This study will show that a therapy with bisoprolol (Concor/Concor PLUS) or any other blood pressure lowering (antihypertensive) drug lowers blood pressure (BP) and heart rate and increases the quality of subjects' life.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Post CVA Persistent Hypertension Caring

Post CVA Hypertension

The study HIPPOCRATE is a prospective open comparative study with a control group. The objective of this study is to show that an optimization of the caring of non controlled hypertended patients following a CVA (including a preliminary Tensional auto-measure (TAM) at the follow-up visit, an education of the patient with a decision support tree for the generalist and/or a visit in the multidisciplinary AHT department), allow to obtain a better tensional control copared to the usual caring.

Unknown status19 enrollment criteria

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