
Active clinical trials for "Hypertension"

Results 5481-5490 of 5863

Microcirculation and Inflammatory Markers in Patients With Resistant, Stages 1/2 Hypertension and...

High Blood Pressure

Nailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC), Venous occlusion Plethysmography (VOP) and inflammatory biomarkers have been used to study endothelial function in patients with resistant hypertension, stages 1 and 2 hypertension and normotensive. This was a cross-sectional study.

Completed14 enrollment criteria

A Cross-sectional Study for the Determination of the Prevalence of Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation...

HypertensionAtrial Fibrillation

Arterial hypertension has been recognized as a major causal factor for atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia. In light of its worldwide increasing prevalence and incidence and the accompanied increase in the risk of stroke, thromboembolic events and mortality, AF has emerged as a global healthcare problem. Early diagnosis of AF, prior to the occurrence of complications is a recognized priority for the prevention of strokes. Once diagnosed, anticoagulant therapy is the cornerstone in the management of the risk of stroke in AF patients. The 2012 ESC Guidelines recommend the use of a risk factor-based approach to stroke risk stratification for AF patients. This study aims towards gaining real-world data on the prevalence of non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) among hypertensives in Greece. The rate of ESC guideline-adherent antithrombotic therapy on the basis of stroke and bleeding risk assessments, and factors influencing treatment decision-making will be assessed as well in patients diagnosed with the arrhythmia. Finally, potential differences in the NVAF prevalence in adequately and inadequately controlled hypertensives will be documented.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Risk Factors for Variceal Bleeding in Egyptian Patients With Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension

Portal Hypertension

Background & Aims: Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (NCPH) represents a relatively infrequent group of conditions. This work aimed at determining causes of NCPH and evaluating the role of some clinical, laboratory, imaging and endoscopic parameters in prediction of variceal bleeding in an Egyptian cohort with NCPH. Methods: Sixty patients with non-cirrhotic portal hypertension and oesophageal varices were included. All underwent complete clinical evaluation, laboratory investigations, Color Doppler ultrasonography, platelet count/spleen diameter (mm) ratio and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Patients were classified into two groups according to variceal bleeding: (1) Group I: twenty six patients with history of bleeding or had an attack of bleeding during one year follow-up; and (2) Group II: thirty four patients without bleeding.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Short and Long-term Results of Arterial Stiffness and Central Aortic Pressure After Kidney Transplantation...

Arterial CalcificationAortic Stiffness1 more

Central blood pressure and pulse wave velocity were measured using a Complior Analyse device in Short and Long-term after kidney transplantation.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Viatorr CX Case-control Study for Complications of Portal Hypertension

Liver CirrhosesPortal Hypertension

To evaluate the clinical benefits in the patients receiving Viatorr CX over a period of 12 months of structured Follow-up (before TIPS, at TIPS, 1 week after TIPS, at 6 weeks, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months), regarding clinical endpoints, such as HE, readmission, liver injury, cardiac function, response to TIPS and the passive expansion of the stents in real life.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Predictive Factors of Systolic Dysfunction in Non-complicated Hypertensive Patients


Hypertension is a major cardiovascular risk factor. Heart failure is one of its main complications but the factors that influence its development are still insufficiently known. The primary objective is to determine associated factors to the occurrence of left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction assessed by an alteration of the Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS) after more than the years of hypertension. The secondary objective is to estimate the prevalence of LV systolic dysfunction in a cohort of hypertensive people followed for over 10 years and formulate pathophysiological hypotheses on the development of this heart disease.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Kidney Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary Hypertension

Evaluation of the prevalence of kidney disease, hemodynamic predictors and long-term renal outcome in patients with invasively diagnosed pulmonary hypertension.

Completed10 enrollment criteria

Endothelial Function in Patients With Scleroderma or Cirrhosis With and Without Pulmonary Hypertension...

Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a condition characterized by an increased pulmonary vascular resistance that can lead to right heart failure and death. Several diseases are known etiologies of PAH including scleroderma and cirrhosis. The presence of PAH in the context of systemic sclerosis or cirrhosis has a dramatic impact on prognosis and survival of the connective tissue or liver disease. Despite advances in the diagnosis of PAH, echocardiography remains a necessary test for screening PAH in patients with scleroderma or cirrhosis. However, echocardiography is less than ideal for diagnosing PAH and predicting treatment response. Thus, there is a pressing need to identify methodologies that can accurately and non-invasively recognize the presence of PAH in patients with scleroderma and cirrhosis. Hypothesis: To measure endothelial function and exhaled gases in patients with scleroderma and cirrhosis. To assess whether they correlate with the presence or the development of PAH. The degree of local (forearm) capillary vasodilation during treprostinil iontophoresis identifies patients who will develop PAH and in those already diagnosed PAH predicts response to PAH-specific therapies.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Development of a New Tool for Dyspnea Measurement in Chronic Respiratory Diseases

COPD (With - Without Rehabilitation)Diffuse Interstitial Lung Diseases2 more

The purpose of this study is the psychometric validation of a self-administered dyspnea questionnaire, usable in clinical practice in order to assess dyspnea and its impact on patients with chronic respiratory diseases.

Completed17 enrollment criteria

Necklace-Shaped Sensor for Non-Invasive Remote Monitoring of Vitals

Heart FailureHypertension

This study is designed to validate the use of the CoVa Monitoring System in subjects with implanted devices.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

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