Observational Study to Investigate Resistant Hypertension Prevalence in Korean General Hospitals...
HypertensionStudy Objectives The study is to identify prevalence, demography and clinical characteristics of patients with resistant hypertension among hypertensive patients who have been treated in general hospitals in Korea from Jan 2012 to Jun 2012. Diagnosis of resistant hypertension: In case of clinic blood pressure exceeding the boundary of systolic blood pressure at 140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure at 90mmHg (hereinafter refer to as 140/90mmHg) (130/80mmHg for patients with diabetes mellitus or chronic renal disease) despite triple antihypertensive therapy at optimal dose may be diagnosed as resistant hypertension. Antihypertensive medications used include diuretics. Resistant hypertension may also be diagnosed when clinic blood pressure has reached the target value but quadruple or more of antihypertensives are used. Diagnosis of controlled hypertension: Patients whose clinic blood pressure equals to 140/90mmHg (130/80mmHg for patients with diabetes mellitus or chronic renal disease) or less with the administration of antihypertensives at optimal dose may be diagnosed as controlled hypertension.

Carotid Ultrasound Study
Resistant HypertensionTo use carotid ultrasound to screen 20-30 patients with longstanding or resistant hypertension for carotid atherosclerotic disease and bifurcation anatomy. This will establish a screening protocol for Cibiem's eventual endovascular carotid body modulation trial and will give insight into the prevalence and specific location of carotid plaque at the bifurcation in this patient population.

Measurement of Endothelial Function and Cardiac Output: New Methods
Heart FailureHypertension3 moreThe main purpose of this study is to analyse test-retest-reliability of functional quantification of endothelial dysfunction through puls-amplitude-tonometry in patients with heart failure with preserved/reduced ejection fraction, pulmonary hypertension, arterial hypertension and diabetic nephropathy. In the same group, test-retest-reliability of circulating endothelial cells as well as test-retest reliability of non invasive cardiac output Monitoring will be observed and analysed.

Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial: Post Trial Follow-Up Study
HypertensionDiabetes3 moreASCOT-10 is a follow-up study of surviving participants in the United Kingdom (UK)arm of the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) which was conducted between 2000 and 2005.ASCOT's results showed substantial cardiovascular benefit from: 1) the use of a cholesterol lowering drug (atorvastatin) compared to placebo, and 2) the use of a blood-pressure lowering strategy based on amlodipine when compared to a strategy based on atenolol. ASCOT-10 will test the hypothesis that the ASCOT subjects who originally received Atorvastatin and those who received amlodipine based treatment will continue to show a cardiovascular benefit relative to those who did not, even though all the subjects have had access to optimal treatment in the interim.

Collection of Samples From Pregnant Women for the Evaluation of Preeclampsia (Pre-E) Biomarkers...
PreeclampsiaHypertension5 morePreeclampsia (Pre-E) is a hypertensive disease of pregnancy with multi-system involvement that usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy. Pre-E occurs in 5% to 7% of U.S. pregnancies, and is the third-leading cause of U.S. maternal death. Improvements to the current diagnostic paradigm have been evaluated. However, no stand-alone diagnostic method has emerged that more accurately identifies women at risk for preeclampsia, warranting improvements in diagnosing Pre-E. This sample collection study will obtain serum and urine samples from pregnant women who present with clinical signs, symptoms, or conditions contributing to the suspicion of Pre-E. Samples will be used to evaluate and validate the performance of an assay intended to aid in assessing the risk of Pre-E.

Microcirculation and Inflammatory Markers in Patients With Resistant, Stages 1/2 Hypertension and...
High Blood PressureNailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC), Venous occlusion Plethysmography (VOP) and inflammatory biomarkers have been used to study endothelial function in patients with resistant hypertension, stages 1 and 2 hypertension and normotensive. This was a cross-sectional study.

Hypertension and Injury
Arterial HypertensionCADMembrane microparticles are submicron fragments of membrane vesicles shed from various cell types. Circulating endothelial microparticles have been proposed as markers of endothelial injury. However, which mechanical forces contribute to their release is not clear.

Risk Factors for Variceal Bleeding in Egyptian Patients With Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension
Portal HypertensionBackground & Aims: Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (NCPH) represents a relatively infrequent group of conditions. This work aimed at determining causes of NCPH and evaluating the role of some clinical, laboratory, imaging and endoscopic parameters in prediction of variceal bleeding in an Egyptian cohort with NCPH. Methods: Sixty patients with non-cirrhotic portal hypertension and oesophageal varices were included. All underwent complete clinical evaluation, laboratory investigations, Color Doppler ultrasonography, platelet count/spleen diameter (mm) ratio and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Patients were classified into two groups according to variceal bleeding: (1) Group I: twenty six patients with history of bleeding or had an attack of bleeding during one year follow-up; and (2) Group II: thirty four patients without bleeding.

A Cross-sectional Study for the Determination of the Prevalence of Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation...
HypertensionAtrial FibrillationArterial hypertension has been recognized as a major causal factor for atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia. In light of its worldwide increasing prevalence and incidence and the accompanied increase in the risk of stroke, thromboembolic events and mortality, AF has emerged as a global healthcare problem. Early diagnosis of AF, prior to the occurrence of complications is a recognized priority for the prevention of strokes. Once diagnosed, anticoagulant therapy is the cornerstone in the management of the risk of stroke in AF patients. The 2012 ESC Guidelines recommend the use of a risk factor-based approach to stroke risk stratification for AF patients. This study aims towards gaining real-world data on the prevalence of non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) among hypertensives in Greece. The rate of ESC guideline-adherent antithrombotic therapy on the basis of stroke and bleeding risk assessments, and factors influencing treatment decision-making will be assessed as well in patients diagnosed with the arrhythmia. Finally, potential differences in the NVAF prevalence in adequately and inadequately controlled hypertensives will be documented.

Viatorr CX Case-control Study for Complications of Portal Hypertension
Liver CirrhosesPortal HypertensionTo evaluate the clinical benefits in the patients receiving Viatorr CX over a period of 12 months of structured Follow-up (before TIPS, at TIPS, 1 week after TIPS, at 6 weeks, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months), regarding clinical endpoints, such as HE, readmission, liver injury, cardiac function, response to TIPS and the passive expansion of the stents in real life.