Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Treatment in Women and Men Experiencing Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder...
Hypoactive Sexual Desire DisorderHypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is a common syndrome characterized by low sexual desire causing marked distress. The involvement of DHEA in sexual function is unknown, however, DHEA treatment increased desire in depressed subjects. In the current research, we will treat 45 women and men suffering from low sexual desire with DHEA or placebo for 6 weeks. The study's primary goal is to determine the effect of DHEA treatment on sexual desire, and to find if there is a connection between levels of hormones and change in desire. Outcome measures will include hormonal levels and psychological state. Our secondary goal is to compare baseline hormones measures in individuals with low sexual desire to normal controls. For that purpose we will measure the hormonal baseline levels among 20 normal subjects.

Role of Progesterone in Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Menopausal Women
MenopauseSexual Desire Disorder1 moreThe objective of this study is the role of vaginal progesterone gel in the treatment of menopausal hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Half of the study participants will receive a standard dose of self applied vaginal progesterone gel and the other half will receive oral vitamin tablets.

Evaluate Umbilical Cord-derived Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Bradykinesia...
BradykinesiaInvestigate the safety and tolerability of umbilical cord-derived allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells to treat patients with Bradykinesia.

Rotigotine Effect on Nocturnal Hypokinesia Compares to Placebo Control: A Quantitative Assessment...
Nocturnal HypokinesiaParkinson's disease (PD) is the neurodegenerative disease which is caused by Lewy bodies deposition in central and peripheral nervous system. The mains symptoms include both motor and non motor symptoms such as bradykinesia, rigidity, rest tremor, postural instability, autonomic dysfunction or neuropsychiatric symptoms. Moreover, the PD symptoms not only occur in the daytime, but also in the nighttime. The nighttime symptoms or nocturnal symptoms can make the patients disabling as well as the daytime symptoms. The bradykinesia that occurs in the nighttime is called nocturnal hypokinesia which also make many serious consequences such as bedsore, falling or aspiration or death. In this study, the investigators aim to study the effects of rotigotine transdermal patch compare to placebo on mainly the aspect of nocturnal hypokinesia.

Surveillance Study of Women Taking Intrinsa®
OvariectomyHysterectomy1 moreThe primary objective of the study is to assess the risks of testosterone transdermal patch use in a representative study population. The primary clinical outcome of interest is breast cancer.

Treatment of Hypoactive Delirium and Outcome Measures
Hypoactive DeliriumHaloperidol and Non-Pharmacologic Treatment are recognized treatments for delirium. This study will evaluate which is the best treatment for hypoactive delirium.

The Effect of LSVT LOUD for Mandarin-speaking Individuals With Hypokinetic Dysarthria Due to Parkinson's...
Hypokinetic DysathriaA handful of studies have examined the effects of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) LOUD on hypokinetic dysarthria in English speakers with Parkinson's disease (PD). Although LSVT LOUD has been found to be effective on improving these speaker's vocal intensity and increasing their speech intelligibility as well as speech function with Phase I evidence, no study has investigated whether Mandarin-speaking individuals with dysarthria secondary to PD would benefit from LSVT LOUD. In the proposed study, speech data of Mandarin-speaking individuals with hypokinetic dysarthria before and after speech therapy will be audio recorded and analyzed in order to examine the effects of LSVT LOUD on the speech function in this population. The same speech data will be played to Mandarin listeners in order to investigate the speech intelligibility of this population. It is hypothesized that Mandarin-speaking individuals with hypokinetic dysarthria secondary to PD will demonstrate reduced vocal intensity, reduced speech intelligibility and impaired speech function before they receive LSVT LOUD. They will improve these speech characteristics following speech therapy and will present with short-term maintenance effects.

Change in Executive Function and IADL Using a Virtual Supermarket Environment Among People With...
Mild Cognitive ImpairmentLack of Physical ActivityThe aim of the study is to investigate the feasibility of using a virtual supermarket as an intervention tool for overcoming deficits in executive function as well as enhancing IADL performance among persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment. The working hypotheses are that there will be improvement in executive functions, and the improvement in the executive functions will result in better performance in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, both generally and especially in shopping task

Safety And Efficacy Of Solifenacin In Men With Overactive Bladder (OAB) And Detrusor Underactivity...
Overactive BladderDetrusor UnderactivityDetrusor underactivity (DUA) in men is responsible for LUTS in a significant minority, the symptoms being indistinguishable from those seen in BOO. The International Continence Society (ICS) defines DUA as 'a detrusor contraction of inadequate magnitude and/or duration to effect complete bladder emptying in the absence of urethral obstruction. Whilst a reduced maximum urinary flow rate (Qmax) is indicative of voiding dysfunction, flow studies cannot distinguish between DUA and BOO, which are the two principal causes of low flow rates. DUA is diagnosed from a pressure-flow study (PFS)and is characterized by a low-pressure, poorly sustained, or wave-like detrusor contraction with an associated poor flow rate. Overactive bladder (OAB) is the most common term currently used in clinical medicine to describe a complex of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) with or without incontinence but most commonly consisting of urgency, frequency, nocturia, troublesome or incomplete emptying,and, occasionally, pain. With the exception of pain and incontinence, these symptoms are often found together; thus, the term LUTS has come to replace previous terms, such as urgency-frequency syndrome,urethral syndrome, and prostatism. Drug treatment is frequently used as the initial management approach for LUTS in older men.Among men who desire treatment, general practice prescribing data have shown that antimuscarinics are not often given to elderly men. There is theoretical concern that the inhibitory effect of antimuscarinics on detrusor contraction could aggravate voiding difficulties or cause urinary retention in patients with BOO. There are virtually no data evaluating the safety and efficacy of solifenacin treatment in men with DUA and OAB.

Low Sexual Desire and Metabolic Syndrome
MenopauseMetabolic Syndrome3 moreObjective: To evaluate the prevalence of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in postmenopausal women diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (MS) and to compare it to that of a control group without MS. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Two public tertiary hospitals in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Population: Two-hundred ninety-one postmenopausal women between 40 and 65 years of age. Methods: Sexual function was evaluated using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire and DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria and was related to the diagnosis of MS, which was determined according to the guidelines defined by the Adult Treatment Panel (ATP III). Main outcome measures: Analysis of sexual function with emphasis on sexual desire (HSDD), the presence of MS and its components.