Effects of Acipimox on Mitochondrial Function in Obesity
Abdominal ObesityInsulin Resistance1 moreThe purpose of the study is to examine whether a medication called acipimox can improve your body's mitochondria. Mitochondria are the "power house" of the cell and make energy for your body. Obesity is associated with increased risk for developing diabetes. However, the investigators do not know how obesity leads to diabetes. Previous studies have shown levels of fat in the blood (free fatty acids or FFA) are higher in obesity, and elevated FFA can affect how our body uses glucose and responds to insulin. Recent studies have shown that changes in mitochondria may be involved in the development of diabetes and may be affected by FFA. The investigators propose to improve the function of mitochondria in obese people with pre-diabetes by treating with acipimox, a medication which decreases FFA. The investigators will use state of the art techniques to evaluate the mitochondria, including a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique to measure function of mitochondria in muscle.

Pioglitazone in Patients With Mood Disorders
Major Depressive DisorderInsulin ResistanceThe purpose of this study is to see how an insulin sensitizing medication, Pioglitazone, can cause changes in mood in some depressed patients. Study participants receive assessment of their cognitive and metabolic functioning. If they meet criteria, they will be asked to take either Pioglitazone or a placebo for a 90-day trial. Participants will undergo an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test to measure fasting insulin and glucose levels, as well as routine blood testing. The investigators hope to quantify the role of Pioglitazone in patients with mood disorders and compare the values to those previously obtained in a healthy age-matched control population. The investigators also hope to examine the association between IR and cognitive performance and clinical course of depression in patients with mood disorders.

Feeding Study - Effects Post-cardiac Surgery
Heart DiseaseDietary Modification1 moreThe purpose of this randomized trial is to clarify the role of enteral nutrition (EN) on the relationship between cardiopulmonary bypass-induced inflammation and insulin resistance by investigating the effects of two different feeding strategies in infants following cardiac surgery. The study's primary objective is to determine if early and higher volume feeding modifies the relationship between the severity of postoperative systemic inflammation and insulin resistance.

Endothelial Dysfunction, Inflammation and Insulin Resistance in Congenital Hypogonadism and Effect...
Hypogonadotrophic HypogonadismThe study searched for answers to two questions Is there endothelial dysfunction, inflammation and insulin resistance in patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism? What is the effect of testosterone replacement therapy on endothelial dysfunction, inflammation and insulin resistance?

Bariatric Surgery And Adipose Inflammation Dysfunction and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 Diabetes MellitusInsulin ResistanceThe focus of this proposal is to define the mechanism by which bariatric surgery acutely improves insulin sensitivity. Our central hypothesis is that drastically reduced caloric intake early after Bariatric surgery improves the pro-inflammatory profile of macrophages, which in turn improves insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis.

MetfoRmin and Its Effects on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Normotensive Patients With Coronary...
Left Ventricular HypertrophyInsulin Resistance2 moreThickening of the heart muscle (left ventricle) known medically as Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH) is very common in patients with heart disease. This increases risk of cerebrovascular/cardiovascular event. LVH is asymptomatic and managed by the use of medication to control blood pressure, however LVH may be seen in normotensive patients where factors such as obesity and insulin resistance are present. Insulin resistance is a condition where although the body produces insulin it is unable to utilize it effectively. Metformin, a drug used to treat diabetes, can reduce insulin resistance and cause weight loss, it may therefore improve LVH. This study will investigate the ability of metformin to reduce LVH in patients with heart disease, this may be a novel way forward in the risk reduction of cerebrovascular/cardiovascular events. Participants will be identified throughout NHS Tayside, those eligible will be randomly allocated to either metformin or a dummy medication (placebo) and will receive one year of treatment. At the beginning of the study, the thickness of the heart muscle will be measured by ultrasound scan and cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (cMRI). We will also perform non-invasive tests to measure blood vessel function. These tests will be repeated after one year. At the end of the study, we will investigate the difference between placebo treatment and metformin treatment. This study is funded by the British Heart Foundation.

Pilot Study With GFT505 (80mg) in Patients With Insulin Resistance and Abdominal Obesity
Insulin ResistanceAbdominal ObesityThe purpose of this study is to demonstrate the efficacy on insulin sensitivity of GFT505 at 80mg/d in male patients with insulin resistance and abdominal obesity. Evaluation will be made using a glucose clamp technique.

Metformin to Treat Obesity in Children With Insulin Resistance
HyperinsulinemiaObesityThis study will examine the safety and effectiveness of the medicine metformin to help overweight children control their food intake, weight, insulin, cholesterol, and triglyceride (blood fat) levels. Obesity and high insulin levels can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels and heart disease. Metformin-approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus-helps lower insulin levels and may control weight gain in adults. Overweight children 6 to 11 years old who are in general good health may be eligible for this study. Children will be studied at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Candidates will have a medical history and physical examination and fasting blood test, and will provide a 7-day record of their food intake as part of the screening process. Those enrolled will be randomly assigned to receive either metformin or placebo (a look-alike tablet with no active medicine) twice a day for a six month period. After the 6 month study period, all children will be offered the opportunity to take metformin for another 6 months. Participants will be hospitalized for 2-3 days for the following procedures: history and physical examination; fasting blood test; several urine collections; X-ray studies to determine bone age and amount of body fat and muscle; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to measure body fat; "hyperglycemic clamp study" to evaluate insulin resistance; food intake testing; nutrition consultation; resting metabolic rate; and a "doubly labeled water" test. For the hyperglycemic clamp study, a catheter (thin flexible tube) is inserted into a vein in each arm. A sugar solution is given through one tube and blood samples are drawn every 5 minutes through the other to measure insulin. For the food intake testing, the child is asked about his or her hunger level, then given various foods he or she may choose to eat, then questioned again at various intervals both during and after finishing eating about his or her hunger level. The doubly labeled water study involves drinking "heavy water" (water which is enriched to have special kinds of hydrogen and oxygen). Urine specimens are collected 2, 3 and 4 hours after drinking the water. The child also drinks a special milk shake called a Scandishake and repeats the calorie intake and hunger study. (Two food intake studies are done on separate days.) One week after the heavy water test, additional urine samples are collected one week later. After completing the tests, the child will begin treatment with metformin or placebo, plus a daily vitamin tablet. Participants will be followed once a month with a brief history and physical examination, including a blood test. After 6 months, all of the tests described above will be repeated. All children who complete the second round of tests-both those who took metformin and those who took placebo-will be offered metformin for an additional 6 months and will be seen once a month for follow-up evaluations. Parents will not be told which children received metformin and which received placebo until all children in the study complete the first 6 months of the trial.

Chromium's Effect on Insulin Resistance in Obesity
Insulin ResistanceObesityThis research is to investigate the nutritional supplement chromium picolinate. A large number of people use chromium picolinate from health food stores to improve the function of the hormone insulin. The investigators are testing how effective this supplement is and are also monitoring its safety. In patients with diabetes, chromium has been shown to increase sensitivity to the hormone insulin. Since obesity can cause insensitivity or resistance to insulin, the investigators are studying obese individuals with documented insulin resistance. The investigators would like to know if chromium is also effective in treating the insulin resistance associated with obesity.

The Effect of Purple Sweet Potato (PSP)-Juice on Liver Enzymes and Blood Pressure
HealthBlood Pressure2 morePurple Sweet Potato juice (PSP-juice) is a juice based on purple-fleshed sweet potato concentrate, containing a high level of anthocyanins. Purple-fleshed sweet potatoes have attracted attention to industry and scientists due to multiple physiological functions such as radical-scavenging, ACE-inhibitory and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities in vitro, and also hepato-protective, antihypertensive and antihyperglycemic effects in vivo. Previous studies in Japanese subjects showed potential beneficial effects of PSP beverages on liver function and blood pressure in volunteers with impaired hepatic function and/or hypertension. The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of PSP-juice on liver enzymes and blood pressure. The secondary objective is to examine the effects of PSP-juice juice on insulin resistance.