P3 Study to Assess Efficacy and Safety of Cefepime/Nacubactam and Aztreonam/Nacubactam Versus Best...
Complicated Urinary Tract InfectionAcute Pyelonephritis3 moreThis study is a multi-center, randomized, single-blind, parallel-group study to assess the efficacy and safety, when nacubactam is coadministered with cefepime or aztreonam, compared with best available therapy (BAT), in the treatment of patients with cUTI, AP, HABP, VABP, and cIAI, due to Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacterales.

Unfractioned Heparin for Treatment of Sepsis Caused by Abdominal Infection
SepsisGram-Negative Bacterial Infections1 moreSepsis is the leading cause of death in intensive care units and a major public health concern in the world. Heparin, a widely used anticoagulant medicine to prevent or treat thrombotic disorders, has been demonstrated to prevent organ damage and lethality in experimental sepsis models. However, the efficacy of heparin in the treatment of clinical sepsis is not consistent. Caspase-11, a cytosolic receptor of LPS, triggers lethal immune responses in sepsis. Recently, we have revealed that heparin prevents cytosolic delivery of LPS and caspase-11 activation in sepsis through inhibiting the heparanase-mediated glycocalyx degradation and the HMGB1- LPS interaction, which is independent of its anticoagulant properties. In our study, it is found that heparin treatment could prevent lethal responses in endotoxemia or Gram-negative sepsis, while caspase-11 deficiency or heparin treatment failed to confer protection against sepsis caused by Staphylococcus aureus, a type of Gram-positive bacterium. It is probably that other pathogens such as Gram-positive bacteria might cause death through mechanisms distinct from that of Gram-negative bacteria. Peptidoglycan, a cell-wall component of Gram-positive bacteria, can cause DIC and impair survival in primates by activating both extrinsic and intrinsic coagulation pathways, which might not be targeted by heparin. We speculate that the discrepancy between the previous clinical trials of heparin might be due to the difference in infected pathogens. Thus, stratification of patients based on the type of invading pathogens might improve the therapeutic efficiency of heparin in sepsis, and this merits future investigations.

Delayed Primary Closure Using Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Infection AbdominalSurgical site infection rates for contaminated or dirty laparotomy wounds can be as high as 45%. Surgical management of dirty and contaminated wounds has been controversial in the literature and between surgeons. Primary closure (PC) of these wounds can lead to multiple complications including surgical site infection (SSI), necrotizing soft tissue infection, wound and fascial dehiscence, evisceration, sepsis and hernia development. However, an alternative technique of utilizing secondary intention results in prolonged healing time and increased cost and healthcare resource utilization. Delayed primary closure (DPC) was developed to address many of these issues. Bhangu completed a systematic review and meta-analysis comparing primary versus delayed primary skin closure in contaminated and dirty abdominal wounds. They included 8 studies randomizing 623 patients with contaminated or dirty abdominal wounds to either DPC or PC. The most common diagnosis was appendicitis (77.4%), followed by perforated abdominal viscus (11.5%), ileostomy closure (6.5%), trauma (2.7%), and intra-abdominal abscess/other peritonitis (1.9%). The time to first assessment for DPC was between 2 and 5 days postoperatively. In all studies, the DPC group had significantly less SSIs using a fixed-effect model (odds ratio, 0.65; 95%CI, 0.40-0.93; P = .02). However, heterogeneity was high (72%), and using a random-effects model, the effect was no longer significant (odds ratio, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.25-1.64; P = .36). Additionally, all of the studies were found to be at high risk of bias, with marked deficiencies in study design and outcome assessment. A recent systematic review showed improved fascial closure rates with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) Yet, a large national study using NPWT to perform a DPC has been shown to actually decrease the rate of closure. Access to NPWT has increased over the years and innovative wound management techniques including incisional application of negative pressure therapy have allowed clinicians to apply this method to dirty wounds following the principles of delayed primary closure. There are currently no studies available to help determine the safety and efficacy of advanced NPWT techniques to optimize surgical wound management from the open abdomen to skin closure. Within our Division, we have decided to make a practice change and develop a standard closure plan for open abdomens using the negative pressure devices available within our institution.

A Non-Traumatic Binder for Temporary Abdominal Wall Closure
Abdominal TraumaAbdominal Injury6 moreAt the end of most abdominal operations, the fascial layer is closed by stitching edges of the wound together. However, because of logistic and/or technical reasons or the patient's critical condition, the surgeon is forced to leave the abdomen open. The current approach for temporary coverage of abdomen is vacuum assisted techniques (VAT). This technique requires the use of vacuum-assisted drainage to remove blood or watery fluid from a wound or operative site. Although this is the most successful and commonly used procedure, there are some limitations to this method. For example, VAT have little effect on preventing lateral movement of the wound edges. Therefore, VAT it is not the ideal procedure in aiding surgeons to closed the abdomen. The purpose of this study is to compare usual care (vacuum or non-vacuum methods for temporary coverage of the OA) versus usual care plus a novel new abdominal binder device called ABRO™ that may aid in the closure of patients who undergo open abdomen closure procedures.

Closed or Open Abdomen for the Management of Abdominal Sepsis
Abdominal SepsisAbdominal InfectionThis is a prospective randomized clinical study. The study will comprise the randomized decision to either A) primarily close the fascia after laparotomy for intra-abdominal infection (CLOSED); or B) leave the fascia open after laparotomy and apply a temporary abdominal closure (TAC) device (OPEN) with a vacuum drain. Although debatable, both procedures (CLOSED or OPEN abdomen) are acceptable based on current suggested standard of care. Thus, high quality data to direct clinical decision making in this highly lethal condition is urgently required.

A Phase 2 Study Evaluating Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Different Doses and Regimens of...
SepsisCommunity-acquired Pneumonia5 moreA Phase 2, Multi-Center, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Finding Study Evaluating Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Different Doses and Regimens of Allocetra-OTS for the Treatment of Organ Failure in Adult Sepsis Patients

The PASTDUe Nutrition Ecosystem Project (PASTDUe)
DietHealthy12 moreThis is a research study to determine if a particular method of providing nutrition improves the clinical outcomes of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) who have undergone abdominal surgery and would require nutrition delivered via the bloodstream (called total parenteral nutrition or TPN). The nutrition method we are testing is a structured nutrition delivery plan that involves tube feeding, oral nutrition supplements, and the use of a device (called an indirect calorimeter or IC) to measure calorie needs. This study will also use two devices to measure fat and muscle mass to examine changes during hospitalization. Subjects will be followed throughout hospitalization where nutrition status and fat and muscle mass will be closely monitored. Study activities will begin within 72 hours of a patient's abdominal surgery. TPN (total parenteral nutrition, a method of feeding that bypasses the usual process of eating and digestion) will be started, a non-invasive method of assessing calorie needs (indirect calorimetry (IC)) will be started, a urine sample will be collected to help assist in protein needs, and fat/muscle mass will be measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and an ultrasound. This is a minimal risk study and all products/devices used are non-invasive and FDA-approved. Indirect calorimetry and urine sample collection will be conducted every 3 days during the stay in the Intensive Care Unit - ICU, then every 5 days until hospital discharge. BIA and muscle ultrasound will be conducted every 7 days during ICU stay, then every 14 days until hospital discharge.

Study Comparing Caspofungin to Placebo for the Treatment of ICU Intra-abdominal Candidiasis
ICU Yeast Intra-abdominal InfectionThe incidence of intra-abdominal candidiasis is increasing, and it is now the leading indication for antifungal therapy, ahead of candidemia. Prospective randomized trials of antifungal therapy have almost exclusively concerned patients with candidemia and did not include patients with intra-abdominal infections. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that caspofungin antifungal therapy for intra-abdominal candidiasis in ICU patients is associated with lower failure rate compared to placebo.

Preventive Therapy of Postoperative Intra-abdominal Infection Based on Serum Lactate Changes
Postoperative InfectionLactate1 moreIntra-abdominal infection is one of the most serious complications after pancreatic resection. The preventive use of antibiotics intraoperatively could reduce the incidence rate of postoperative intra-abdominal infection. According to the previous retrospective study, changes of serum lactate level on postoperative day1 could predict the incidence rate of postoperative intra-abdominal infection. This prospective RCT is to further validate and promote the findings and conclusion.

Evolution of Muscle Function, Breathlessness and Quality of Life Following Intra or Extra-Abdominal...
SepsisSeptic ShockSepsis is organ dysfunction secondary to an inappropriate host response to infection. In the most severe cases, circulatory failure necessitating the introduction of vasopressor therapy is called septic shock. Sepsis and septic shock are life-threatening systemic organ dysfunctions requiring hospitalization in a critical care unit. According to several studies, sepsis accounts for around 30% of patients in these units. In this patient population, mortality in the critical care unit or in hospital is 25.8% and 35.3% respectively. Among the organ dysfunctions associated with sepsis, striated skeletal muscle damage is frequent and possibly severe. The literature refers to this as sepsis-induced myopathy, and describes three main mechanisms: mitochondrial dysfunction, exacerbated proteolysis and altered muscle membrane excitability. Of all the striated skeletal muscles that can be affected, the diaphragm and the muscles of the thoracic and abdominal wall play a major role in breathing. The diaphragm remains the main muscle involved in breathing. Its physiology is twofold. Firstly, through its contraction, the diaphragm is responsible for the lateral movement of the lower ribs, thus increasing the transverse diameter of the thorax. This first action is commonly referred to as "insertional". At the same time, lowering the phrenic center of the diaphragm increases abdominal pressure. Its distinctive upwardly convex domed appearance means that it is intimately in contact with both the chest wall and the abdominal cavity. This particular area of contact is called the apposition zone. It is on this zone, under the action of the abdominal compartment, that positive pressure also generates an outward thrust from the medial face of the lower ribs, a second action commonly referred to as "appositional". A number of studies, including that carried out by our team (US_DIAMONDS, NCT 02474797), have identified a high prevalence of diaphragmatic damage in patients with sepsis or septic shock. This can be as high as 60%. This diaphragmatic dysfunction would then be associated with a higher mortality rate in hospital and at D90 of discharge. The clinical evolution of post-resuscitation patients remains a little-studied subject. However, patients may present muscle dysfunctions in the longer term after a stay in intensive care. In our study, we demonstrated that less than half of patients recovered from diaphragmatic dysfunction on discharge from the critical care unit. In addition, Borges RC et al. found a significant decrease in the cross-sectional area of the rectus femoris at discharge, compared with the same measurement taken at D+2 of admission to the critical care unit. Finally, the impact of muscle dysfunction on dyspnoea during sepsis and after its resolution is uncertain. Similarly, the impact of muscle dysfunction and dyspnoea on quality of life is unknown. Sepsis is associated with muscle dysfunction of multiple mechanisms. The aim of this study is to assess the immediate and longer-term impact of muscle dysfunction on muscle, dyspnea and quality of life in patients with abdominal sepsis ("Abdominal sepsis" group) and patients with extra-abdominal sepsis ("Extra-abdominal" group). Depending on the location of sepsis, this study will enable us to assess and potentially confirm the preferential effect of abdominal sepsis on diaphragm function.