
Active clinical trials for "Intraabdominal Infections"

Results 11-20 of 121

Efficacy and Safety of CAZ-AVI in the Treatment of Infections Due to Carbapenem-resistant G- Pathogens...

Urinary Tract InfectionAcute Pyelonephritis4 more

This is an open-label, randomized, multi-center, interventional, active-controlled Phase 4 study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CAZ-AVI versus BAT in the treatment of infected participants with selected infection types (Hospital Acquired Pneumonia [HAP] (including Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia [VAP]); Complicated Urinary-Tract Infection [cUTI]; Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infection [cIAI]; Bloodstream Infection [BSI]) due to carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative pathogens in China.This study will be an estimation study. The statistical inference will be based on point estimate and confidence interval.

Active10 enrollment criteria

The Effect of Supraglottic and Oropharyngeal Decontamination on the Incidence of Ventilator-associated...

Trauma InjuryBrain Injuries6 more

Oropharynx is the main source of pathogen microorganisms for the ventilator - associated pneumoniae. As known bacteriophages can eliminate different pathogen microorganisms or reduce a degree of a pathogen's colonization. The research team is considering that oropharyngeal decontamination with bacteriophages can prevent the developing of the ventilator - associated pneumoniae. There will be three groups in this investigation: placebo, antiseptic drug (Octenisept) and bacteriophage (Sexthaphag).

Recruiting7 enrollment criteria

Real-World Study of Ceftazidime Avibactam in China

Hospital Acquired PneumoniaVentilator Acquired Pneumonia1 more

This observational study will enroll approximately 450 in patients. Patients treated with CAZ AVI for at least 1 dose at around 20 research centers in China will be enroll.

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

Point of Care 3D Ultrasound for Various Applications: A Pilot Study

AppendicitisEvidence of Cholecystectomy22 more

Summary Purpose and Objective: The purpose of this study is to test the feasibility of rapid acquisition of point of care 3D ultrasound in obtaining abdominal and/or pelvic images. The study will use a newly developed acquisition method and post-processing technique to create three dimensional image models of the abdomen and/or pelvis. Study activities and population group. The study population will be a convenience sample of patients of any age presenting to the Emergency Department with complaints necessitating a clinical abdominal and/or pelvic imaging. The study intervention includes acquisition of research ultrasound images, which will not be used for clinical care, and comparison of these images with clinically obtained images. Other clinical data such as surgical and pathology reports will also be reviewed. 3.Data analysis and risk/safety issues. This is a pilot study intended to determine feasibility and to refine image reconstruction algorithms. Research images will be compared to clinical images. Comparison of research images with final diagnosis will also occur. The research intervention, an ultrasound exam, has no known safety risks. The only risk to subjects is loss of confidentiality. This study is observational, not interventional, because the experimental ultrasound will be performed in all subjects and will not be used in the clinical care of patients (consequently, will not have the opportunity to affect clinical outcomes). Experimental images will be reviewed after completion of clinical care and will not be provided to the clinicians caring for the subjects. The investigators are not measuring the effect of the ultrasound examination on the subjects' outcomes.

Recruiting4 enrollment criteria

Fosfomycin i.v. for Treatment of Severely Infected Patients

Bacterial InfectionsBone Diseases19 more

The purpose of this European, multicentric, prospective, non-interventional study is to document and evaluate the efficacy and safety of the treatment of severely infected patients with intravenously administered fosfomycin, including patients with osteomyelitis, complicated urinary tract infection, nosocomial lower respiratory tract infection, bacterial meningitis/central nervous system infection, bacteraemia/sepsis, skin and soft tissue infection, endocarditis or other infections, each as far as covered by the respective nationally relevant SmPC.

Recruiting14 enrollment criteria

EXTENDed Antibiotic Durations Compared to Standard Durations for Patients With Complicated Intra-abdominal...

Complicated Intra-abdominal Infection

A multicentre, open label, two-arm, parallel group, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial with internal pilot. A total of 1166 consenting adult patients with cIAI will be recruited and randomised on a 1:1 basis between 28-days antibiotics and standard care antibiotics. Patients will be followed up for 180 days to determine cost effectiveness and the rate of treatment failure in each group.

Not yet recruiting39 enrollment criteria

HostDx Sepsis in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Emergency Department Patients With Suspected Infections...

Respiratory Tract InfectionsUrinary Tract Infections4 more

This study will analyze gene expression and other laboratory data from biological samples collected from participants with suspected respiratory, urinary, intra-abdominal, and/or skin & soft tissue infections; or suspected sepsis of any cause.

Recruiting14 enrollment criteria

Hellenic Registry for cIAIs (HERCO-II)

Intra-abdominal Infection

Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections (cIAIs) represent an emergent surgical situation which lead to important non trauma-related mortality in several Emergency Surgical Centers worldwide. Their prevalence seemed to be unrelated to age, gender, health status and socioeconomic condition. Early diagnosis, timely septic source control, wide-spectrum antibiotic delivery and resuscitation with fluids and vasoactive agents in critically ill patients are fundamentals for successful cIAIs management. Moreover, septic shock, antibiotic resistant multi-pathogens and comorbidities have been associated with increased morbidity and mortality of cIAIs. Several international health associations announce updated guidelines for cIAIs management. Nevertheless, such guidelines could not be widely implemented, because of specific features of several healthcare systems worldwide. The aim of the present study is to investigate the prevalence of cIAIs among the Greek health system and the potential association of time interval of septic source control, preoperative resuscitation and multidrug resistant pathogens with morbidity, mortality, ICU stay and length of stay in patients with cIAIs.

Recruiting11 enrollment criteria

GSK2251052 in the Treatment of Complicated Intra-abdominal Infections


This study is being conducted to evaluate the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of GSK2251052 in subjects with complicated intra abdominal infections. GSK2251052 will be compared to meropenem, an IV therapy that is approved for use in the treatment of subjects with cIAI. GSK2251052 has a spectrum of microbiological activity that includes pathogens responsible for cIAI.

Terminated69 enrollment criteria

A Safety and Tolerability Study of Doripenem Compared With Meropenem in Children Hospitalized With...

AbscessIntra-Abdominal10 more

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of doripenem compared with meropenem in children hospitalized with complicated intra-abdominal infections.

Terminated13 enrollment criteria

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