Study of Nilotinib as First Line Treatment in Philadelphia Chromosome Positive(Ph+) Chronic Myelogenous...
Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaThe study was a local multicentric, open-label, non-randomized phase II study of nilotinib as a first line treatment in adult patients with newly-diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) and chronic phase myeloid leukemia (CML-CP).

Donor Bone Marrow Transplant With or Without G-CSF in Treating Young Patients With Hematologic Cancer...
Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in RemissionChildhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Remission8 moreThis randomized phase III trial is studying donor bone marrow transplant with or without G-CSF to compare how well they work in treating young patients with hematologic cancer or other diseases. Giving chemotherapy and total-body irradiation before a donor bone marrow transplant helps stop the growth of cancer or abnormal cells. It also helps stop the patient's immune system from rejecting the donor's stem cells. When the healthy stem cells from a donor are infused into the patient they may help the patient's bone marrow make stem cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Sometimes the transplanted cells from a donor can make an immune response against the body's normal cells. Giving methotrexate and tacrolimus or cyclosporine before and after transplant may stop this from happening. It is not yet known whether donor bone marrow transplant is more effective with or without G-CSF in treating hematologic cancer or other diseases.

Study of Parathyroid Hormone Following Sequential Cord Blood Transplantation From an Unrelated Donor...
LeukemiaMyeloid15 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the addition of parathyroid hormone after a sequential cord blood transplant will improve engraftment, which is the ability of the transplanted stem cells to grow and to successfully begin producing new blood cells.

Safety Assessment of a Multipeptide-gene Vaccine in CML
LeukemiaMyeloid1 moreThe primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety of a peptide-gene vaccine against CML in patients under Imatinib treatment. We will also perform some laboratory tests suggesting biological response.

Allogeneic Cytokine-induced Killer Immunotherapy for Relapse After Allogeneic Marrow Transplant...
Acute Myeloid LeukemiaAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia5 moreCytokine-induced killer ( CIK ) cells have been shown by our lab to be cytolytic against both autologous and allogeneic acute myeloid leukemia ( AML ) cells. Large scale expansion of CIK cells has also been shown to be feasible in healthy allogeneic stem cell donors as well as in patients undergoing mobilization for autologous transplant. Donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) has been shown to be active against some haematological malignancies including CML, AML, MDS,NHL and Hodgkin's disease. These donor lymphocytes can be further activated in vitro to become CIK cells. At least 2 other centers in the world have given allogeneic CIK cells for patients relapsing post allogeneic transplant for a variety of haematological malignancies. These early reports have demonstrated feasibility, absence of increased GVHD and possible efficacy in some cases. We are proposing a Phase I /II study on the feasibility / efficacy of immunotherapy with allogeneic CIK cells for patients who relapse after allogeneic marrow transplant for their haematological malignancies. These patients have to be either refractory to conventional donor lymphocyte infusion, or need a larger number of donor lymphocyte than could be provided by unmanipulated donor lymphocytes. Donor lymphocytes will be collected and cultured in GMP facilities to maturity, then infused into patients. This will be given in graded doses at 4 weekly intervals and continued on in the absence of GVHD till remission is achieved or disease progression occurs. Patients may receive various forms of chemotherapy appropriate to the clinical condition in each case before the allogeneic CIK infusion. Efficacy will be assessed by comparing the response to allogeneic CIK infusion vs that to due to conventional DLI, ie response to the two different treatment using DLI response as the comparator. We expect about 10 such cases to be done over the next 3 years. Significant statistics is unlikely to be generated but observation and description of the response can generate useful information for presence or not of the efficacy of such a treatment. If clinical efficacy and superiority over conventional DLI is demonstrated, then future allogeneic CIK may take the place of DLI in this group of poor prognosis patients who relapse after allogeneic transplant .

Safety and Efficacy of Imatinib Versus Interferon-α Plus Cytarabine in Patients With Newly Diagnosed...
Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaThe purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare the side effects and anti-leukemic benefits of imatinib with those of interferon and Ara-C for patients who have chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in the chronic phase. Patients in this study will be randomized (1:1) to receive either interferon plus Ara-C or imatinib as initial treatment.

A Study of Dasatinib in Patients With Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Who Are Resistant or Intolerant...
LeukemiaMyeloid5 moreThe purpose of this clinical research study is to provide dasatinib treatment to patients with advanced chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) or Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ ALL) who no longer can tolerate treatment with imatinib. The safety of the treatment will also be studied.

Dasatinib in Treating Young Patients With Recurrent or Refractory Solid Tumors or Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive...
Accelerated Phase Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaBlastic Phase Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia8 moreThis phase I trial is studying the side effects and best dose of dasatinib in treating young patients with recurrent or refractory solid tumors or Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia or chronic myelogenous leukemia that did not respond to imatinib mesylate. Dasatinib may stop the growth of cancer cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth

T Cell Depletion for Recipients of HLA Haploidentical Related Donor Stem Cell Grafts
Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaNon Hodgkins Lymphoma7 moreSubjects are being asked to participate in this study because treatment of their disease requires them to receive a stem cell transplant. Stem cells or "mother" cells are the source of normal blood cells and lead to recovery of blood counts after bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Unfortunately, there is not a perfectly matched stem cell donor (like a sister or brother) and the subject's disease is considered rapidly progressive and does not permit enough time to identify another donor (like someone from a registry list that is not their relative). We have, however, identified a close relative of the subject's whose stem cells are not a perfect match, but can be used. However, with this type of donor, there is typically an increased risk of developing graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), a high rate of transplant failure, and a longer delay in the recovery of the immune system. GVHD is a serious and sometimes fatal side effect of stem cell transplant. GVHD occurs when the new donor cells (graft) recognizes that the body tissues of the patient (host) are different from those of the donor. When this happens, cells in the graft may attack the host organs, primarily the skin, liver, and intestines. The number of occurrences and harshness of severe GVHD depends on several factors, including the degree of genetic differences between the donor and recipient, the intensity of the pre-treatment conditioning regimen, the quantity of transplanted cells, and the recipient's age. In recipients of mismatched family member or matched unrelated donor stem cell transplants, there is a greater risk of GVHD so that 70-90% of recipients of unchanged marrow will develop severe GVHD which could include symptoms such as marked diarrhea, liver failure, or even death. In an effort to lower the occurrences and severity of graft-versus-host disease in patients and to lower the rate of transplant failure, we would like to specially treat the donor's blood cells to remove cells that are most likely to attack the patient's tissues. This will occur in combination with intense conditioning treatment that the patient will receive before the transplant.

Sibling and Unrelated Donor Hematopoietic Cell Transplant in Hematologic Malignancies
Acute DiseaseMyelodysplastic Syndromes7 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine the tolerability and efficacy in treating patients aged 51-60 with acute leukemia and in treating myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) or myeloproliferative disorders (MPD).