The Effects of Telerehabilitation and Supervised Stabilization Exercises in Individuals With Nonspecific...
Low Back PainThis study aims to investigate the effects of telerehabilitation and supervised stabilization exercises on pain, functionality, kinesophobia and quality of life in individuals with non-specific chronic low back pain. 72 individuals who voluntarily agree to participate in the study will be included. This study divides the patients in three groups: the supervised group: face-to-face stabilization exercises are applied, the telerehabilitation group: treatment through online meetings, and the control group: patients will do home-based exercises that prescribed by physiothrerapist. Evaluations will be made by the same physiotherapist. The researcher who will make the measurements in this study will not know which treatment program was applied to the participants. In this study, The same stabilization exercises will be applied in three different groups. Ten different stabilization exercises will be applied to the participants. Exercises will be performed for 20-30 minutes in each session, three times a week, for four weeks in total, twelve sessions. Clinical and demographic data of the 72 people participating in the study will be taken before treatment. Participants will also fill out questionnaires before and after the treatment that involve; the Oswestry Disability Index to measure(ODI) daily life activity limitations; the Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) for assessing the intensity of pain; Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia(TSK) to assess fear of movement; and the Short Form(SF-36) in order to assess self-perceived health-related quality of life. Statistical analysis is going to be used in this research through the SPSS 20.0 package program.

Bowen's Technique and Muscle Energy Technique on Hamstrings Tightness
Low Back PainThe aim of this research is to find and compare the effect of Bowen's technique and Muscle energy technique on intensity of pain, active knee extension, limited forward bending and active straight leg raise on hamstrings tightness in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. A randomized control trial is conducting at Railway General Hospital, Rawalpindi and Al-Ain Hospital, Wah Cantt. The sample size is calculated through open epi is 24. The subjects are divided in two groups, 12 subjects in Bowen's technique group and 12 in Muscle energy technique group. Study duration is of 6 months. Sampling technique applied is non-probability convenient sampling for recruitment and group randomization using sealed envelope method. Only 18-35 years individuals of hamstrings tightness with chronic non-specific low back pain are included. Tools used in the study are Numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), Active knee extension, Sit and reach test, Active straight leg raise and Goniometer. Data will be analyzed through SPSS 21.

Immediate Exercise-Induced Hypoalgesia in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThe main objective of this study is: • To evaluate the immediate hypoalgesic effect of an aerobic exercise session of different intensities in patients with chronic low back pain; The secondary objective is: • To explore whether pain intensity, level of physical activity, functionality, catastrophizing, kinesiophobia, anxiety and depression interfere with the immediate hypoalgesic effect of exercise.

Efficacy and Safety of FIRTECH in Patients With Mild to Moderate Acute Low Back Pain
Low Back PainPrimary Objective: To assess the efficacy of the infrared therapy patch (ITP) FIRTECH for treating participants suffering from mild to moderate acute low back pain. Secondary Objectives: To assess the efficacy of ITP FIRTECH on participant disability To assess the efficacy of ITP FIRTECH on the degree of participant mobility To assess the safety of ITP FIRTECH

Effects of Spinal Manipulation in Patients With Nonspecific Low Back Pain
Back PainLumbar Pain Syndrome2 moreIntroduction: Nonspecific low back pain is the most common cause of visits to medical personnel and is the largest cause of absenteeism in the world. (1), Nonspecific low back pain accounts for 85% of low back pain, notably affecting quality of life and working life (2), There is a 50-70% probability that a person will have low back pain during their life ( 3), lumbago produces 300,000 years lived with disability (ADL), being the first burden of disease in Chile, surpassing hypertensive heart disease and depression (4). There are many therapeutic approaches to the management of nonspecific low back pain, including high-speed, low-amplitude spinal manipulations (5). This technique consists of applying a short and rapid force at the level of the joint that is restricted, in order to restore normal joint mobility. The physiological effects of manipulations are not sufficiently studied, but some authors (6) (7) suggest that the nervous system is the mediator of the effects of spinal manipulation. Among non-pharmacological interventions, numerous clinical guidelines recommend the use of therapeutic exercise for low back pain (8), including a wide variety of types of recommended exercises, the most traditionally recommended being aerobic exercises, exercises that involve stretching postures of the back. vertebral musculature, strengthening and strength exercises (9) and central stabilization exercises (10). Recently, the effects of inspiratory muscle and diaphragm training exercises in patients with low back pain are being investigated (11). The application of an elastic bandage (12) in the lumbar area generates a proprioceptive signal through the skin, producing analgesia and a feeling of support in the area. Objectives: To compare the effects of different therapeutic approaches in combination with spinal manipulation. Design and method: Single-blind randomized clinical trial Results: Significant differences are expected before and after treatment and differences between groups. Conclusion: The aims of this study is to demonstrate that High speed and low amplitude spinal manipulation plus other conservative treatment is a valid therapeutic strategy for the management of nonspecific low back pain

The Additional Effect of Different Taping Applications in Patients With Lumbar Radiculopathy
Low Back PainRecurrent3 moreOur study aims to compare the therapeutic effects of different taping materials and techniques on pain, functionality, and tissue temperature in patients with lumbar radiculopathy.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation With Frequency Specific Microcurrent Resonance Therapy...
Non Specific Chronic Low Back PainTranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is widely used for chronic pain. Recent studies showed frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) resonant therapy was safe and effective in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain. However, there was no prospective, double-blinded randomized controlled trial to validate the clinical applicability. The goal of this trial is to verify safety and efficacy of FSM using a TENS device, Dragon Waves Resonant Home Care Electronic Nerve Stimulator-DW1330,(Taiwan Resonant Waves Research Co, Taiwan R.O.C), in 60 patients with non-specific low back pain.

Effect of Whole Body Vibration Exercises for Patients wıth Chronic Nonspeific Low Back Pain
PainLabor Pain2 moreWhole body vibration (WBV), which is a new treatment method and applied through the device, is defined as mechanical repetitive motion or oscillatory motion occurring around a balance point (5). Chronic nonspecific low back pain is still a serious clinical, social and economic health problem. There are few studies and limited evidence evaluating the effectiveness of WBV exercises in chronic nonspecific low back pain. Different protocols are used for wbv exercise in studies (6). Our aim is to compare the effects of whole body vibration exercise modality on pain, functional recovery, laboor impact, quality of life with control group in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain.

Manual Therapy and Exercise in Low Back Pain
Low Back PainNon-specific low back pain is one of the main causes of disability for health care worldwide. The effectiveness of therapeutic exercise, of kinesio tape and of manual therapy in the treatment of low back pain is evaluated, but not a comparison of these techniques. Moreover, can these techniques be combined?

Comparison of Two Electrotherapy Methods on Chronic Low Back Pain
Low Back PainMechanicalThe purpose of this study is; to compare the effects of interferential current therapy (IF) applied in addition to conventional physical therapy on pain, functional status and quality of life compared to pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) in patients with chronic low back pain.