Using a Robot to Treat Non-specific Low Back Pain
Non-specific Low Back PainNon-specific low back pain (NSLBP) is a musculoskeletal syndrome whose main characteristic is the pain, which is focalized in the lumbar area of the spine, which cannot be attributed to a known cause (traumatism, systemic diseases, nerve root compression, etc). The treatment includes massage and rehabilitation techniques. Here the investigators want to test whether a robot (ADAMO) may help in improving current physiotherapy exercises in reducing back pain. NSLBP patients will be randomly assigned to two arms (robot versus control) and they will receive 10 massage sessions. Pain evaluation will be performed with the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the Oswestry disability index (ODI). The ODI will be performed by an independent physician blind to the treatment.

Telehealth Physical Therapy for Chronic Back Pain - Ancillary Study to NCT03859713
Low Back PainThis study evaluated the feasibility of an 8-week physical therapy program for persons with chronic low back pain provided entirely using telehealth with real-time, interactive video sessions with a physical therapist.

The Effect of Dry Needling of the Gluteus Medius Muscle in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThe effectiveness of dry needling of the Gluteus Medius muscle in combination with active exercises will be examined compared with sham needling with active exercises in low back pain (LBP) patients.

The Effect of Core Stability Training on Deep Stabilizing Muscles.
Low Back PainMechanical3 moreNon-specific low back pain is the most cause of adult disability throughout life. Its prevalence widens in young adults. Background of this pathology can be multifactorial. One of the most common is poor core stability and overloading of the local tissues as a result. Among treatment methods stabilizing training is commonly used with good effects. This form of therapy affects the transverse abdomen and multifidus muscles. To assess these structures several methods can be applied, e.g. sonofeedback. Our hypothesis claims that the core muscles morphology will change over the training process duration, in result, the analgesic effect will be achieved.

Effects of Core Exercise in Low Back Pain
Low Back PainNon-specific low back pain in one of the main causes of disability for health care worldwide. The effectiveness of therapeutic exercise, of kinesio tape and of manual therapy in the treatment of low back pain is evaluated, but not a comparison of these techniques. Moreover, can these techniques be combined?

Effect of SNAGs on Stiffness of Lumbar Stabilizer Muscles
Low Back PainManuel TherapyLow back pain is a common health problem worldwide. Epidemiological studies have shown that 70-80% of all people are affected at least once in their lifetime. Although it is common, often the cause of the pain has not been determined and is called 'nonspecific low back pain. Low back pain has been shown to alter the structure of deep and superficial muscles such as multifidus and erector spinae. However, it has not been fully explained how changes in muscle fiber structure affect the biomechanical properties and functions of the muscle. There are various manual therapy techniques in the treatment of low back pain. Manual therapists use treatment modalities that include passive techniques such as mobilization and manipulation. Mobilization with movement (MWM) developed by Mulligan involves applying a sustained transverse glide to the spinous process of a vertebra while actively or passively performing. These techniques have gained the name "Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides" (SNAGS) as it is maintained at the pain-free range and follows the plane of the apophyseal joints under treatment. Ultrasound shear wave elastography (SWE) provides an advantage since it can quantitatively assess tissue elasticity of in vivo skeletal muscles through non-invasive high-frequency ultrasound waves. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effect of Mulligan SNAGs on the stiffness of muscle tissue by using Ultrasound shear wave elastography which is an objective assessment technique.

Specific Stabilization Exercise With Ultrasound Feedback For Patient With Recurrent Low Back Pain...
Recurrent Low Back PainSpecific aim 1:Identify factors that influence muscle performance by use of ultrasound imaging. Hypothesis: Gender, age, and BMI affect the muscle performance of deep trunk muscles. Specific aim 2. To compare the performance of trunk deep muscles (transversus abdominis and multifidus) and the sensation and pain thresholds of patients with recurrent low back pain with asymptomatic subjects. Hypothesis: patients with recurrent low back pain have: (A) less activation of the transversus abdominis and multifidus, (B) peripheral and central sensitization, with decreased sensation and pain thresholds in the lumbar and foot areas. Specific aim 3. To determine the performance of the transversus abdominis and multifidus, and the sensation and pain thresholds by use of ultrasound feedback training in asymptomatic adults, and to compare these results with the traditional training protocols for trunk stabilization. Hypothesis: Specific stabilization exercise using ultrasound feedback training is more effective in activating deep trunk muscles and increasing sensation and pain thresholds than the traditional stabilization training protocol in asymptomatic adults. Specific aim 4. To determine the performance of the transversus abdominis and multifidus, and the sensation and pain thresholds by using the ultrasound feedback training in adults with low back pain, and to compare these results with the traditional training protocols for trunk stabilization. Hypothesis: Specific stabilization exercise using ultrasound feedback training is more effective in activating deep trunk muscles and increasing sensation and pain thresholds than the traditional stabilization training protocol in adults with low back pain.

Spinal Control During Functional Activities to Improve Low Back Pain Outcomes
Mechanical Low Back PainChronic Low Back PainExercise is one of the primary interventions used with people with chronic, mechanical low back pain. It is unknown, however, which exercise is best for which person, which exercises a person will adhere to and for how long, and the effect of adhering to a specific type of exercise on how the person functions, particularly in the long run. The purpose of this study is to examine if the short- and long-term effects are different between 1) commonly prescribed strength and flexibility exercises for the trunk and limbs, and 2) individualized practice in daily functional activities that are difficult or painful to perform. Adherence to the different interventions, the relationship between adherence and outcomes,as well as the effect of a booster intervention also will be examined.

Comparison of the Effectiveness of 2 Manual Therapies on Functional Outcome in Sub-acute and Chronic...
Subacute and Chronic Non-specific Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to determine whether a standardised osteopathic manipulative treatment is more effective than a placebo of osteopathic manipulative treatment, in sub-acute and chronic non-specific low back pain on functional recovery at 3 months.

Etodolac-Lidocaine Patch in the Treatment of Acute Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to evaluate efficacy, tolerability and safety of Etoreat®(Etodolac-Lidocaine Topical Patch) in the treatment of acute low back pain (LBP).