Lumbar Disc Prosthesis Versus Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation; 8-year Follow-up
Chronic Low Back PainDuring the past 25-30 years, surgery with total disc replacement (TDR) has become an option for a selection of patients with chronic low back pain (LBP) traditionally treated conservatively or operated on with spinal fusion. Randomized trials comparing TDR with fusion have found the clinical outcome of TDR at least equivalent to that of fusion, and the only study comparing TDR to non-surgical treatment (The Norwegian TDR study) concludes that TDR is significantly more effective than multidisciplinary rehabilitation (REHAB) after 2 years. However, the long-term effects of TDR in terms of clinical results, costs, reoperation- and revision rate, degenerative changes and prognostic factors have not been investigated in high quality prospective trials. This is very much required since TDR surgery is offered a great number of patients world wide, and is associated with high complexity and risk of serious complications and difficult revision. Hence, the overall aim of the present study is to evaluate the long term (eight years follow-up) effect of The Norwegian TDR study where TDR surgery were compared to modern multidisciplinary rehabilitation in patients with chronic low back pain and localized degenerative disc changes.

Assessment of the Efficacy of an Intradiscal Injection of Corticoids in Modic I Discopathies.
Low Back PainLumbago1 moreThe treatment of chronic low back pain is a major objective of public healthcare, because it causes an important number of sick leaves. A correlation between clinical observations and an inflammatory discopathy has been underlined, but there is currently any reference treatment. In this study, the main objective is to assess the efficacy of an intradiscal injection of corticoids versus local anaesthetic on the treatment of pain of patients with low back pain associated to a Modic I discopathy.

Efficacy and Safety of GRT6005 in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain.
Low Back PainThe purpose of this trial is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of once daily orally administered GRT6005 in a total of 3 fixed doses compared to placebo in subjects with moderate to severe chronic Low Back Pain (LBP). The study includes a maximum of 21 days screening period followed by a 2-week titration period and 12-week maintenance double-blind treatment period and a 10-14 day safety follow up period. Patients who are eligible for the double-blind treatment period will be randomized to one of the following treatment groups: GRT6005 low-dose, GRT6005 medium dose, GRT6005 high-dose, Tapentadol or placebo.

Comparison of Electrotherapies for Chronic Low Back Pain
Non-specific Chronic Low Back PainThe intent of this project is to execute a high-quality double-blinded randomized controlled clinical trial that compares the H-Wave® device with a commonly used TENS device with a sub-therapeutic electrocurrent device. This study will provide a definable level of evidence for treatment efficacy, and provide a basis for evidence-based recommendation for or against utilization for these two modalities. The results for H-Wave® device, if positive, could significantly impact morbidity by providing a non-invasive, non-pharmacologic treatment for symptomatic relief, and reduce overall disability and health care costs associated with chronic low back pain.

Sacroiliac Joint Injection: Comparison of Xray Versus Ultrasound
Sacroiliac Joint Arthritis Causing Low Back PainThis project involves the assessment of the efficacy of two different image guided techniques in patients with low back pain due to arthritis of the sacroiliac joint (SIJ). Intra-articular injection of local anesthetics and steroids is performed to relieve pain originating from the SIJ. Fluoroscopy has been used traditionally for image guidance for this procedure but there is a growing interest in use of ultrasound (US) for this procedure. US avoids radiation exposure to the patient and the health care team (HCT) and is less expensive. We aim to compare procedural efficacy related outcomes for SIJ injections performed using these image-guided modalities.

Long-term Open-Label Safety Study to Evaluate EN3409
Low Back PainOsteoarthritis1 moreThe purpose of the long-terms study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and analgesic efficacy of EN3409 in subjects with moderate to severe chronic pain requiring continuous around-the-clock opioid analgesia for an extended period of time.

Orientation Booklet for Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of exercises performed under monitoring of the physiotherapist and self performed at home by reading the booklet of exercise orientation for patients with nonspecific low back pain. A prospective and randomized trial was performed in 44 patients. G1 patients received a physiotherapist orientation, and G2 patients received the booklet of exercise to self perform the exercises. Pain intensity by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and quality of life by SF-36 were measured before. Results: Pain intensity was lower in G1 than in G2 after 6 and 12 weeks. Quality of life was better in G1. The exercises under orientations of the physiotherapist promoted best effect than self performed exercises .

Exposure-based Treatment for Avoidant Back Pain Patients
Low Back PainChronic low back pain often results in psychosocial and physical disability. A subgroup of these patients shows fear of (re)injury and avoidance behaviour leading to higher disability. The purpose of this study is to determine whether exposure in vivo is more effective in the treatment of fear avoidant chronic back pain patients than psychological treatment as usual (cognitive behavioural psychotherapy).

A Double Blind Placebo Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Theramine on the Management of Chronic...
Chronic Low Back PainThis research protocol will compare Theramine to a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in the treatment of chronic back pain. The study will examine the efficacy and tolerability of Theramine alone in patients with chronic back pain in comparison to the NSAID, Ibuprofen, and the co-administration of Ibuprofen with Theramine.

Inspiratory Muscle Training and Low Back Pain
Inspiratory Muscle TrainingLow Back Pain1 moreProprioceptive weighting changes may explain differences in postural control performance. In addition, the respiratory movement has a disturbing effect on postural balance. Postural balance seems to be impaired in individuals with respiratory disorders. Besides the essential role of respiration, the diaphragm may also play an important role in the control of the trunk and postural balance. Deficits in proprioception are found in a subgroup of patients with low back pain. In addition, disorders of respiration have been identified as strongly related to low back pain. The aim of the study is to clarify whether inspiratory muscle training has a positive effect on proprioceptive postural control in individuals with recurrent low back pain.