The Effect of Cognitive Functional Therapy on Patients With Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to evaluate whether individual cognitive functional therapy (CFT), when compared to group exercise classes is effective in reducing pain and disability in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain.

Neurosteroids as Novel Therapeutic Agents for Chronic Pain in OEF/OIF Veterans
Lower Back PainThe study design is a randomized, double-blind, two-arm trial of pregnenolone and placebo to determine the possible analgesic effects in OEF/OIF Veterans with chronic low back pain. The total study duration is 6 weeks (followed by two-follow up phone calls). All patients will monitor pain symptoms for one week with pain diaries, followed by a 1-week placebo-only lead-in period, 90 subjects will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. Of these subjects, 45 subjects will receive pregnenolone, and 45 subjects will receive placebo for 4 weeks. Patient interview assessments and laboratory studies will be performed at each interview time point. Pregnenolone, allopregnanolone and other neurosteroid metabolites will be determined by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC/MS), proceeded by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

Buprenorphine and Methadone for Opioid-dependent Chronic Back Pain Patients
Low Back PainChronic pain patients are treated with prescription opioids and many exhibit opioid addiction. Currently, there are no evidence-based guidelines to better manage patients with chronic pain and coexistent opioid addiction. This study compares 6-months buprenorphine and methadone treatment in these patients. The investigators hypothesize that both buprenorphine and methadone treatment will reduce pain and addiction behaviors and increase functioning in these patients.

Study of Effectiveness of Pold in Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain
Mechanical Low Back PainThrough this research is to conduct a pilot clinical trial in the treatment of chronic nonspecific low back pain (degenerative and mechanical), by comparing two groups, one that will apply a technique of physiotherapy by passive movement of the column with oscillations in axial rotation at a frequency of 1.5 to 2 cps (resonance) of low amplitude (called "Pold Concept"), another group that applies the standard protocol of treatment for this condition, as used in the hospital where performed the study. It will compare the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of each treatment and the comparison between them. This will measure the perception of pain intensity and disability.

Efficacy Study to Evaluate Buprenorphine HCl Buccal Film in Opioid-Naive Subjects
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to determine if buprenorphine hydrochloride (HCl) buccal film is effective in treating opioid-naive subjects, with moderate to severe chronic low back pain (CLBP), who require continuous around-the-clock (ATC) pain relief for an extended period of time.

The Efficacy of the no!no!Back for Chronic Low Back Pain
Mild to Moderate Chronic Low Back PainThis pilot study is designed to evaluate the efficacy of the no!no!Back continuous passive motion device in relieving of mild to moderate non-specific low back pain.

Orthotic Use for Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainThe goal of this randomized clinical study is to assess pain and dysfunction in 225 volunteer subjects who have chronic low back pain. The hypothesis of this study is that custom-made shoe will improve patients' low back pain and dysfunction. Additionally, custom-made shoe orthotics plus chiropractic treatment will further improve patients' low back pain and dysfunction while maintaining that improvement during the one year study follow-up period. Specific Aims: To determine the changes in perceived pain levels (Numeric Pain Rating Scale) and dysfunction (Oswestry Disability Index) in patients with chronic low back pain after six weeks of custom-made shoe orthotic use with or without chiropractic care as compared to no care. To determine the changes in perceived pain levels and dysfunction in patients with chronic low back pain after twelve weeks of custom-made shoe orthotic use. To determine the changes in perceived pain levels and dysfunction at 3, 6, and 12 months following the 12 week treatment period.

Effects of Spinal Manipulative Treatment on Inflammatory Markers in Low Back Pain Patients
Low Back PainIt is expected that mechanical low back pain (LBP) is associated with inflammatory changes localized to the affected tissues. Could such changes be detected in cells involved in the inflammatory process in an in vitro model? The investigators wish to test such a model to compare inflammatory markers in acute and chronic LBP patients and also examine the effect of spinal manipulative treatment (SMT) on changing the level of selected key inflammatory markers. The investigators hypothesize that: Proinflammatory markers will be elevated while antinflammatory markers will be reduced in acute LBP patients relative to chronic back pain patients as well as in healthy study participants who have no LBP or any inflammatory conditions (controls). SMT will cause a reduction in the production of proinflammatory markers while anti-inflammatory markers will increase relative to baseline levels as well as relative to controls

Duration of Spinal Manipulation Effects as Influenced by Orthotics
Low Back PainPurpose of study: To assess the effects of wearing custom orthotics as opposed to placebo foot inserts on the duration of chiropractic correction of spinal fixations and muscle imbalances using applied kinesiology techniques.

Effects of Relaxing Hydrotherapy in Third Trimester of Pregnancy
PregnancyBreech Presentation3 moreThis study will be the first scientific approach to investigate physical and psychological effects of the passive hydrotherapy-method WATSU (WaterShiatsu) on women and their unborn children at the third trimester of pregnancy. Potential therapeutic benefits of the method shall be evaluated. It is being hypothesized that WATSU is related to measurable changes in everyday stress perception, psychological wellbeing, quality of life, pregnancy-related low back pain, tonus of the uterus, amount of amniotic fluid, spontaneous course of breech presentations, prospects of external cephalic versions. Participants in the intervention-group will be treated twice with WATSU (60 minutes per treatment, standardized sequence) in the >36th week of pregnancy. There will not be any sham-intervention in the control-group. Both groups will be examined by ultrasound (prior and after the treatments plus on day 8 of the trial) and answer questionnaires (prior and after the treatments plus once a week until birth).