Point Of Care Ultrasound For Prediction Of Fluid Responsiveness in Off Pump Coronary Artery Bypass...
Prevention of HypotensionTo exclude hypovolemia before starting off pump coronary artery grafting surgeries by an efficient and good predictive test. We will assess the sensitivity and specificity of dynamic IVC-derived parameters (dispensability index) in comparison to carotid Doppler peak velocity as predictors of fluid response before skin incision in patients undergoing off Pump cardiac surgery.

Post Anaesthesia Care Hypotension Prevention
Hypotension During SurgeryThe goal of this clinical trial is to investigate if the use of the hypotension prediction index during the perioperative period leads to a decrease in hypotension both during and after surgery (24 hrs) in adults undergoing major abdominal surgery. The main question this trial aims to answer is: • Does the use of the hypertension prediction index (HPI) decrease hypotension during surgery and in the post-operative period? During and after their surgery, participants in the intervention group will be treated according to the HPI-algorithm. Participants in the control group will be treated following the standard of care.

Hypotension Prediction Index to Predict Epidural-labor Analgesia Induced Hypotension
AnesthesiaEpidural1 moreThe purpose of this pilot trial is to examine the feasibility and ease of use of monitoring by ClearSight in laboring and delivering patients with the intent to compare time-to-treatment of hypotension between conventionally monitored patients (Group CM) and those receiving HPI (Group CM + HPI) monitoring by ClearSight, in a population of healthy laboring women who receive epidural analgesia.

HPI in Older Patients Undergoing Major Gastrointestinal Surgery
the Severity and Duration of Intraoperative HypotensionThe incidence of intraoperative hypotension was 91%. The increasing incidence of intraoperative hypotension would increase the risk of postoperative complications, such as postoperative arrythmia, stroke or acute kidney injury. Major gastrointestinal surgery is a major surgery. Older patients usually have many comorbidity, such as hypertension or cardiovascular disease. Prevention intraoperative hypotension is an important issue. Hypotension prediction index (HPI) could give the clinician pre-alarm of hypotension (mean arterial pressure (MAP)<65mmHg). In this study, we aimed to investigate whether HPI could prevent the intraoperative hypotension happened in patients receive elective major gastrointestinal surgery with older than 65 years old.

Effects of Preoperative Coffee Consumption in Cesarean Sections Under Spinal Anesthesia
Hypotension After Spinal AnesthesiaPost-Dural Puncture HeadacheThe prospective study is planned in a university hospital. Spinal anesthesia is widely used for cesarean section currently for its safety, low cost, reliability, easiness to administer, immediate effect, and well-operating conditions. However spinal anesthesia has some complications as hypotension, bradycardia and Post Dural Puncture Headache (PDPH). A practical strategy for avoiding hypotension during initiation of spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery includes intravenous crystalloid, in conjunction with administration of vasopressors. PDPH is one of the most frequent complications of spinal anesthesia. Conservative therapies such as bed rest, hydration, and caffeine are commonly used as management. For this study, coffee group of patients will be given unsweetened brewed coffee 150 ml until 2-4 hours before surgery. Patients who accept to drink brewed coffee ( coffee group) and water( control group) will be included in the study. The patient's heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation will be monitored and recorded during operation. Intraoperative will be recorded to amount of vasopressor and intraveous crystalloid. Whether the patient develops PDPH in the postoperative period will be followed for 3 days. In addition abdominal auscultation for bowel sounds hourly and the time of first bowel movements will be recorded. According to the patient's statement, the time of first flatulence and defecation will be followed and recorded.

Phenylephrine or Norepinephrine for a Better Hemodynamic Stability
HypotensionFluid TherapyA prospective, double-blinded study. The present study consisted in applying Stroke volume variation fluid guided therapy to old patients (65 years old) undergoing radical resection of colon surgery. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of norepinephrine and phenylephrine in treating perioperative hypotension, and to find the safest and most effective vasopressor for elderly.

Methohexital v Propofol as General Anesthetic in Patients on ACEIs or ARBs
HypotensionAnesthesiaPatient undergoing general anesthesia in elective surgery will be assigned to receive either methohexital or propofol general anesthesia. Hypotensive events during the first 15 minutes of induction will be compared between the groups to ascertain which drug is less likely to cause a hypotensive event.

Hyperbaric Bupivacaine Versus Hyperbaric Prilocaine 2% for Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia...
Pregnant WomenPain1 moreOver the past 15 years, cesarean delivery is most commonly performed under spinal anesthesia using hyperbaric bupivacaine which provides an adequate sensory and motor block. Despite effective surgical anesthesia, bupivacaine is associated with long duration motor block and dose-dependent maternal hypotension potentially harmful for the fetus. Prilocaine with its new 2% hyperbaric formulation (HP), developed recently, showed rapid onset of action and faster regression of motor block compared to other local anesthetics without noteworthy side-effects when used intrathecally. The aim of this randomized, multicenter, powered clinical trial is to investigate whether HP may be an efficient alternative to hyperbaric bupivacaine for scheduled caesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia, with more rapid rehabilitation and less adverse effects. Our hypothesis is that hyperbaric prilocaine offers shorter motor block and more rapid rehabilitation than bupivacaine.

Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension Treatment "SIHT"
Spontaneous Intracranial HypotensionSpontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is an infrequent disease, related to a leak of cerebrospinal fluid. There are not controlled studies for this treatment.The main of this study is to demonstrate the superiority of the Trendelenburg position compared to supine position during 24 hours after an epidural blood patch for a spontaneous intracranial hypotension

Effects of Aquatic Exercise on Post-exercise Hypotension
HypertensionAging1 moreThis is a randomized controlled trial. The present study involves an acute and chronic intervention, which is a water-based exercise (one session: to acute intervention; 12-weeks of aquatic exercise program: to chronic intervention). The sample will be composed by elderly enrolled in university extension program titled "Hidroginastica na Terceira Idade" (Hydrogymnastics in aging). It will be evaluated the effects of water-based exercise on hemodynamics, self-reported sleep quality, depressive symptoms, quality of life, body composition, level of physical activity and functional capacity. The investigators hypothesized that an acute water-based exercise under different intensities promotes hemodynamics changes in elderly. In addition, the investigators hypothesized that 12-weeks of aquatic exercise may lead improvements in self-reported sleep quality, depressive symptoms, quality of life, body composition, level of physical activity and functional capacity in elderly.