Prophylactic Norepinephrine Infusion for Spinal Hypotension and Inferior Vena Cava Collapsibility...
Adverse EffectThe purpose of this study is to investigate the preventive effect of norepinephrine on post-spinal hypotension and the effect of norepinephrine on inferior vena cava collapsibility index (IVC-CI).

Manual vs Closed-loop Control of Mean Arterial Pressure
HypotensionIntraoperative hypotension can impact patient outcome. Vasopressors are usually used to correct hypotension and ensure adequate organ perfusion. The investigators have recently developed an automated system (closed-loop system) to titrate vasopressor agents in surgical and intensive care patients. The purpose of this study is to compare two strategies to correct hypotension based on an individual definition of hypotension (therefore, the target MAP used to define hypotension will differ for each patient (individualized approach): Control group = standard practice ( manually adjusted norepinephrine infusion to correct hypotension and keep MAP within 90% of patient's baseline MAP Intervention group = closed-loop (automated) vasopressor administration system will deliver norepinephrine using feedback from standard operating room hemodynamic monitor (EV1000 Monitor-Flotrac, Edwards Lifesciences, IRVINE, USA) to correct hypotension and keep MAP within 90% of patient's baseline MAP

Angiotensin II in the Perioperative Management of Hypotension in Kidney Transplant Recipients
ShockSurgical5 moreThe current standard of catecholamine vasopressor management of perioperative hypotension in kidney transplant patients carries significant risks and falls short in many ways. Currently, there is an absence in the scientific literature and research describing the hemodynamic effectiveness and safety of novel pharmacologic agents such as angiotensin II (Giapreza - Ang II) in perioperative kidney transplant patients. Phase 3 registration trials have demonstrated the superior safety and efficacy of Ang II (Giapreza) in distributive shock patients compared to traditional vasopressor agents and the novel mechanism of action may provide additional protection in renal transplant patients. The pilot study entails giving informed and consenting kidney transplant recipients Ang II (Giapreza) as their first vasopressor if the need for vasopressors emerge either intraoperatively or postoperatively in kidney transplant recipients. The primary objective is to evaluate the safety and hemodynamic effects of Ang II (Giapreza) in the renal transplant population.

Trial of Dialysate Sodium in Chronic Hospitalized Hemodialysis Patients
Intra-dialytic HypotensionIntra-dialytic hypotensive (IDH) events can be defined as an abrupt decline in blood pressure that cause symptoms and/or require an intervention. They are common, affecting up to one third of maintenance HD sessions. Detrimental associations include: development of myocardial stunning, cerebral hypo-perfusion, vascular access thrombosis and greater mortality. Rapid solute removal by HD generates temporary osmotic gradients between the intra-vascular and intra-cellular compartments, promoting trans-cellular fluid movement and resultant hypotension. Manipulation of osmotic gradients, e.g. using higher dialysate sodium (DNa), may ameliorate excess SBP decline during HD. This study aims to assess the effects of higher (142 mmol/L) versus lower (138 mmol/L) dialysate sodium (DNa) use in adult chronic hemodialysis patients admitted to hospital on intra-dialytic blood pressure and biomarkers of cardiac ischemia. The investigators will randomly assign subjects to higher versus lower DNa during their hospital stay, up to a maximum of six HD sessions.

Clinical Efficacy of Midodrine in Symptomatic Orthostatic Hypotension
Symptomatic Orthostatic HypotensionTo study the effect of midodrine against the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension

Abdominal Binder to Treat Orthostatic Hypotension (OH) in Parkinson's Disease (PD)
Parkinson's DiseaseNeurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension in Parkinson's DiseaseThe purpose of the present study is to determine whether the use of an abdominal binder is effective in the non-pharmacological management of orthostatic hypotension in patients suffering from Parkinson's disease

The Effect of Paravertebral Block Using a Multi-orifice Catheter on Preventing Acute and Chronic...
Acute Postthoracotomy PainChronic Postthoracotomy Pain1 moreThis study aims to evaluate the effect of the paravertebral block using a multi-lumen catheter on the incidence and severity of acute and chronic postthoracotomy pain compared to the thoracic epidural block.

Orthostatic Hypotension Treatment on Rehab Unit
Orthostatic HypotensionFallsFor patients recovering from acute illness, the ability to stand, walk, climb stairs, and participate in therapy are critical to their recovery and eventual discharge to the least restrictive environment. Orthostatic hypotension is a common finding in medically ill adult and elderly patients and is a potentially reversible contributor to functional impairment. This 4-year project will be a randomized controlled trial of a multidisciplinary-multicomponent intervention to determine whether routine identification and treatment of OH improves functional outcomes such as: balance, fall rates, therapy participation, length of stay, transfer to acute care hospital, and discharge location. Routine screening and management of OH may improve outcomes for rehabilitation and long term care patients, as well other high-risk patient populations.

Open-Label Clinical Study of Droxidopa in Patients With Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension (NOH)...
Neurogenic Orthostatic HypotensionNon-Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy2 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the durability of effect of Droxidopa in treating symptoms of neurogenic orthostatic hypotension in patients with Primary Autonomic Failure (Pure Autonomic Failure, Multiple System Atrophy, Parkinson's Disease), Non-diabetic neuropathy, or Beta Hydroxylase deficiency.

Cardiac Effects of Oxytocin Administrated During Cesarean Section, Signs of Myocardial Ischemia...
Myocardial IschemiaHypotension1 moreOxytocin has cardio vascular effects as hypotension, tachycardia and possibly coronary spasm. The uterotonic effect of the drug is used during cesarean section, to minimize blood loss.ECG changes suggestive of cardiac ischemia (ST depression) has been showed in previous studies of patients undergoing cesarean section i regional anaesthesia. The effect of oxytocin on this outcome has not been investigated to any extent. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that there was no difference in occurrence of ECG changes (ST segment depression) between two doses of oxytocin. Participants were randomized to receive either 5 or 10 units of oxytocin in a double blinded fashion. Main outcome measure is occurrence of significant ST depression on ECG. Secondary outcome measures are mean arterial pressure, heart rate, blood loss, symptoms as chest pain, shortness of breath and feeling of heaviness on the chest.