Resistance Exercise Modify Cardiovascular Responses of Professors During Teaching and Sleep
Post-Exercise HypotensionBoth work activity and reduced nocturnal dipping of blood pressure are related to increased cardiovascular risk. The aim of the present study was to assess the hemodynamic and autonomic responses of university professors during teaching and sleeping times after different resistance exercise intensities. Ten normotensive professors (33.6±3.4 years, 82.4±12.4 kg; 177.0±7.5 cm) randomly underwent control and resistance exercise before initiating their daily activities. Resistance exercise consisted of a circuit training lasting 40min at 40% and 80% of one repetition maximum test. Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure as well as heart rate variability indicators in the time and frequency domains (Low Frequency, High Frequency, Low Frequency:High Frequency ratio) were evaluated on resting and 24 hours after the sessions. The average day-time, night-time and nocturnal blood pressure fall of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were calculated.

Taylor's Approach vs Lumbar Approach for Spinal Anesthesia
Spinal AnesthesiaSpinal anesthesia is a common technique for providing anesthesia for knee joint replacement surgery. The investigators wish to demonstrate that using a lower approach to spinal anesthetic (Taylor's approach of L5-S1) causes less low blood pressure while still providing adequate anesthesia for knee joint replacement surgery than a higher approach (L3-L4).

Improved Orthostatic Tolerance = Better Cognitive Function in Parkinson's Disease
HypotensionOrthostatic3 moreStudy on orthostatic Hypotension in Parkinson's disease

Oral Nitrite Synthesis and Post-exercise Hypotension
Blood PressureSports Physical TherapyExercise is probably the most effective approach to reduce blood pressure. In fact, a single bout of exercise induces a physiological response known as Post-Exercise Hypotension (PEH) where a prolonged decrease in resting blood pressure occurs in the minutes and hours after exercise. However, it is not fully understood how this response triggers. Recent evidence suggests that oral bacteria may play a key role in blood pressure control by enhancing nitrite, and then nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability under resting conditions in humans. However, no previous study has investigated whether this is a key mechanism involve in PEH. Thus, the main aim of this study was to investigate if the oral nitrate/nitrite pathway is a key regulator of PEH and vasodilation in healthy humans.

Mechanisms of Arterial Hypotension in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord InjuryThis clinical study is designed to investigate the mechanisms of blood pressure regulation and respiratory motor function affected by spinal cord injury (SCI). We hypothesize that impaired blood pressure regulation in individuals with chronic SCI can be improved by restoring respiratory motor function by using Respiratory Motor Training (RMT).

Comparison of Vasopressor Boluses for Management of Hypotension After Spinal Anesthesia
Cesarean Section ComplicationsSpinal Anesthetic ToxicityIn this study the investigators will compare the efficacy and side effects of two doses of norepinephrine bolus (6 mcg and 10 mcg) in management of maternal hypotensive episode after subarachnoid block during Cesarean delivery.

Effect of L-Dihydroxyphenylserine (L-DOPS) on Falls in Patients With Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension...
Parkinson DiseaseFalls PatientThis will be a Phase II single center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, efficacy study. Subjects will complete six visits. The first will be a screening visit. There will be four assessment visits: baseline, 2 weeks after the double-blinded trial begins, the end of the blinded trial, and after 4 weeks of washout. There will also be an additional randomization and medication dispensing visit immediately following the dose optimization period and preceding the double-blinded trial.

HYPOTENSION AFTER SPINAL ANESTHESIA,IN PREGNANCYThere are previous studies in which norepinephrine was administered only as a prophylactic or only infusion to prevent hypotension after spinal anesthesia in cesarean sections. However, there are not enough studies reporting which of these application methods are more effective. Therefore, in our study, cesarean section under spinal anesthesia was planned; We aimed to investigate the effectiveness of norepinephrine differential administration methods on preventing maternal hypotension.

Comparing Sevoflurane With Propofol Sedation in ESRF Patients
SevofluraneKidney Diseases1 moreEnd-stage renal failure (ESRF) cohorts undergo brachiocephalic fistula(BCF) transposition with supraclavicular block. However, this is inadequate because the incision may extend to the axillary region which requires intercostobrachial (T2) dermatome blockage. Sedation is commonly indicated to allay anxiety whilst allowing intraprocedural lignocaine infiltration. It is challenging to administer safe sedation to ESRF patients due to multiple comorbidities, polypharmacy, altered pharmacokinetic drug handling. Intraoperative hypotension can be common and evident from the residual effect of antihypertensive and intravascular hypovolemia from regular hemodialysis. Midazolam is metabolized to an active metabolite which can accumulate causes apnea and delayed recovery. TCI propofol needs higher induction doses to achieve hypnosis causes exaggerated hypotension which may jeopardize organ perfusion. The investigators are exploring the potential benefit of sevoflurane sedation which are independent of renal clearance, rapid onset and offset, and ischemic preconditioning property in ESRF cohorts.

Levobupivacaine and Lidocaine for Paravertebral Block Causes Greater Hemodynamic Oscillations Than...
Breast TumorsHypotension1 moreThe purpose and the goal of this paper is to show whether the application of a combination of two local anesthetics, as opposed to the application of one local anesthetic at paravertebral block changes the hemodynamic variable. It is therefore a prospective randomized double- blind study, where we do a clinical trial in patients ASA(American Society of Anesthesiologists) 1 and 2 statuses between 18 and 80 years of age, using the ultrasound in plane technology.Upon arrival of patients in the unit for preparation procedures for anesthesia we set the ECG(electrocardiograph), noninvasive blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and arterial cannula in the radial artery After sterile washing of the dorsal surface, paravertebral space was identified with ultrasound using 8 Hz(hertz) linear transducer probe then needle position was confirmed with neurostimulation at the level of 2.0 - 5.0 mA(milliampere). When muscle contraction persisted at 0.4mA(milliampere), the anesthetic was applied in levels of Th 2, Th3, and Th 4 (7,0 milliliters per level). We applied the 0.5 % levobupivacaine and 2 % lidocaine, 7,0 milliliters of mixture per level in one group, while only 0.5 % levobupivacaine also 7,0 milliliters. by level in the second one. After that, the invasive hemodynamic monitoring was placed on patients and the induction with 1 % propofol 2-2.5 mg/kg.and Vecuronium 0,08 mg/kg. was performed with the application of supraglottic airway gel of appropriate size. The maintenance of anesthesia and sedation will be conducted with Propofol 1 % continuously ( 25-150 mcg / kg / min.)The measurements will be taken every 5 minutes during the first hour of the application of paravertebral block, then every 15 minutes during the second hour and if the operation takes more than two hours, the measurements are performed every 30 minutes. Postoperatively, invasive hemodynamic monitoring will be removed in post-anesthesia recovery room together with the arterial cannula and the patient will be sent to the hospital ward with non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring (blood pressure, pulse, saturation) until the termination of the blocks.Statistical methods, By comparing two target groups, we analysed the strength of the test with following assumptions: X2 difference test, the expected difference in variances in stroke volume between groups of 60%, α significance level of 0.05, and the minimum statistical test strength of 85%. The required total sample should include at least 80 patients, that is, 40 per group.Data will be presented in tables and graphs. Descriptive statistics of examined variables with appropriate measures of central tendency will be made. Smirnov -Kolmogorov test will assess the normality of data distribution. According to the received results, the appropriate parametric and / or nonparametric tests will be used. Comparisons of quantitative values between the two groups will be analyzed using the independent t-test or Mann-Whitney U test. Dependent values within each group will be analyzed using analysis of variance for repeated measures or Friedman test. Differences in categorical values will be analyzed by X2 test. The appropriate regression model will be made in order to predict the variability of stroke volume in which the dependent variable will be a variation of the stroke volume, while relevant clinical values will be taken as predictor variables. All P values smaller than 0.05 will be considered significant. This research is to present the main results - the existence of the significant change in Stroke Volume Variation (SVV) between groups using invasive hemodynamic monitoring, the changes of Stroke Volume Variation(SVV) depending on the time from the application within groups, differences in volume compensation of crystalloids and colloids and the need for the application of vasoactive drugs. Furthermore, as a secondary results we will present the time to maximal block development, the duration of post operative analgesia, patient satisfaction and time needed for the full recovery from the block.