Insulin Therapy and Falls Due to Orthostatic Hypotension
Orthostatic HypotensionDiabetes1 moreIn the proposed study, the investigators examine in older adults with Type 2 diabetes the impact of beginning insulin therapy on the orthostatic drop in blood pressure as well as the response of arterial blood pressure and Doppler measures of cerebral blood flow during upright tilt. The investigators hypothesize that in older adults with Type 2 diabetes, the cardiovascular effects of insulin would precipitate or worsen orthostatic intolerance not present at baseline.

Effect of Blood Pressure on rSO2 in Carotid Endarterectomy (CEA)
Intra-operative HypotensionCarotid StenosisCarotid endarterectomy (CEA) is the recommended treatment for symptomatic high degree stenosis of the internal carotid artery (ICA). ICA obstruction is often associated with an impaired cerebral autoregulation, implicating that cerebral perfusion pressure becomes dependent on systemic blood pressure. Therefore, to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure in this type of patients intraoperative hypotension needs to be avoided. Different short-acting agents such as phenylephrine, (a drug with vasoconstrictive properties), or ephedrine (a drug with vasoconstrictive properties combined with an increase in heart rate) can be used to correct intra-operative hypotension. In healthy subjects these agents affect the cerebral perfusion differently despite an identical effect on the systemic blood pressure. Cerebral perfusion decreases after phenylephrine administration while it is preserved after the use of ephedrine. The optimal agent for correcting hypotension in CEA patients, and thus in a situation of an impaired cerebral autoregulation, is unknown. Therefore, the investigators propose to perform a prospective study observing the effect of phenylephrine and ephedrine on cerebral perfusion to make a recommendation regarding the use of either phenylephrine or ephedrine during CEA.

Treatment of Hypotension of Prematurity (TOHOP)
HypotensionHypotension in the very preterm infant (gestational age [GA] <32 wks) is a frequently occurring clinical problem. Although no real consensus has been reached on the definition of hypotension in these infants, in clinical practice a mean blood pressure (mean BP) in mmHg lower than the GA age in weeks is considered to be the starting point for anti-hypotensive therapy. However, although an association between neonatal hypotension and mortality/ morbidity exists, there is no evidence of causality between hypotension (meanBP <GA in completed weeks) and neonatal mortality/morbidity. In addition, using mean BP alone as the indication of treatment of neonatal cardiovascular compromise without taking into consideration the status of tissue perfusion may lead to unnecessary exposure of neonates to vasoactive medication. This medication can be potentially harmful to these extremely vulnerable patients. The aim of this study is to compare neonatal mortality and short-term neurodevelopmental outcome (cerebral ultrasound during the first 7 days of life, advanced MRI indices of structural brain injury at term GA) and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes (Bayley scales of infant development III [BSID-III] at 24 months) between two groups of very preterm infants presenting with hypotension without clinical and laboratory evidence of compromised tissue perfusion during the first 3 days of life. Hypotension will be defined as the mean BP (in mm Hg) lower than the infant's GA (in weeks). Patients randomized to "Group A" will be treated according to the treatment protocol operative in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMCU) while "Group B" will receive no cardiovascular support for hypotension unless they have evidence of compromised tissue perfusion and end-organ function ((i.e. near infrared-monitored regional cerebral oxygen saturation (ScO2) <50% despite optimized ventilatory support and FiO2 administration, plasma lactate >6 mmol/L; and/or urine output <0.6 mL/kg/hour) or mean BP >5mmHg lower than the current guideline. The investigators hypothesize that there will be no differences between the two groups concerning short and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Impact of Citrulline and Arginine Supplementation on the Post-exercise Hypotension (PEH)
HypertensionPost-exercise hypotension (PEH) is a established phenomenon as one of the non-pharmacological ways of reducing blood pressure, producing important impacts, particularly in hypertensive individuals. However, the factors involved in the magnitude and duration of this effect are relatively little studied. Thus, the bioavailability of vasodilatation mediators may maximize the duration and magnitude of PEH. In this sense, the objective of the present project will be to verify the impact of L-citrulline associated with L-arginine supplementation on the acute blood pressure response after an aerobic exercise session. Approximately 80 adults (40 normotensive and 40 hypertensive) will be selected. The sample will be submitted to measurements of body mass, height and resting blood pressure. After the minimum interval of 48 h, subjects will be randomly submitted to four experimental situations (exercise/L-citrulline, exercise/L-arginine, exercise/placebo, exercise/L-citrulline + L-arginine). The exercise sessions (40 min in treadmill at 60% of FCres) will be performed with a minimum interval of 48 h. After each session, the blood pressure of the sample will be recorded during 24 hours. For data analysis, blood pressure values will be plotted in average of the wakefulness and average of the sleep periods and average of the 24 hours. The comparisons will be made through the ANOVA (repeated measures), following the recommended assumptions. It is hoped that the results of this project will collaborate to the knowledge regarding non-pharmacological models aimed at the prevention and treatment of hypertension in normotensive and hypertensive patients.

Norepinephrine and Phenylephrine for Maternal Cardiac Output During Spinal Anesthesia for Elective...
HypotensionThe purpose of this study is to compare norepinephrine and phenylephrine on the effects of maintaining the cardiac output in Cesarean section under spinal anesthesia.

Echocardiography Based Algorithm for Spinal Anaesthesia
HypotensionThe main aim of the study is to compare the proposed algorithm for preventing and treating spinal hypotension with normal anesthesia management of a spinal anesthesia. The proposed algorithm mainly will depend upon the left ventricular end diastolic area measurement by transthoracic echocardiography to assess the left ventricular preload status and its usefulness in preventing and treating spinal hypotension.

Efficacy of Ivabradine Versus Propranolol Premedication During Hypotensive Anesthesia in Endoscopic...
IvabradinePropranolol1 more50 Patients, aged from 18 to 39 years, ASA physical status I and II, undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery will be enrolled in the study.The patients will be randomly allocated by simple randomization using a computer programme into two groups by closed envelope technique (having 25 patients in each group): GROUP (P): will receive oral propranolol (INDERAL® -propranolol hydrochloride Ph. Eur. 10mg manufactured by AstraZeneca Egypt under license of AstraZeneca UK), 10 mg one tablet at 8:00 pm in the evening before the day of the surgery and one 10 mg tablet one hour before the induction of anesthesia. GROUP (I): will receive oral ivabradine (Procoralan® 5mg manufactured by Servier laboratories, France), 5 mg one tablet at 8:00 pm in the evening before the day of the surgery and one 5 mg tablet one hour before the induction of anesthesia.

Acupuncture for the Treatment of Medication-Dependent Hypotension in Heart Failure
Congestive Heart FailureHypotensionAcupuncture is believed to increase blood pressure in people who struggle with low blood pressure. This is a common problem facing people with heart failure, and sometimes these people need to take medications to artificially increase their blood pressure. This study is designed to determine if using acupuncture in people with heart failure can improve their blood pressure enough to not require medications to artificially increase blood pressure.

The Clinical Study of Improving the Thirst and Hypotension of Hemodialysis Patients
Intradialytic HypotensionThis clinical study is to observe the improvement of MHD (maintenance hemodialysis) patients, quality of life,after applying therapy combining Auriculotherapy and Shengmai capsule. As a compliment to each other, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Medicine form a joint and help improving life quality of MHD patients. Through the therapy, MHD patients, symptoms of thirst are improved, the incidence of intradialytic hypotension is reduced, the intake of water and sodium is lessen and the weight gain during dialysis is controlled, which consequently reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications and eventually reduce the mortality of MHD patients. Aiming to improve patients, thirst symptom and reduce the incidence of intradialytic hypotension, this study prospectively followed 144 MHD patients using multicenter prospective randomized crossover controlled clinical studies, using KT/V, URR, improvement of thirst, blood pressure and cognitive assessment as observational index. Multiple questionnaire surveys are conducted to understand patients, life quality from different angle. The use of Auriculotherapy is simple and effective and Shengmai capsule conforms to patients, syndrome, which is consistent with TCMs principle of "syndrome differentiation and treatment"and the theory of preventive treatment. The study not only expends the use of TMC in hemodialysis treatment, but also suggests a set of easy therapeutic schedules to improve the quality of life in patients receiving hemodialysis treatment.

Vasopressors for Cerebral Oxygenation
HypoxiaHypotensionLiberal fluid administration is one of risk factors of developing acute lung injury (ALI) in thoracic surgery. Therefore, the investigators try to restrain fluid administration, and in the case of intraoperative hypotension, the investigators often administer vasoactive agents or inotropes. One lung ventilation (OLV) which is routinely employed for thoracic surgery decrease arterial oxygenation and oxygen delivery to brain can be also decreased. In this study, the investigators compared dopamine and phenylephrine in respect to maintaining cerebral oxygen saturation in major thoracic surgery. The investigators hypothesis is that dopamine is better than phenylephrine to maintain cerebral oxygen saturation in thoracic surgery.