Focused Assessed Echocardiography to Predict Fluid Responsiveness
HypovolemiaSurgery1 moreThe aims of the study are: To evaluate the feasibility of echocardiography monitoring in postoperative unit; To assess diagnostic value of different focussed echocardiography parameters to define fluid responsiveness for non-cardiac hypotensive spontaneously breathing patients after major abdominal surgery.

Non-invasive Estimation of CSF Pressure Using MRI in Patients With Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension...
Intracranial HypotensionThe purpose of this study is to estimate the intracranial pressure (ICP, the pressure in your head) in subjects with intracranial hypotension (a condition caused by leakage of the fluid that surrounds your brain and spine) using non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, and to determine whether changes in estimated ICP are seen after treatment of this condition.

Effect of Vasopressors on Spinal Anaesthesia Induced Hypotension
Spinal Anesthesia160 pregnant patients will be enrolled in this study. Participants will divide in to 4 groups. Spinal anaesthesia will perform with 5% marcain heavy 2 ml+20 microgram fentanyl to the all patients. After performed spinal anaesthesia, vasopressor infusion will be started intravenously. Epinephrine will prepare 5 mg/ml and infusion rate will adjust 30 ml/h for Group E. Norepinephrine will prepare 5 mg/ml and infusion rate will adjust 30 ml/h for Group NE and 0.9% saline (group S) was launched immediately after induction of spinal anesthesia. Phenylephrine will prepare 100 microg/ml and infusion rate will adjust 30 ml/h for Group P. If systolic blood pressure decrease 20% of basal value or below to 100 mmHg, bolus ephedrine will apply intravenously (IV). If heart rate will decrease 60 beat per min or 20% of basal value, atropine will apply IV.

Noninvasive Beat-to-Beat ClearSight Blood Pressure Monitoring
HypotensionSubjects will first have a blood pressure reading recorded on both arms using a non-invasive blood pressure monitoring (NIBP) cuff in the preoperative area. Then blood pressure will be recorded using the ClearSight monitor on each hand over a one-minute period. If mean arterial pressure (MAP) as assessed by either the noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP) monitoring cuff or the ClearSight system differs by more than 10% from arm to arm, the subject will be excluded from the study. Before induction of anesthesia, the subject will be randomized to either: ClearSight group + usual clinical care: Information from ClearSight monitor will be available to the clinicians. According to ASA guidelines, usual blood pressure monitoring includes non-invasive blood pressure measurements every 5 minutes during a surgical case. Non-ClearSight group (blinded) + usual clinical care: Information from ClearSight monitor will not be available to the clinicians. Both patient groups will have continuous ClearSight monitoring and non-invasive blood pressure monitoring every 5 minutes. The difference will be in the intervention group data from the monitor will be available to the clinicians in the operating room, but in the control group data from the ClearSight monitor will not be available (blinded) to the clinicians. Regardless of the study group assignment, second-by-second ClearSight monitor continuous blood pressure data will be recorded for each study patient and will be used for analysis. The morning of post-operative day 3 the subject will be given the QoR-15 questionnaire and will complete POMS morbidity surveys.

Evaluation of NEXFIN During Cesarean Delivery to Detect Hypotension
HypotensionHypotension after spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery occurs frequently. Oscillometric measurement gives intermittent informations. Nexfin, a continuous noninvasive device, could help to detect hypotension.

Blood Pressure Guided Biofeedback on Hemodialysis and the Reduction of IntraDialytic Hypotension...
HypotensionIt is very common for hemodialysis patients to have problems with low blood pressure while on hemodialysis. Low blood pressure on dialysis is not a good thing and it is associated with an increased risk of death and hospitalizations. It might be possible to minimize or even prevent these low blood pressure episodes with a software that can be added to the dialysis machine which detects the patient's changes in blood pressure and automatically slows down how much fluid is being removed from the person. The investigators hypothesize that a blood pressure guided biofeedback system (called BioLogics RR) will result in a 30% reduction in the number of hypotensive episodes on hemodialysis.

Predicting Hypotension Related to Spinal Anesthesia for Caesarean Section With Ultrasonography
PregnancySpinal anesthesia is the main technique for caesarean section. This anesthesia is followed by a hypotension in 40% to 90% despite preventing tools. Hypotension is responsible of foetale and maternal suffering. It would be interesting to have a tool that could detect patient who are at risk to have hypotension.This study consist in measuring variations of under aortic velocity peak (ΔITVAo) which estimate the modification of the cardiac output by Trans thoraciq echography.

Effect of Epinephrine/ Phenylephrine for Preventing the Postreperfusion Syndrome During Reperfusion...
Hypotension After Reperfusion in Liver TransplantationPostreperfusion syndrome (PRS) is a relatively common phenomenon in patients undergoing liver transplantation which is characterized by an acute drop in blood pressure immediately after the prefusion is restored to the transplanted liver. We hypothesized that PRS would be prevented when phenylephrine or epinephrine is administered immediately prior to reperfusion in liver transplantation.

Delayed Positioning in Cesarean Section
HypotensionMaternal hypotension is a common problem during cesarian section under spinal anesthesia. The possible explanation for this is combined aortocaval compression by gravid uterus in parturient in addition to reduced systemic vascular resistance by spinal anesthesia. The investigators evaluated if the incidence of hypotension would be decreased by delayed supine positioning, by maintaining lateral position for 6 min after spinal injection, in patients undergoing elective cesarean section.

A Novel Non-interfering Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring Device
HypertensionHypotension1 moreThe primary purpose of this investigation is to validate the performance and safety of the Investigational Device (ID) against a validated and legally cleared device for measuring Blood Pressure (BP). The secondary purpose is to validate the performance of the ID over a period of 24 hours against a validated and legally cleared device for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM).