Combined Spinal-epidural Anesthesia for Cesarean Section Without Prophylactical Prehydration and...
Cesarean SectionAnesthesia1 moreHypotension is a common complication in pregnant women after spinal anesthesia and related with the dose of local anesthetic. Injecting small dose local anesthetic into subarachnoid space can decrease the incidence of hypotension, but increase the risk of incomplete analgesia and muscle relaxation. The investigators hypothesize there is an optimal dose of bupivacaine and ropivacaine for subarachnoid injection in pregnant women, which can cause enough anesthesia and obviously decrease the incidence of hypotension without prophylactical prehydration and vasopressors. To verify this hypothesis, full-term pregnant women who were scheduled for elective cesarean section were recruited.Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia was performed for pregnant women after written informed consents. The dose of bupivacaine or ropivacaine is small and depends on height of pregnant women. The blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, SpO2 and fetal heart rate were recorded and the blood flow volume of uterine artery was monitored The sensory and motor block were evaluated. After delivery, umbilical blood samples were taken for blood gas analysis. APGAR scores and neurological behavior of infant were evaluated and recorded. In the intraoperative period, side-effects and requirement for sedation, epidural injection or general anesthesia were noted. The quality of anaesthesia (judged by the anaesthetist), the quality of muscle relaxation (judged by the surgeon) and the degree of intraoperative comfort (judged by the patient) were recorded as excellent, good, fair or poor.

PeRfusion Emergency VEiNlite Transillumination
EmergenciesToxicomania4 moreWhen taking care of an emergency patient (Emergency Reception Service: UAS and Urgent Medical Assistance Service: SAMU), the installation of a peripheral venous route (VVP) is an important step. The benchmark method is the most widely used technique. This vascular access will allow the necessary therapy to be delivered quickly and efficiently. This can be difficult and sometimes doomed to failure for reasons related both to the patient (venous capital not very visible / felt or limited due to the profile of the patient), or sometimes also for reasons related to the patient. environment (limited lighting, difficult patient access). The only current alternatives lie in the use of a device such as the Intra-Bone Device (IID) or the installation of a central venous line. On the other hand, these alternatives are particularly invasive and / or very algogenic. There are other techniques, which are more affordable and "transportable" outside the hospital. Indeed, trans-illumination with a very short training seems to be a particularly interesting alternative. It allows, thanks to LEDs in contact with the skin, to backlight the superficial veins. It is proposed through this project to evaluate this tool for a category of patients considered "difficult" to infuse, both within hospital and outside hospital. The main objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the transillumination device, compared to the absence of such a device, on the placement of a peripheral venous line (PVP) in patients with a difficult vascular approach and managed in the emergency room and whose clinical condition does not require the installation of an intraosseous device. This is a multicenter, prospective, controlled, randomized and open clinical study, according to a cross-over design. The intervention evaluated is the placement of a PVR using the trans-illumination device. The control intervention is the placement of a PVR without this device, according to the reference method, which is the benchmark method. 400 patients presenting to the emergency room will be included in the centers of Nancy, Toul and Pont-à-Mousson. Depending on their randomization group, nurses will perform peripheral venous insertion by the transillumination method or by the control method.

Optimal VAsopressor TitraTION in Patients 65 Years and Older
VasopressorsHypotension2 moreWe have designed OVATION-65 to evaluate the effects of permissive low blood pressure compared to usual care on markers of organ injury and survival in older patients.

Comparison of the Concentration of Estrogen and Testosterone Ratio in Male Patients With Cirrhosis...
HypotensionCirrhosisCirrhosis is an end stage in liver disease leading to replacement of normal liver tissue with regenerative nodules surrounded by fibrous bands in response to chronic liver injury. It is the eighth leading cause of death in the United States and the thirteenth leading cause of death globally. Patients with cirrhosis have decreased spontaneous vascular resistance leading to hypotension. The mechanism of hypotension in cirrhosis is thought to be a complex result of the presence of increased level of circulating vasodilators such a nitric oxide coupled with reduced resistance to vasoconstrictors and increased sensitivity to vasodilators.

N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and Troponin Levels as Markers of Hemodynamic Stability...
HypotensionVery Low Birth Weight Infants2 moreThe primary objective is to test the hypothesis that there is an association between the hemodynamic status and the serum levels of NT-proBNP and cTnT in prematurely born infants. We would also evaluate the hypothesis that there is an association between the level of these proteins in the serum and the short and long term morbidity.

The Ability of Perfusion Index and Positional Perfusion Index Variation to Predict Spinal Anesthesia-induced...
Spinal Anesthesia Induced HypotensionIn this study, we will test the ability of positional perfusion index variation to predict post-spinal anesthesia hypotension in elderly patients.

Hypertension and Controlled Hypotension in the Elderly
DeliriumComparision of Exposed Factors of Preoperative Hypertension and Intraoperative Controlled Hypotension on Postoperative Delirium in the Elderly under Radical Resection of Head, Neck and Maxillofacial Tumor

Data Collection - Of Syncope Tilt Table Testing Study
Orthostatic HypotensionReflex SyncopeTo characterize the impact of orthostatic hypotension (OH) and reflex syncope on signals measured using a wearable cardiac monitor prototype device. To evaluate the relationship of signals measured from the wearable cardiac monitor prototype device with reported symptom severity of orthostatic intolerance per standard data collection, analysis, and questionnaires.

Use of Perfusion Index Change as a Predictor of Hypotension During Propofol Sedation in Adult Patients...
HypotensionSpinal Anesthetics Causing Adverse Effects in Therapeutic UseThis observational study is to evaluate Perfusion Index Change as a Predictor of Hypotension During Propofol Sedation in Adult Patients Undergoing Hip Surgery Under Spinal Anesthesia.

The EU Hyprotect Registry
Hemodynamic MonitoringEuropean, multicenter, prospective, observational registry in patients undergoing elective major non-cardiac surgery