The EU Hyprotect Registry
Hemodynamic MonitoringEuropean, multicenter, prospective, observational registry in patients undergoing elective major non-cardiac surgery

Screening for the Transthyretin-Related Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (TTR FAP)
PolyneuropathyAmyloid4 moreAn International, multicenter, epidemiological observational study investigating the prevalence of Transthyretin-Related Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP) in participants with small fiber polyneuropathy of no obvious etiology.

Vasopressin to Prevent Hypotension During Beach Chair Surgery
Rotator Cuff Tear ArthropathyPatients undergoing surgery in beach chair position (BCP) are at risk for cerebral ischaemia. The impacts of arginine vasopressin (AVP) on haemodynamics and cerebral oxygenation are evaluated during surgery in BCP.

Ultrasound Assessment of the Subclavian Vein for Predicting Hypotension in Children After Anaesthesia...
Anesthesia ComplicationHypotension on Induction1 moreIntra operative hypotension is a risk factor in pediatric anesthesia (McCann ME et al.Pediatr Anesth 2014; 24: 68-73). In summary, the study aims at examine if ultrasound assessment of the diameter and collapsibility index of the subclavian vein is correlated to fasting time and if they are correlated to the degree of hypotension seen post anesthesia induction in children undergoing general anesthesia.

Non-invasive Haemodynamic Monitoring to Predict Spinal Hypotension During Caesarian Section
HypotensionPregnancy Related1 moreSpinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean section is associated with maternal hypotension, secondary to alteration of sympathetic tone and hypovolemia, in up to 70% of cases. Our objective, in this prospective single-centre observational study, was to assess the ability of change in systolic ejection volume after 45° passive leg raising to predict hypotension after spinal anaesthesia. Systolic ejection volum was monitored with non-invasive Clearsight Device just before elective caesarean section in third trimester pregnant women.

Point of Care Ultrasound Evaluation in the Post-Anesthesia Unit
HypotensionHypoxemia3 moreThe purpose of this observational research study is to examine how point-of care ultrasound affects the workup and management of perioperative complications for specific clinical scenarios of low blood pressure (hypotension), low blood oxygen (hypoxemia), in the post- anesthesia care unit (PACU).

Plethysmographic Variability Index in Post Spinal Anesthesia Hypotension in Cesarean Section
Complication of Anaesthesia During Labour and DeliveryFull term pregnant female patients presented for elective C.S for single viable fetus will be included in this study. Before anesthesia, the patient will be attached to a monitor of: ECG , heart rate, non invasive blood pressure, pulse taximeter applied on the index finger of the limb not attached to the blood pressure cuff, pulse oximetry and plethysmographic variability index (PVI) and perfusion index (PI) will be taken by (Massimo radical 7, Massimo corp. USA). Measures will be recorded every 5 minutes preoperative. Patients with PVI <15 will be excluded from the study. Patients with PVI > 15 are started on intravenous infusion of warm ringer lactate solution via suitable pore intravenous cannula to reach target of PVI <15 or a total 1 liter of ringer lactate. The patients in which the PVI is corrected by fluid to level below 15 will be Group (C) or corrected group. Patients in which intravenous fluid administration did not result any change in PVI or changed but still higher than 15 will be Group (NC) or non corrected group. After preoperative preparation patient is shifted to operating theater, with all monitors applied. She will receive spinal block at lumbar 3-4 space with hyperbaric bupivacaine 8 mg plus 25 mic fentanyl. After giving anesthesia and positioning for surgery with a left lateral tilt of 15 degrees,

Early Warning of Intradialytic Hypotension in Hemodialysis Patients
Hypotension of HemodialysisIn this study, the investigators will monitor patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment with a non-invasive wearable PPG-based device. Measurements will include blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, stroke volume, cardiac output, cardiac index and systemic vascular resistance, among others. The aim is to diagnose intradialytic hypotension more rapidly than with current noninvasive methods and prevent related poor outcomes.

Pre-operative Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Caval Aorta Diameter Index as a Predictor for Post-induction...
Hypotension on InductionComparison between ultrasound measurement of IVCD-AOd index in prediction of post induction hypo tension

Copeptin and Arterial Hypotension in Critically Ill Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Patients...
Arterial Hypotension in Critically Ill Neonatal and Pediatric PatientsBlood copeptin will be measured during the routine treatment of neonates, children and adolescents on the Intensive Care Unit of the University Children's Hospital Zurich at different time points (admission, 12, 24, 48, 96, 168 hours after admission). These values will be primarily analysed for their variability and their association with arterial hypotension. Blood samples will be drawn together with otherwise medically indicated blood withdrawals to avoid extra harm. Further, copeptin values will be compared to clinical and vital parameters, all of them open-label available during clinical routine. Copeptin's predictive value for patients' outcome will be analysed as secondary outcome.