
Active clinical trials for "Hypotension"

Results 811-820 of 875

Perfusion Index-derived Parameters as Predictors Post-induction Hypotension.

HypotensionGeneral Anesthesia Induced Hypotension

The perfusion index (PI) is a numerical value for the ratio between pulsatile and non-pulsatile blood flow measured by a special pulse oximeter. PI represents the baseline sympathetic tone which is assumed one of the factors contributing for hypotension. Patients with low PI were reported by Mahendale and Rajasekhar to show greater hypotension after induction of anesthesia. This was explained by the high sympathetic tone in these patients which is suddenly masked by propofol administration leading to profound hypotension. This study aims to evaluate the ability of preoperative plethysmographic variability index, perfusion index and the Dicrotic Plethysmography to predict post-induction hypotension.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Peri-operative Vasopressor Support in Patients Operated for an Acute Hip Fracture (AHF)

Hip FracturesIntraoperative Hypotension

The incidence of hypotension perioperatively during operation of an acute hip fracture is unknown. As a surrogate factor the usage of vasopressor support is more adequate as the registration of vasopressor drugs are many times not complete in records. The investigators retrospectively investigated the anesthetic journals of 1100 patients with an acute hip fracture (AHF) noting confounding factors and the usage of vasopressors either by injections or infusions and then correlated these results to mortality at 30-, 90- and 365- days

Completed3 enrollment criteria

Leg Elevation for Prevention of Post Spinal Hypotension in Cesarean Section

Effects of; AnesthesiaSpinal and Epidural1 more

Prospective trial including full term parturients scheduled for a cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. patients are being randomly assigned into 2 groups: LE group: will be positioned in 15° left tilt with leg elevation with a 30cm height pillow under the heels, this position will be hold after spinal anesthesia until fetal extraction. Control group: will be positioned in supine with 15° left tilt. the 2 groups will receive a 10ml/kg of crystalloid co-load intravenously, and the spinal anesthesia will be performed in sitting position with the same dose of Bupivacain, morphine and sufentanil.

Unknown status4 enrollment criteria

Expanded Access for LJPC-501

Catecholamine Resistant Hypotension (CRH)Distributive Shock3 more

The primary objective of the study is to provide access to LJPC-501 for distributive shock patients who remain hypotensive despite receiving fluid and vasopressor therapy.

Approved for marketing19 enrollment criteria

Dynamic Arterial Elastance to Predict Postural Change Induced Hypotension


During general anesthesia, hypotension might occur during positional change. It is reported that hypotension after positional change from supine to prone is mainly caused by the decrease in preload. The investigators aimed to investigate whether dynamic arterial elastance might predict hypotension associated with positional change from supine to prone.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Comparison Between Inhalation and Intravenous Induction of Anaesthesia During Interventional Mitral...

Blood PressureHypotension Drug-Induced

The induction of anaesthesia is one of the most critical situations for high-risk-patients undergoing interventions surgery. For several reasons, it is crucial to maintain adequate blood pressure and cardiac output during this phase. This retrospective cohort study aims to find out if the choice of the induction agent has a major impact on blood pressure and the use of catecholamines during the induction and the interventional procedure in patients undergoing interventional mitral valve repair.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Novel Optical Smartphone Application for Blood Pressure Measurements in Critically...


Evaluation of a novel mobile application designed to estimate blood pressure (systolic-diastolic and mean arterial pressure) based on collected optical signals on patient's finger treated in intensive care unit patients

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Hypotension in Children With Down Syndrome With Anesthesia Induction

Hypotension on Induction

Children generally undergo induction of anesthesia by inhalation of sevoflurane. Children with Down Syndrome experience bradycardia with induction of anesthesia using sevoflurane. It is unknown if this bradycardia is isolate or results in hypotension, thus requiring treatment. Isolate bradycardia without hypotension does not require treatment and should be avoided as many of these patients have underlying cardiac anomalies.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Hypotension in Neonates

InfantNewborn2 more

This observational study collects information on the current incidence and management of hypotension in babies born at term or late preterm that are admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) within the Neonatal Research Network (NRN). Participants include all newborn infants born at 34 0/7 weeks gestation or greater who are admitted to NICU Network centers and intubated and mechanically ventilated at less than 72 hours of age. The information gathered will provide a framework for the design of a potential randomized controlled trial for the treatment of hypotension in neonates. This observational study is for a time-limited enrollment period of 4-6 months; NRN centers will continue to enroll until at least 50 patients are enrolled per center (for approximately 800-1,000 subjects total).

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Orthostatic Hypotension in Elderly Nursing Home Residents

Orthostatic Hypotension

In this study the investigators aimed to investigate the prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in elderly nursing home residents. to investigate whether the presence of orthostatic hypotension influences the chance of successful rehabilitation.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

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