Orthostatic Hypotension Among Veterans
HypotensionOrthostatic HypotensionOrthostatic hypotension (OH) is defined as a fall in blood pressure when standing. Several different underlying diseases, conditions, or combinations of medicines may contribute to OH; therefore the cause of the condition varies among individuals. Some studies have shown that OH is associated with an increase in the rate of death, but it is not clear what role OH plays in increased morbidity. By studying what the prevalence of OH is in a generalized veteran population we expect increase clinical awareness of the degree of the problem so that patient care might be improved.

Hypotension in Neonates
InfantNewborn2 moreThis observational study collects information on the current incidence and management of hypotension in babies born at term or late preterm that are admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) within the Neonatal Research Network (NRN). Participants include all newborn infants born at 34 0/7 weeks gestation or greater who are admitted to NICU Network centers and intubated and mechanically ventilated at less than 72 hours of age. The information gathered will provide a framework for the design of a potential randomized controlled trial for the treatment of hypotension in neonates. This observational study is for a time-limited enrollment period of 4-6 months; NRN centers will continue to enroll until at least 50 patients are enrolled per center (for approximately 800-1,000 subjects total).

Orthostatic Hypotension in Elderly Nursing Home Residents
Orthostatic HypotensionIn this study the investigators aimed to investigate the prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in elderly nursing home residents. to investigate whether the presence of orthostatic hypotension influences the chance of successful rehabilitation.

Effect of the Side of Interscalene Block on Bradycardia and Hypotension in Beach Chair Position...
Shoulder SurgeryBeach Chair Position4 moreThe Left interscalene block has a different effect on heart's autonomic nervous system, compared to Right interscalene block. This effect is evident on the occurrence of bradycardia and hypotension during shoulder surgery in the beach chair position

Shock Index, Modified Shock Index and Age-related Shock Index for Predicting Post-spinal Hypotension...
Anesthesia MorbidityProcedural Hypotension2 moreAim of this prospective observational study is to investigate whether shock index(SI), modified shock index(MSI) and age related shock index(ASI) have any predictive value in predicting post-spinal hypotension which may develop in patients over 65 years of age, who are planned to undergo transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) surgery under spinal anesthesia.

Assessments of Dynamic Variables of Fluid Responsiveness to Predict Desufflation-induced Hypotension...
Deflation Induced HypotensionLaparoscopic SurgeryLaparoscopic surgery can induce hemodynamic pertubations. Pneumoperitoneum, inevitable in laparoscopic surgery, induces increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which can decrease cardiac output. Simultaneously, pneumoperitoneum can stimulate sympathetic system and increase vascular resistance/arterial blood pressure. Patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery may show a normal range of blood pressure during pneumoperitoneum even when the patients are in hypovolemia, and desufflation at the end of main surgical procedure can cause an abrupt hypotension revealing hypovolemia. Therefore, appropriate fluid management is essential for preventing desufflation-induced hypotension in laparoscopic surgery. Recently, dynamic variables are used to predict and guide fluid therapy during controlled ventilation. these variables arise from heart-lung interactions during positive ventilation, which influence left ventricular stroke volume. Several dynamic variables are derived from variations in left ventricular stroke volume (stroke volume variation, SVV), for example pulse pressure variation (PPV), and variations in pulse oximetry plethysmography waveform amplitude (PWV), which have all been shown to predict fluid responsiveness in different clinical and experimental settings. However, there are few evidences regarding which type of dynamic variables can predict desufflation-induced hypotension in laparoscopic surgery. Therefore, this study was designed to assess the predictive abilities of three different type of dynamic variables including PPV, SVV, and PWV for desufflation-induced hypotension in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery.

Minimal Inflation Tourniquet Pressure Using Induced Hypotension
Vascular DiseasesLimb occlusion pressure (LOP) and arterial occlusion pressure (AOP) are the terms that mean the lowest tourniquet pressure required to stop the arterial blood flow into the limb distal to the cuff. LOP can be determined manually or automatically by slow cuff inflation until disapper of pulsation with Doppler flow-meter or pulse oximeter

Median Sevoflurane Concentration for Hypotension Between Young and Elderlypatients: Adaptive Clinical...
HypotensionTwo arms: elder group, young group. Dixon's up and down adaptive methodology for ED50. Executed after Anesthesia induction for 10min without touching the patient after starting mechanical ventilation.

Spinal Anesthesia in Caesarean Section
Hypotension Drug-InducedCesarean Section Complications2 moreSpinal anesthesia is a safe technique, widely used and tested in the gynecological field, so as to be considered the first choice technique in cesarean section, which allows to quickly obtain a valid sensor and motor block. Bupivacaine is one of the most widely used drug for obtaining spinal anesthesia in pregnant women undergoing caesarean section. Bupivacaine is a local anesthetic available as a racemic mixture of its two enantiomers, the R (+)- dextrobupivacaine and the S (-) - levobupivacaine, whose clinical use is widely validated. Racemic bupivacaine is available as a simple or hyperbaric solution, the latter being the most commonly used for spinal anesthesia. Levobupivacaine, which is the pure levorotatory enantiomer of racemic bupivacaine, is a slightly hypobaric solution compared to liquor and has shown less heart and nerve toxicity, probably due to its ability to bind proteins more rapidly, and a greater selectivity towards the sensory component compared to Bupivacaine, presents action and effects better predictable. Its baricity would also offer the advantage of providing a less sensitive block to the position. Hypotension is one of the most common complications of spinal anesthesia and is particularly relevant in caesarean section because, in addition to the adverse effects on the parturient, it can have repercussions on the fetus through a reduction of placental perfusion. Some studies have showed a similar incidence of hypotension in patients treated with bupivacaine compared to those treated with levobupivacaine, while others assert an equivalence between the two drugs. In most studies, however, a significantly lower incidence of hypotension and a greater hemodynamic stability were reported in pregnant patients undergoing spinal anesthesia by caesarean section with levobupivacaine. Being both hyperbaric bupivacaine and levobupivacaine routinely used at the "G. Rodolico" Universitary Hospital of Catania for the spinal anesthesia of pregnant women undergoing caesarean section and being their use decided exclusively at discretion of the treating anesthesiologist, in the light of the discrepant data in the literature about the incidence of hypotension with the two drugs, the main objective of this observational study is to evaluate the hemodynamic effects mediated by levobupivacaine on pregnant women subjected to elective cesarean section and to compare them with those mediated by hyperbaric bupivacaine in an historical court of pregnant women subjected to caesarean section in the period between April 2017 and April 2018. The hemodynamic parameters will be monitored in real time with a non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring system (EV1000® platform + Clearsight® system - Edwards LifeSciences), routinely used in the "G. Rodolico" Universitary Hospital of Catania, allowing to obtain greater accuracy and veracity of the results compared to previous studies conducted on such anesthetics.

Ultrapure Water System for Hemodialysis Therapy
The Change of Biomarkers CRPCBC With the Use of Ultra Pure Water System for3 moreWe wish to compare the effect of very clean water used for dialysis therapy (i.e ultrapure water) in comparison with the use of conventional water which are used in most dialysis units worldwide. To the best of our knowledge prospective data in that field is sparse.