Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Cryoneurolysis to Treat Postoperative Pain After Mastectomy
Mastectomy; LymphedemaBreast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. Removal of the breast, called "mastectomy", is performed either when there is cancer-or an increased risk of cancer-in the breast. This can result in a lot of pain during the months after surgery. Opioids-"narcotics"-are the most common pain control method provided to patients; but they frequently do not relieve enough pain, have undesirable side effects like vomiting and constipation, and are sometimes misused which can lead to addiction. Mastectomy also frequently results in long-term pain which can interfere with physical and emotional functioning; and the more pain patients have immediately after surgery, the greater the risk of developing long-term pain. Numbing the nerves with local anesthetic can decrease the amount of short- and long-term pain experienced by patients, but even the longest types of these nerve blocks last for hours or days, and not the 1-2 months of pain typically following mastectomy. So, there is reason to believe that if the nerve blocks could be extended so that they last longer than the pain from surgery, short- and long-term pain might be avoided completely without the need for opioids. A prolonged nerve block may be provided by freezing the nerve using a technique called "cryoneurolysis". With cryoneurolysis and ultrasound machines, a small needle-like "probe" may be placed through anesthetized skin and guided to the target nerve to allow freezing. The procedure takes about 5 minutes for each nerve, involves little discomfort, has no side effects, and cannot be misused or become addictive. After 2-3 months, the nerve returns to normal functioning. The investigators have completed a small study suggesting that a single cryoneurolysis treatment may provide potent pain relief after mastectomy. The ultimate objectives of the proposed research study are to determine if temporarily freezing the nerves that go to the breast will decrease short-term pain, opioid use, physical and emotional dysfunction, and long-term pain following mastectomy when added to current and customary postoperative analgesics. The current project is a pragmatic, multicenter, randomized, triple-masked (investigators, participants, statisticians), sham/placebo-controlled, parallel-arm, human-subjects, post-market clinical trial to determine if cryoneurolysis is an effective non-opioid treatment for pain following mastectomy.

Assessing Impact of Early Physiotherapy on Lymphatic Dysfunction in Head and Neck Cancer Survivorship...
Lymphedema of FaceHead and Neck CancerThe goal of this clinical trial is to learn if treating the lymphatics in head and neck cancer survivors before clinical diagnosis of lymphedema will prevent its development or progression. The main questions it aims to answer are: Does early lymphatic treatment, before onset of clinical symptoms, prevent the development of head and neck lymphedema? Does dermal lymphatic backflow provide an early indication of lymphedema and its response to treatment? Over the course of one year, participants will undergo several sessions near-infrared fluorescence lymphatic imaging to assess whether they have abnormal dermal lymphatic backflow following head and neck cancer treatment. Subjects will be divided into two groups, a treated and a control group. The treated group will be asked to complete daily sessions of pneumatic compression therapy at home, while the control group will receive standard-of-card treatment after clinical diagnosis of lymphedema. Researchers will compare the incidence of lymphedema between the two groups to see if treatment before diagnosis prevents the development and progression of head and neck lymphedema.

Spa Therapy for Upper or Lower Limb Lymphoedema
LymphoedemaBreast Cancer4 moreTHERMOEDEME is a comparative, controlled, randomized, multicenter and simple blinded (investigator) trial. The aim of this study is to evaluate effects of spa therapy in phlebology with a therapeutic education program in daily life of patients suffering lymphoedema.

Subclinical Lymphedema Treatment Study
Breast Cancer-related Subclinical LymphedemaPrimary Objective To compare the effectiveness of 2 treatment protocols for patients with breast cancer-related subclinical lymphedema identified through bioimpedance spectroscopy, L-dex scores Secondary Objectives To determine the necessary duration of intervention to reverse L-dex scores back to a normal range in patients with breast cancer-related subclinical lymphedema To determine the time elapsed post-surgically to the development of subclinical lymphedema identified by bioimpedance spectroscopy, L-dex scores To identify risk factors for the development of subclinical lymphedema in patients with breast cancer To identify factors associated with the progression to clinical lymphedema following treatment of subclinical lymphedema as identified by bioimpedance spectroscopy, L-dex scores Women with breast cancer diagnoses and planned axillary lymph node procedures will receive pre-operative screening of arm volume with bioimpedance, which will capture baseline measurements. Then, subjects will undergo periodic screenings for the first 3 years following surgery. If a significant change in volume compared to baseline is detected with bioimpedance, subjects will be randomized to 1 of 2 treatment groups. The outcomes of 2 treatment protocols will be compared. Additionally, subjects will be screened each week during their treatment interventions to determine the necessary quantity of intervention before L-dex scores normalize.

Reduction of Lymphedema Secondary to Breast Cancer
LymphedemaThis study evaluates the reduction of lymphedema and its complications in obese women treated with a muscle training and weight loss program as well as the improvement body composition, muscle strength, quality of life and neurocognitive function, compared to a conventional treatment control group.

Decongestive Exercise and Compression for Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Management
Breast NeoplasmLymphedemaWomen who have undergone breast cancer surgery may develop swelling of the arm on the side the breast cancer occurred. If the swelling becomes chronic it is called lymphedema. This study will examine the effect of a 12-week decongestive progressive resistance exercise with advanced compression on breast cancer related lymphedema. Our objective is to determine if breast cancer survivors are willing and able to wear advanced compression while exercising and if the combination will help to reduce their lymphedema. Twenty-four breast cancer survivors from Edmonton, Alberta will be enrolled in the one-year long study.

Microsurgical Treatment of Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema by Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis
LymphedemaResearch question: Is lymphaticovenous anastomosis (LVA) for the treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema of the arm (BCRL) more effective and cost-effective compared to standard conservative treatment? Hypothesis: LVA improves the health-related quality of life of patients who developed BCRL after breast cancer treatment and is cost-effective compared to conservative treatment. Study design: A multicenter randomised controlled trial (RCT) consisting of two treatment groups: conservative treatment (group A) and LVA (group B). The study is conducted in Maastricht University Medical Center, Radboud University Medical Center, Zuyderland Medical Center and Canisius-Wilhelmina Hospital. Study population: Women over 18 years old who underwent (axillary) treatment for breast cancer presenting with early stage lymphedema of the arm for which they received at least three months conservative treatment Intervention: LVA involves anastomosing lymphatic vessels to small veins to bypass obstructions in the lymphatic system. Usual care: Complex decongestive therapy (CDT) which includes skin care, manual lymphatic drainage, and compression therapy. Outcome measures: The primary outcome is health-related quality of life after 12 months follow-up measured with the Lymph-ICF questionnaire. Secondary outcomes are (in)direct costs, QALYs, cost-effectiveness ratio, the discontinuation rate of conservative treatment, and excess limb volume. Sample size: A total of 120 patients will be included and randomised in two groups of 60 patients each. Cost-effectiveness analysis: A trial-based economic evaluation is performed from the societal perspective to determine the cost-effectiveness, expressed in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) (i.e. cost per QALY gained), of LVA compared to CDT. Direct and indirect cost data is collected on the patient-level. The difference in QALYs is assessed with the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire. A Budget Impact Analysis (BIA) will be performed to analyse the financial consequences related to implementing LVA. Time schedule: Patient inclusion will take maximally 21 months. With a follow-up of 24 months, the total study period will be 48 months. The last three months are used for data analysis. Outcome assessment is at inclusion (before randomisation) and 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months later.

Effect of Exercise on Indocyanine Green (ICG) Lymphography Imaging
LymphedemaIndocyanine Green (ICG) lymphography is a relatively new imaging technique that allows for quick visualization of superficial lymph flow in real-time, without radiation exposure. This imaging is useful for diagnosing and assessing lymphedema. ICG lymphography has a higher sensitivity and specificity than lymphoscintigraphy, the current gold standard imaging device for lymphedema. ICG lymphography precisely and reliably diagnoses, tracks, and stages lymphedema severity, ranging from subclinical or early lymphedema to more advanced cases. The ICG contrast dye used to visualize the lymphatic system takes approximately six hours to plateau. Therefore, patients must wait six hours between their initial and delayed scans. The purpose of this study is to determine if exercising on a Nu-step device between ICG initial and delayed scans would shorten the period of time a patient had to spend at the hospital on the day of their ICG lymphography. The general procedures for this involve (after selecting subjects, consenting subjects, educating the subject on the protocol, along with other appropriate measures): Taking baseline vitals (HR & SpO2) and limb circumference measurements 5-minute period of time to acquaint subject with the exercise equipment (Nu-Step) at any level of exertion injection of contrast agent to allow for visualization of the superficial lymphatic system by a qualified nurse Initial scan A 5-minute period of exercise at "moderate" level of exercise (This correlates to the rating of perceived exertion levels of 12-13; All exercise periods should be at this level and will be monitored by a provider) Second scan & vitals 5-minute period of exercise Third scan & vitals o Continue 5-minute exercise period followed by scan & vitals until disease pattern emerges * Exercise for 5 minutes then scan and vitals until images reach steady state for two consecutive scans Final vitals (HR & SpO2) * Repeat scan every 1 hour until the normal 6 hour scan to monitor for further changes in lymphatic pattern. Exit survey

Clinical Study With Lymfactin® in the Treatment of Patients With Secondary Lymphedema (AdeLE)
Secondary LymphedemaThis study evaluates the efficacy of Lymfactin® in patients with secondary lymphedema associated with the treatment of breast cancer by comparing the effects of active study treatment Lymfactin® to placebo. The study product will be administered in combination with a surgical lymph node transfer operation. In addition, the safety and tolerability of the Lymfactin® treatment will be evaluated.

Hypofractionated Loco-regional Adjuvant Radiation Therapy of Breast Cancer Combined With a Simultaneous...
LymphedemaFibrosisThe purpose of the study is to investigate the difference in late radiation morbidity between hypofractionated and normofractionated loco-regional breast irradiation irrespective of mastectomy or lumpectomy. In patients who a candidates for a boost, the boost will be provided as a simultaneous integrated boost.