Study of Matched Unrelated Donor T Cell Infusion for Hematologic Malignancies After Allo-HSCT
LeukemiaMyelodysplastic Syndromes3 moreThis is a Phase I, multicenter, open-label, non-randomized study of matched unrelated donor BPX-501 T cell infusion in adult subjects with hematological malignancies presenting with recurrent disease minimal residual disease (MRD) post-allogeneic transplant.

Bortezomib Plus Tacrolimus and Methotrexate to Prevent Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) After Mismatched...
Hematologic MalignanciesThe purpose of this study is to determine if Velcade (also known as bortezomib) can help prevent graft versus host disease (GVHD) developing after transplantation. This is done by using a combination of three immune suppressive medications: Velcade, tacrolimus and methotrexate. Stem cell transplantation is one of the options for patients with cancer of the blood or blood forming organs. Recently, allogeneic stem cell transplants have been performed using lower doses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy: non-myeloablative or "mini" transplants. GVHD is a significant problem that may occur even after "mini" transplantations. Information from other research studies, suggests that Velcade may help to reduce the risk of developing GVHD when given early after transplantation.

Treatment of Patients With Donor Lymphocytes Sensitized by Antigens Expressed by the Host
Hematological MalignancyNeoplasm MetastasisAllogeneic stem cell transplantation is the only effective treatment to patients resistant to conventional chemotherapy. Donor lymphocytes infusion (DLI) serve as a routine treatment of choice for patients relapsing following allogeneic stem cell transplantation. The present proposal is presented for introducing the use of immune rather than naive donor lymphocytes for patients with resistant relapse and resistant to DLI. DLI primed in-vitro against tumor cells of host origin or against host alloantigens presented by parental alloantigens in one way mixed lymphocytes culture can induce much more than potent graft-vs-leukemia and graft-vs-tumor effects, while down-regulating graft-vs-host disease (GVHD).

Central Venous Catheter-related Complications in Patients Under Anticancer Treatment
Central Venous Catheter ThrombosisCentral Venous Catheter Related Bloodstream Infection2 moreOncology and hemotology patients under anticancer treatments are exposed to increased risks of central venous catheter-related complications due to the underlying cancer and its treament. This prospective observational monocentric french study aims at describing the incidence of such complications, their morbimortality, and analyzing some risk factors in order to contribute to propose some strategies to reduce these complications' rate and consequences

Polyomic Biomarker Verification in Adult Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease (ABLE3.0/CTTC2201)
Chronic Graft-versus-Host-DiseaseAllogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation3 moreChronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD) is one of the most serious complications following BMT (Bone Marrow Transplantation). cGvHD occurs when donor immune cells "attack" the tissues and organs of the person receiving the BMT. cGvHD can be difficult to treat once it is established leading to poor quality of life for recipients of a BMT. The goal of this study is to determine if, by using biomarkers, the investigators can predict which patients are at the highest risk of developing cGvHD after BMT, before cGvHD develops. The ABLE3.0 / CTTC 2201 study will validate and potentially refine the initial predictive biomarker algorithm developed from the original ABLE/PBTMC 1202 study (ABLE1.0), allowing clinicians the ability to pre-emptively predict their patient's future risk of developing both late-acute and chronic GvHD. This will provide the foundation for the later development of clinical trials aimed at reducing immune suppression quicker after transplant for low-risk patients (<10% risk) and justifying more intensive approaches such as pre-emptive treatments before the onset of chronic GvHD in high-risk patients (>45% risk).

Pilot Study of Multi-Modality Imaging in Patients With Hematologic Malignancies
Hematologic MalignancyThis is a pilot sub-study of patients receiving myeloablative transplant using total body irradiation (TBI) or total marrow irradiation (TMI) in their preparative regimen. The objective of this stub-study is to estimate the heterogeneity in cellular proliferation (FLT-PET uptake) as well the heterogeneity in marrow composition distribution (measured using whole body water-fat MRI) using positron emission tomography imaging. This will be used to design future trials as well as to determine the feasibility of PET and MRI imaging.

CD34+ Enriched Transplants From HLA-Compatible Patients With Hematologic Malignancies
Hematologic DiseasesHematologic Malignancy4 moreThis is a Phase II trial testing disease-specific myeloablative conditioning regimens for preparatory cytoreduction of patients receiving allogeneic HLA-compatible related or unrelated transplants of GCSF-mobilized peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) depleted of T-cells by positive selection of CD34+ progenitor cells using the CliniMACS system. The CliniMACS Fractionation system is a method that positively selects CD34+ progenitor cells from PBSC by immunoadsorption of cells binding on anti CD34 monoclonal antibody to paramagnetic beads, which can then be isolated by passage through a magnetized column and released by agitation of beads. Two conditioning regimens have been used successfully with an alternative similar system, isolex, which is no longer being manufactured.

Registry Platform Hematologic Malignancies (RUBIN) - Extension of Tumor Registry Lymphatic Neoplasms...
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)4 moreThe purpose of the project is to set up a national, prospective, longitudinal, multicenter registry platform to document uniform data on characteristics, molecular diagnostics, treatment and course of disease, to collect patient-reported outcomes and to establish a decentralized biobank for patients with hematological malignancies in Germany.

Influenza Vaccine Post Allogeneic Transplant
Hematopoietic Stem Cell TransplantHematologic MalignancyStudy Design: This is a randomized, single center study to evaluate immune responses to the seasonal influenza vaccine in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients who receive one vaccine or two vaccine doses one month apart. In addition, a cohort of healthy adult volunteers will be recruited as controls to confirm immune response to a single influenza vaccine.

Coverage and Cost-of-Care (CC) Links- Financial Navigation Program
Financial StressHematologic Cancer1 moreThis trial is a mixed-methods, non-randomized design guided by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) to develop, implement, and evaluate Coverage and Cost-of-Care Links (CC Links) -a novel financial navigation intervention for hematologic cancer survivors and their caregivers.