DISCO Application for the Improvement of Financial Outcomes in Patients With Hematologic Cancer...
Chronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaChronic Myelogenous Leukemia2 moreThis phase II trial studies how well the DIScussion of COst (DISCO) application (app) works in improving financial outcomes in patients with hematologic cancer. The DISCO app is an electronic, highly scalable and tailorable education and communication intervention that may help researchers learn more about improving how patients and oncologists discuss cancer treatment costs

Cancer Rehab Program for Allogenic Bone and Marrow Transplant Patients - CaRE-4-alloBMT
Allogeneic DiseaseHematologic Cancer1 moreCurrently, transplantation centers across North America generally do not offer longitudinal rehabilitation programs and research is urgently needed to test the acceptability and effectiveness of these programs using innovative delivery strategies that have the potential for future scalability and to understand the associated costs. Through a strong collaboration between the PM Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship (CRS) and alloBMT teams, the principal investigators developed an innovative multicomponent rehabilitation intervention for patients undergoing alloBMT (CaRE-4-alloBMT). CaRE-4-alloBMT uses a person- centred strategy and a multidimensional approach targeting physical activity, nutrition, psychosocial distress and promoting self-management skills. Innovative components of CaRE-4-alloBMT include:1) Individualized progressive exercise prescriptions developed and monitored by CRS registered kinesiologists and supported with a web/mobile application (Physitrack) that allows customizable exercise prescriptions, tracking of exercise completion, and video tutorials; 2) Individualized nutrition plans and stepped stratified care (education, counselling, intervention) based on nutritional status and delivered by registered dietitians (alloBMT and CRS). 3) On-line e-modules (developed in collaboration with PM Oncology Education) provide interactive education to promote self-management skills on crucial topics; 4) Remote monitoring using FitbitTM devices to monitor patients physical activity, caloric intake, and sleep for duration of the program; 5) Remote clinical support: Pre/Post discharge, patients will have scheduled (PHS) remote check-ins and health coaching sessions with a member of the CRS team (phone or MS Teams video). Objectives: i) To test the feasibility and safety of CaRE-4-alloBMT plus standard best practice cancer care compared to standard best practice cancer care alone; ii) To assess the preliminary efficacy of CaRE-4-alloBMT on physical function, disability, nutritional status, distress, QoL, healthcare utilization, and survival and estimate program return on investment.

In Person and Mobile Health Coping Skills Training for Improving Symptom Management and Daily Steps...
Hematopoietic Neoplasms (LeukemiaLymphoma1 moreThe purpose of the study is to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a novel mHealth behavioral intervention to enable HCT patients to effectively cope with symptoms to improve their ability to engage in physical activity that can improve physical disability. Our interdisciplinary team (psychiatry, hematology/oncology, occupational therapy) proposes a single arm pilot trial (N=20) to test a hybrid in-person and mHealth (video-conferencing, symptoms/activity monitoring, personalized feedback via text) HCT Coping Skills Training for Symptom Management and Daily Steps (CST Step-Up) intervention. CST Step-Up will provide patients with coping skills training and activity coaching sessions to enhance their ability to cope with symptoms that interfere with activity.

An Individualized Physical Activity Program in Patients Over 65 Years With Hematologic Malignancies...
AgedAged9 moreOlder people with cancer differ from younger patients due to the combined effects of aging, comorbidities and cancer treatments on their health. In acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and non-hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), chemotherapy, which is the main treatment, is associated with significant toxicity that negatively affects patients' physical capacities and quality of life, already declining with age and comorbidities. It therefore seems essential to develop and evaluate interventions that can prevent physical and psychosocial decline and its consequences in these populations. However, no studies have evaluated a physical activity (PA) program among these populations, although the absence of risk of implementing PA during intense therapeutic procedures has been confirmed. OCAPI is an interdisciplinary, prospective, interventional, feasibility study. It is intended to include 20 AML and 20 NHL patients 65 years of age or older at the time of initiation of the first chemotherapy line, with an ECOG <3, with no contraindications to PA and no history or coexistence of other primary cancer. Expected results are to demonstrate that a program offering supervised sessions in a sterile room or at home and remote support can enable patients with AML or NHL to perform their daily PA in autonomy. All these results will generate preliminary data before implementing a larger national study.

Study of FOND Versus FOND+O for the Prevention of CINV in Hematology Patients Receiving Highly Emetogenic...
Complications of Bone Marrow TransplantHematologic NeoplasmsThe objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of olanzapine added to standard triplet therapy (fosaprepitant, ondansetron, and dexamethasone) versus triplet therapy alone in preventing chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in hematology patients receiving highly or moderately emetogenic chemotherapy regimens.

Influence of Ketoconazole on the Pharmacokinetics of Romidepsin in Patients With Advanced Cancer...
Hematologic MalignancyMalignant LymphomaThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect and safety of multiple doses of ketoconazole on the pharmacokinetics of romidepsin after a single intravenous (IV) infusion.

Safety and Tolerability of HSC835 in Patients With Hematological Malignancies Undergoing Single...
Single Umbilical Cord Blood TransplantationNon-myeloablative Conditioning5 moreThis study was designed to evaluate the safety and tolerability of HSC835 for clinical use as measured by the absence of graft failure at day 42 in excess of that currently observed with double umbilical cord blood (UCB) transplantation (DUCBT) with non-myeloablative (NMA) conditioning.

Platelet Transfusion Requirements in Hematopoietic Transplantation Pilot Study
Hematologic NeoplasmsIt is hypothesized that a strategy using prophylactic oral Tranexamic Acid (TXA) with therapeutic platelet transfusions is safe and effective compared to prophylactic platelet transfusions in patients undergoing an autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (who are at risk for bleeding).

A Study to Assess the Effect of Food on the Bioavailability of the IGF-1R Inhibitor AXL1717 in Patients...
Solid TumorsHematological MalignanciesThis is a prospective, randomized, open-label, Phase I, crossover study to assess the effect of food on the bioavailability of AXL1717 including patients with advanced malignant tumors

Study of the Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Carfilzomib in Patients With Advanced Malignancies and...
Solid TumorsHematologic Malignancies1 moreThe purpose of this study is to compare the safety and efficacy of carfilzomib, including measuring the amount of the study drug in the blood at certain times following dosing. This study is being done in people with varying degrees of liver function to see if they respond differently to the study drug.