Mood Lifters: A Self Help Program
DepressionAnxiety1 moreLarge scale, effective, low-cost, and evidence-based programs that can nimbly translate new research discoveries into prevention and care for psychosocial based problems are urgently needed. This study hopes to provide support for Mood-Lifters, a template for a low-cost evidence based program, so that investigators may fill this gap and relieve suffering for millions of people who are not getting adequate mental health care. Mood-Lifters provides a low cost, research based program designed to enrich people's lives and reduce psychological distress. It is designed to provide useful support, coaching and information. It seeks to help people enhance pleasure, engagement and meaning in their lives while minimizing depression, fear, loneliness and other negative feelings via a proprietary peer based program that offers weekly meetings and other flexible support options. The goal of this pilot study is to test the efficacy of this program. This is not traditional therapy, rather an educational supportive program similar to WeightWatchers, but for mental health.

Modeling Mood Course to Detect Markers of Effective Adaptive Interventions
Bipolar DisorderThe goal of this study is to learn how to engage individuals with bipolar disorder in long-term monitoring of daily patterns of mood, stress, sleep, circadian rhythm, and medical adherence. Knowledge gained will be used to develop a mobile health platform for the translation of a psychosocial intervention for bipolar disorder into an effective adaptive intervention.

Measuring Beliefs and Norms About Persons With Mental Illness
Mental IllnessSchizophrenia2 moreSurvey experiment to estimate drivers of mental illness stigma

Psychosocial Intervention to Reduce Self-stigma and Improve Quality of Life Among People With Mental...
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder1 moreThe principal objective of this pilot trial is to evaluate the effectiveness of a psychosocial intervention to reduce self-stigma and improve treatment adherence and quality of life among people with a severe mental illness who attend to Community Mental Health Centers in Chile. The intervention is based on recovery and narrative therapy and considers 10 group sessions, mainly with patients, but also integrating relatives and professionals in some of the activities.

Virtual Reality Job Interview Training in Severe Mental Illness
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective Disorder2 moreThis is a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the community-based effectiveness of virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT). Northwestern University is partnering with Thresholds Inc. to evaluate the effectiveness of VR-JIT at improving interviewing skills and access to employment. In addition, we will evaluate the cost effectiveness of VR-JIT and the process for implementing VR-JIT at Thresholds.

Financial Incentives to Improve Medication Adherence
SchizophreniaSchizo Affective Disorder2 moreMedication adherence is a challenge in all of medicine and is associated with multiple negative outcomes. Strategies to better measure and enhance adherence to medication are urgent and necessary to minimize unwanted health outcomes, hospitalizations, poorer quality of life and excessive costs for individuals, insurers and caregivers. Recently, behavioral economics-based approaches have emerged as a promising tool to address this unmet need, but its effectiveness in oral antipsychotic treatment remains to be assessed. For this project, investigators will use an app that offers financial incentives to increase compliance for patients with chronic diseases. Investigators intend to enroll 25 patients in a pilot project to assess feasibility of offering financial incentives to improve medication adherence in severe mental illness.

Remediation of Cognitive Dysfunction in Euthymic Bipolar Disorder Patients Using Transcranial Direct...
Bipolar DisorderThis study aims to investigate the potential for Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) to enhance cognitive functioning in euthymic bipolar patients through comparing the effect of active or sham tDCS (placebo control) during the performance of two cognitive tasks. The investigators hypothesize that task performance will be improved with active relative to sham tDCS.

Life Goals Collaborative Care to Improve Health Outcomes in Mental Disorders
Bipolar DisorderSchizophrenia3 morePersons with serious mental illness (SMI) are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The goals of this study are to test a treatment, Life Goals Collaborative Care to help promote health behavior change and improve mental health and physical health-related quality of life, as well as to get feedback from patients and providers on what is needed to help better coordinate the physical and mental health care of these patients.

Exploring the Effects of Coenzyme Q10 on Bioenergetics Metabolism in Geriatric Bipolar Depression...
Bipolar DepressionThe investigators propose to study and compare measures of brain energy metabolism in geriatric bipolar individuals and healthy older adults. The investigators would also like to investigate changes in brain energy metabolites associated with CoQ10 administration in older bipolar individuals. Finally, resting state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) will be conducted in order to explore frontal and limbic circuitry in geriatric bipolar disorder. Primary Hypothesis: Baseline beta NTP and NAA will be lower, and PCr and lactate higher in Geri BPD compared with older healthy controls Secondary Hypothesis: Changes in PCr and beta NTP will be demonstrated in Geri BD group challenged with CoQ 10.

Self-Management Addressing Heart Disease Risk Trial
Bipolar DisorderCardiovascular DiseaseThe purpose of this research study is to learn whether or not people with bipolar disorder can reduce their risk of heart disease and related conditions by having a Care Manager provide self management and care management.