The Effect of Physical Exercises Program on Social Functioning, Alexithymia and Sense of Coherence...
Social FunctioningAlexithymia and Sense of Coherence 1 moreThe aim of this study is to: Investigate the effect of applying physical exercises program on social functioning, alexithymia and sense of coherence among patients with bipolar disorders Research Hypotheses Clients who participated in physical exercises program will exhibit better social functioning and sense of coherence than the control group. Clients who participated in physical exercises program will exhibit less alexithymia than the control group.

Examining the Effect of EEG-guided Theta Burst Stimulation in Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderBipolar Disorder (BD) is a common and highly debilitating psychiatric disorder, however, the predisposing brain mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, the investigators will conduct a proof of concept study that will examine the effect of electroencephalography (EEG)-guided theta burst stimulation (TBS) on reducing mania/hypomania-related affect and reward driven behavior in adults with BD. The investigators hypothesize that TBS will reduce mania/hypomania-related affect and reward driven behavior in adults with BD.

Improving Physical Health in Patients With Psychiatric Disorders in General Practice (SOFIA)
Psychiatric DisorderSchizophrenia2 morePeople with a severe mental illness (SMI) have an increased risk for premature mortality, predominantly due somatic health conditions. Evidence indicates that prevention and improved treatment of somatic conditions in patients with SMI could reduce this excess mortality. This paper reports a protocol designed to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of a coordinated co-produced care programme (SOFIA model) in the general practice setting to reduce mortality and improve quality of life in patients with severe mental illness. The primary outcomes are description of study feasibility (recruitment and retention) and acceptability. The SOFIA trial is designed as cluster randomized controlled trial targeting general practices in two regions in Denmark. 12 practices will each recruit 15 community-dwelling patients aged 18 and older with severe mental illness (SMI). Practices will be randomized in a ratio 2:1 to deliver a coordinated care program or care-as-usual during a 6 month period. An online randomized algorithm is used to perform randomization. The coordinated care program comprises enhanced educational training of general practitioners and their clinical staff, and prolonged consultations focusing on individual needs and preferences of the patient with SMI. Assessments are administered at baseline, and at end of study period. If delivery of the intervention in the general practice setting proves feasible, a future definitive trial to determine the effectiveness of the intervention in reducing mortality and improving quality of life in patients with SMI can take place.

Medication Adherence in Hypertensive Individuals With Bipolar Disorder
HypertensionBipolar DisorderThis study will test an adherence intervention (iTAB-CV) delivered via interactive text messaging which first targets behavioral intent and then adds cues/reminders and reinforcement to form the habit of taking antihypertensives in non-adherent individuals with BD. Thirty eight individuals with BD and HTN being treated with evidence-based antihypertensive agents and mood stabilizing or antipsychotic medications who are non-adherent with their HTN medicine will be enrolled. This study uses a prospective cohort design with participants serving as their own control. Investigators will test the iTAB-CV intervention quantitatively for feasibility and acceptability as well as for efficacy in increasing adherence to antihypertensives, decreasing systolic blood pressure, and increasing adherence to BD medication.

Neuroimaging Study of Risk Factors for Adolescent Bipolar Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderThe main purpose of this study is to see the affects of the study medication called mixed amphetamine salts-extended release (MAS-XR) on brain function by taking brain pictures. The researchers also want to see if MAS-XR makes your child more or less likely to develop problems like acting out (i.e. periods of irritability, agitation, aggression). MAS-XR is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults, children and adolescents.

PTSD (PostTraumatic Stress Disorder) Services for Veterans With SMI (Severe Mental Illness)
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderSchizophrenia3 moreAs in the general population, there is no clear standard of care within Veterans Affairs Medical Centers for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among individuals with severe mental illness (SMI). This is a considerable issue because trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and severe psychiatric comorbidity are particularly common among Veterans and this symptom presentation clearly exacerbates the overall course and severity of mental illness. This study is significant in that it proposes to establish the efficacy of a frontline exposure based intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Prolonged Exposure, for improving critical clinical, quality of life, and cost outcomes among Veterans with severe mental illness (SMI) enrolled in VA healthcare. Collectively, it is anticipated that these data will establish a much needed clinical course of action for what is considered a vulnerable yet highly underserved patient population.

Improving Outcomes for Individuals With Serious Mental Illness and Diabetes
Diabetes MellitusBipolar Disorder3 moreThis project tests a model for improving illness self-management among persons who have both serious mental illness and diabetes and will be performed within a primary care setting at a safety net hospital system. The information gained from the randomized trial will be supplemented with reports from participants about their experiences of trying to improve illness self-management. Improvements in self-management should result in a reduction of psychiatric symptoms and improvements in functioning and physical health.

Adapting the Bipolar Care Model for Chronic Care Management in Community-based Health Care Sites...
Bipolar DisorderThis study will determine if a version of the bipolar care model adapted for a nonresearch audience can improve patient health and correct use of the model in community-based mental health care sites.

Outcome Evaluation of Solutions for Wellness and Team Solutions Program in Patients With Severe...
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective Disorder1 moreObesity is increasing at an alarming rate in patients with schizophrenia, possibly in association with the increased use of atypical antipsychotics. In order to address the weight and metabolic syndrome issues, Manhattan Psychiatric Center (MPC) has implemented the Solutions for Wellness and Team Solutions Program. This program is designed to create a supportive, educational and monitoring environment to stabilize both the psychiatric and medical conditions and to prepare patients for independent management of their psychiatric and physical health condition in the community.

Cognitive Deficits in Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder, Depressed Type: Prevalence...
Major DepressionBipolar DisorderThe purpose of this research study is to learn more about cognitive deficits in people with certain mood disorders. The mood disorders are Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Bipolar disorder, depressed type. Cognitive deficits are problems with things like thinking and memory. People with cognitive deficits may have problems concentrating and paying attention. When talking, they may have trouble recalling a word they want to say. They may think slowly and have problems remembering things. These deficits can affect an individual's ability to work and function socially. Cognitive deficits that occur with depression may increase the risk of a relapse of major depressive disorder. We want to study the course of cognitive impairment in subjects as they are receiving treatment for their depression. We want to find out if their cognitive deficits get better, worse, or stay the same. We also want to learn more about a stress hormone called cortisol that is produced in the body. We want to study the relationship between cortisol and cognitive impairment. Recent research has shown that cognitive impairment may be more severe in people who have high levels of cortisol in their blood. We will also measure the levels of a protein in your blood called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF helps the growth of new brain cells. It appears that the growth of new brain cells lessens when people are depressed. Treatment with antidepressant medications may cause BDNF levels to increase and return to normal. We are interested in studying the relationship between BDNF levels and cognitive impairment throughout treatment.