Parallel Group, Multiple Dose Pharmacokinetics Study of Five Antipsychotic Medications in Psychiatric...
Psychotic DisordersSchizophrenia2 moreThe purpose of this study is to gather information about the steady-state plasma concentrations of aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine and their relevant metabolites, at various dose levels and at different time points after dosing. In addition, comparison of capillary drug concentrations vs. venous drug concentrations will be performed for aripiprazole, olanzapine, paliperidone, quetiapine, risperidone and their relevant metabolites.

The Effect of IPS-MA- A Modified Early Supported Employment Intervention for Individuals With Mood...
Affective DisorderMajor Depressive Disorder2 moreThe aim of the present study, is to evaluate the effect of a supported employment intervention, IPS-modified for people with mood and anxiety (IPS-MA) on employment or education, when offered to people with onset mood or anxiety disorders who are not likely to be able to return to work within three month. The hypothesis is that the IPS-MA method is associated with a shorter recovery period and more people returning to work or education, compared to treatment as usual.

The Potential Efficacy of the Chinese Health Improvement Profile- A Pilot Clustered Randomised Controlled...
Severe Mental IllnessSchizophrenia3 moreThe investigators programme of research will evaluate an existing physical health care screening intervention with the aim of helping Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPN) to improve the physical health wellbeing of people with a SMI. This pilot clustered randomised controlled trial aims to establish the potential efficacy and acceptability of the Chinese Health Improvement Profile (CHIP) in improving the physical health of people with severe mental illness.

Reasoning Training in Individuals With Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderCognitive Ability1 moreThe purpose of this study is to examine cognitive and brain changes in individuals with bipolar disorder as a result of a cognitive training intervention.

Lamotrigine Therapy in Geriatric Bipolar Depression
Bipolar DepressionWe propose to study the efficacy and tolerability of lamotrigine in the treatment of older adults with bipolar depression and to compare measures of brain energy metabolism between older subjects with bipolar depression and healthy age-matched controls in order to better understand treatment response in geriatric bipolar depression.

Proof Of Mechanism Study To Determine Efficacy Of PF-04455242 In Blocking Spiradoline (PF-00345768)...
Bipolar DepressionThis study will be a Proof of Mechanism (POM) study to establish evidence of central pharmacodynamic activity for PF 04455242, and will be a parallel group, randomized, double blind, sponsor open study conducted in healthy male subjects. Once subjects achieve steady state of PF 04455242, they will undergo PF 00345768 (spiradoline) challenge. Data will be analyzed to determine whether PF-04455242 blocks spiradoline induced prolactin release.

Improving Representative Payeeship for People With Psychiatric Disabilities and Their Families
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder1 moreRepresentative payees, mostly family members, manage Social Security Administration funds of more than one million people with psychiatric disabilities. Although studies show payeeship can be used coercively, foster dependency, reduce work incentives, lead to family conflict and even violence, there has been little systematic research on how to lower these significant barriers to community integration. The investigators' long term goal is to promote recovery among adults with psychiatric disabilities who have payees by reducing downsides associated with what has been called "the nation's largest guardianship system." The investigators' objective in the current application is to evaluate a pilot-tested, stakeholder-informed intervention that is grounded in principles of psychiatric rehabilitation and encourages consumers with psychiatric disabilities and their family members to collaborate within the representative payee arrangement.

Study Measuring Differences in Cognition Due to Sedative Effects of Risperidone and Quetiapine in...
Bipolar DisorderThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the sedating (causing sleepiness) effects of risperidone or quetiapine alter cognitive (person's ability to think, perceive, recognize, remember, judge, and reason) functioning in subjects with stable Bipolar I Disorder.

Tai Chi/Qigong for Subsyndromal Depression and Cognition in Older Age Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderIt is expected that by 2030, the percentage of patients with bipolar disorder (BD) in Canada over 60 years of age will exceed 50%. In this population, poor cognition and persistent sub-threshold depressive symptoms are particularly common, difficult to treat, associated with increased mood episodes, and poor daily functioning. Mind-body interventions have increasingly been found to be effective in treating several psychiatric condition including BD. A few pilot studies examining mindfulness-based intervention in younger adult BD have been promising for depressive symptoms, but some pilot research suggest that patients with older age bipolar disorder (OABD) may benefit more from moving mindfulness. The investigators will conduct a 12-week randomized controlled trial to assess whether tai-chi/qigong will be associated with 1) greater reduction in depressive symptoms, and 2) greater improved cognition, in comparison to a light exercise active control condition, 12- and 24-weeks from baseline, in BD patients aged 40+.

Comparing Thinking Skills for Work (TSW)Home Practice Program With Traditional TSW Program
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective Disorder2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine if using a tablet computer, which is a very small, easy-to-carry computer, to practice thinking exercises at home will help improve your attention, memory, and problem solving abilities. All the participants will receive training in the thinking skills for work program. But in order to determine the effect of tablet use for home practice, half of the participants will be given a tablet to practice the thinking exercises at home. All participants will be receiving vocational rehabilitation and have a goal of getting a job.