Omega 3 Fatty Acid Trial
Omega-3 Fatty AcidsPediatric Bipolar Disorder2 moreThis study is being done to detect the metabolic changes that Omega 3 fatty acid treatment has on the brain and to find out whether magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) scan can detect metabolic differences between bipolar patients and healthy control participants.

Comparison of Physical and Virtual Sensory Room in an Inpatient Setting
Anxiety StateDepression1 moreSensory room is a new method in psychiatric inpatient care for management of anxiety. Since this method for anxiety management is being implemented more and more extensively within the psychiatric care system it is important to study its effect and whether there is any difference between physical and virtual sensory. In this study, the effect on mental well-being, pulse and blood pressure will be compared before and after each use of a virtual or physically sensory room. How the different methods affect the total care time, use of anxiety medication and results from self-assessment scales to measure depression and anxiety symptoms will also be looked at. The study will be conducted on two separate wards which primarily care for patients with the primary diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

Alpha-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4- Isoxazole Propionic Acid Receptor Components of the Anti-Depressant...
Depressive DisorderMajor2 moreThe proposed study will assess the combined effect of perampanel and ketamine on the anti-depressant response in individuals with treatment resistant depression. The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that stimulation of Alpha-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4- Isoxazole Propionic Acid receptors (AMPAR) is critical to the anti-depressant response of ketamine.

Evaluation of mHealth for Serious Mental Illness
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective Disorder2 moreThis study is a waitlist control trial evaluating the acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a smartphone application with people with mental illness.

RCT of a Web-based Intervention to Improve Quality of Life in Late Stage Bipolar Disorder (ORBIT)...
Bipolar DisorderCurrently in RemissionThe aim of this study is to improve outcomes in people with bipolar disorder (BD) by comparing two new online interventions specifically designed to improve quality of life amongst people who have had multiple (10 or more) episodes of BD.

Development of a Mobile Heath Augmented Brief Suicide Prevention Intervention for People With SMI...
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder1 moreSchizophrenia and bipolar disorder are associated with high risk for suicide, yet there are few brief interventions that directly target suicide prevention in this large population. The goal of this intervention development study is to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of a brief intervention called SafeTy and Recovery Therapy (START) that is augmented with content delivered on mobile devices outside of the clinic setting. The intervention will evaluated in a community urgent care center context as people initiate outpatient care, and, if effective, could be deployed in a wide network of such centers.

Effect of Dialectical Behavior in Patients With Bipolar Disorder
Dialectical Behavior TherapyThis study aims to: • Determine the effect of implementing Dialectical Behavior Therapy on emotion regulation difficulties, distress tolerance, and social functioning among patients with bipolar disorder. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS Patients with bipolar disorder who are exposed to Dialectical Behavior Therapy will exhibit lower emotion regulation difficulties, distress tolerance, and higher social functioning than those who are not exposed to such training.

Proof Of Mechanism Study To Determine Efficacy Of PF-04455242 In Blocking Spiradoline (PF-00345768)...
Bipolar DepressionThis study will be a Proof of Mechanism (POM) study to establish evidence of central pharmacodynamic activity for PF 04455242, and will be a parallel group, randomized, double blind, sponsor open study conducted in healthy male subjects. Once subjects achieve steady state of PF 04455242, they will undergo PF 00345768 (spiradoline) challenge. Data will be analyzed to determine whether PF-04455242 blocks spiradoline induced prolactin release.

Lamotrigine Therapy in Geriatric Bipolar Depression
Bipolar DepressionWe propose to study the efficacy and tolerability of lamotrigine in the treatment of older adults with bipolar depression and to compare measures of brain energy metabolism between older subjects with bipolar depression and healthy age-matched controls in order to better understand treatment response in geriatric bipolar depression.

Improving Representative Payeeship for People With Psychiatric Disabilities and Their Families
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder1 moreRepresentative payees, mostly family members, manage Social Security Administration funds of more than one million people with psychiatric disabilities. Although studies show payeeship can be used coercively, foster dependency, reduce work incentives, lead to family conflict and even violence, there has been little systematic research on how to lower these significant barriers to community integration. The investigators' long term goal is to promote recovery among adults with psychiatric disabilities who have payees by reducing downsides associated with what has been called "the nation's largest guardianship system." The investigators' objective in the current application is to evaluate a pilot-tested, stakeholder-informed intervention that is grounded in principles of psychiatric rehabilitation and encourages consumers with psychiatric disabilities and their family members to collaborate within the representative payee arrangement.