Mental Coaching and Counseling for Bipolar Patients: Dealing With Moments of Crisis in Times of...
To Determine the Incidence of Depression in Subjects Affected by Bipolar DisorderThe goal of this interventional study is to evaluate some outcome parameters at the time of enrollment (T0), during the treatment (T1 and T2) and at the end (T3) of the subjects who will have carried out an individual counseling intervention or mental coaching. The aim is to determine the incidence of depression, trait anxiety, state anxiety, sleep disorders, resilience, defense mechanisms, distress caused by stressful events in a sample of subjects affected by Bipolar Disorder.

Differentiating Unipolar and Bipolar Depression in Young Adults Using fMRI
Bipolar DisorderMajor DepressionThe purpose of the study is to find out what parts of the brain have increased or decreased activity and connectivity in individuals who have bipolar disorder, major depression, or no history of mood disorder. Another purpose of this study is to use MRI images to determine which young adults with major depression may be at greater risk for developing mild or more severe symptoms of mania which suggests a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

Comparing Different Patterns of rTMS in Major Depression
Depression; Bipolar DisorderThis trial will compare the trajectories of improvement for three different patterns of twice-daily rTMS in major depression: two daily sessions of dorsomedial prefrontal rTMS delivered at 0 min vs. 30 min vs. 60 min intervals.

Early Assessment and Intervention for Adolescents at Risk for Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderEarly InterventionBipolar disorder is a severe and chronic illness associated with significant occupational and social impairment, enormous public health costs, and high rates of suicide. The single most potent risk factor for the development of bipolar disorder is a first-degree family member with the illness; indeed, offspring of parents with bipolar disorder are a particularly high-risk group who typically display early onset and severe course of illness. Thus, early assessment and intervention for the children of parents with bipolar disorder focused on specific, measurable, and modifiable risk factors has the potential to prevent or ameliorate the progression of bipolar disorder in those at highest risk.

Patient Guided Psychiatric Admissions
SchizophreniaBipolar DisorderTo meet the requirement for increased patient involvement, several Community Mental Health Centres (CMHC) have initiated a service called "patient-guided admissions". The investigators will compare a group with "patient guided admission/self-referral to inpatient beds" with a group having treatment as usual. It is expected that patients in the intervention group will experience more increased feeling of coping (patient activation) after 4 months and 12 months as a result of participating in "patient-guided admissions" than patients getting treatment as usual. In addition the total number of inpatient days either in the CMHC, psychiatric hospital or community rehabilitation centre is expected to be clearly lower in the intervention group than in the 'treatment-as-usual' group during one year after intake. Also the number of involuntary admissions either as inpatient or outpatient will be significant lower in the intervention group than the 'treatment-as-usual' group.The number of admissions in CMHC and psychiatric hospital, as well as the number of outpatient consultations in primary care, CMHC and psychiatric hospitals, will be lower in the intervention group than in the 'treatment-as-usual' group. Patients in the intervention group will experience improved mental health, increased feeling of coping (patient activation) and increased experience of recovery after 4 months and 12 months as a result of participating in "patient-guided admissions".

Psychoeducation Versus Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderTo examine the impact of cognitive-behavioural therapy on both the episodic and functional outcome of bipolar disorder, in combination with pharmacotherapy. Primary Hypothesis is twofold: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy will reduce the total symptom burden, as measured both by percentage of time spent ill (both syndromic and subsyndromal) and number of episodes, as compared to psychoeducation Cognitive behavioural therapy will reduce social and occupational disability to a greater extent than psychoeducation.

DIMES - DIgital MEdicine Study for Adults With Schizophrenia, Bipolar I Disorder, or Major Depression...
SchizophreniaMajor Depressive Disorder2 moreThis is a 12 month, pragmatic trial designed to assess the differences in a digital medicine system (DMS)- ABILIFY MYCITE (Aripiprazole tablets with sensor)- measuring adherence versus treatment as usual (TAU) for adult patients with schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder, and major depression. Outcomes of interest will be adherence as measured by refill rates and all-cause and psychiatric health care use. Each patient will be in the study for a duration of 12 months. All treatment medication decisions will be made by the healthcare professionals (HCPs) and not by protocol. Psychiatrist(s), nurse(s) and/or team manager(s) who will be responsible for subjects' care, will be considered as HCPs in this trial.

Study to Assess the Effect of Food on the Concentration of GW273225 in the Body of Healthy Male...
Bipolar DisorderThe rationale of this study is to assess whether or not food affects the absorption of GW273225 into the blood of healthy male and female volunteers in order to evaluate whether or not this drug should be given at a certain time relative to the consumption of food.

A Trial of Cognitive Training in Euthymic Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderBipolar disorder (BD) is characterized by extreme changes in mood and emotion dysregulation. Mood changes are episodic in nature, with distinct periods of mania, depression, and asymptomatic periods of euthymia. In addition to impairments in mood, cognitive impairments are a common feature of the disorder. These cognitive impairments persist during periods of euthymia and are associated with negative clinical and psychosocial outcomes. Specifically, individuals with BD show impairments in executive functions. Recent studies show that emotion regulation can be down-regulated by taxing executive functions, and it can be improved with working memory training, a specific component of executive functions. These initial studies show that emotion regulation is under executive control in healthy individuals; however, the nature of this relationship is not well understood in populations that are affected by impairments in both executive control and emotion regulation. Previous work on cognitive training has not targeted specific cognitive domains with an emphasis on understanding the underlying mechanisms that promote change. Moreover, well-controlled randomized control trial (RCT) studies are needed in order to provide high quality evidence to inform the efficacy of cognitive training interventions for psychiatric populations. The aim of the proposed study is to use a commercially available cognitive training program to study the effects of working memory training on cognitive, clinical, and psychosocial outcomes in patients with BD. We hypothesize that training working memory will lead to improvements in cognitive and emotional functioning, leading to downstream changes that will positively impact untrained outcomes, such as mood and community functioning.

A PET Study With [11C]PBR-28 and an Experimental Medication, Ethyl Eicosapentaenoic Acid
Bipolar DisorderThis pilot study will ask whether omega three fatty acids have an antidepressant effect in bipolar depression by decreasing brain inflammation.