Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Affective DisorderDepressionThis study will examine whether mitochondrial function is impaired in patients with bipolar disorder. Mitrochondria are small organelles inside the cell that are responsible for energy production. Recent studies in animals and humans suggest that abnormalities of mitrochondria may be involved in bipolar depression. The study will also examine whether the food supplement Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) improves mitochondrial function and symptoms such as depressed mood, low energy, anxiety or slowness in thinking and movements in bipolar patients. CoQ10 has been used to increase cell energy production and as an antioxidant. It has had some benefit in patients with Parkinson's disease and migraine and in prolonging survival in patients with cancer and heart failure. Patients 18-65 years of age with bipolar disorder who are currently in a depressive episode of at least 4 weeks duration may be eligible for this study. The study has four phases, as follows: Phase I: Medication Withdrawal Patients taper off all psychotropic medications, usually over 1 to 2 weeks. Phase II: Baseline Evaluation After being off all medication for about 2 weeks, patients undergo the following procedures: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). The two procedures are performed in an MRI scanner. Both tests use a strong magnetic field and radio waves to obtain images that provide information on brain anatomy and chemistry. Blood tests to assess mitochondrial function isolated from blood cells. Skin biopsy for tests of mitochondria. A small sample of skin tissue 5 x 5 millimeters is surgically removed. Phase III: Administration of CoQ10 or Placebo Participants are randomly assigned to take either CoQ10 or placebo (an inactive look-alike substance) twice a day by mouth. While taking the study medication, patients have the following procedures periodically: Rating scales for anxiety and depression and adverse events. Check of vital signs. Blood and urine sample collections. Phase IV: Study Completion At the end of the 8 weeks of treatment, patients have a physical examination and electrocardiogram, and the procedures in phase II are repeated. Participants may then receive short-term treatment (up to 12 weeks) with medications for bipolar depression, followed by referred to a community physician for long-term treatment. ...

Change in Brain Bioenergetics in Bipolar Disorder in Response to Photic Stimulation
Bipolar DisorderSchizophrenia1 moreThis study aims to gather additional information to support the theory that bipolar disorder is due to cellular (mitochondrial) dysfunction. To test this theory adults with bipolar disorder who are not currently symptomatic will receive a one-time brain scan (magnetic resonance spectroscopy [MRS] scan) with light stimulation. To test whether any MRS findings are specific to bipolar disorder, healthy controls and adults with schizophrenia will also be included in this study.

Neural Correlates for Therapeutic Mechanisms of Lithium in Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderThe investigators will assess Li-induced gray matter volume changes with regard to the endophenotype of GSK3beta polymorphism. The changes of gray matter are supposed to be more attributable to neurotrophic and neuroprotective characteristics of Li, which were closely related to the inhibition of apoptotic activity of GSK3beta.

Occupational Stress and Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderBipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by alternance of depressive and manic phases, separated by intercritical phases (euthymia). The majority of patients report occupation and professional difficulties. Sixty percent of bipolar patients are inactive . Indeed, according to the World Health Organisation, bipolar disorder is the second cause of days not worked. Several factors are related to the lower professional functioning observed in bipolar patients: early age of onset, delay of diagnosis and treatment, recurrence of thymic episodes, residual symptoms and cognitive disorders during euthymia, side effects of mood stabilizers. To our knowledge, no study has ever focused on well-being at work in French patients. However, suffering from a psychiatric disorder and the lack of support from colleagues and the hierarchy are risk factors for burnout, a growing health issue. Patients with mental illness are often victims of stigmatization, which may involve the professional field. In addition, thymic recurrences may alter professional functioning of active patients: multiplication of work disruptions, conflicts with peers. Conversely work can be stressful, promoting thyic relapses. It is therefore essential to better understand the occupational stresses of active patients suffering from bipolar disorder in order to promote functional remission beyond clinical remission. The aim of this study is to assess the level of stress and well-being at work in active French bipolar patients.

Copeptin in Outcome Prediction of an Acute Psychotic Episode
Acute Psychotic EpisodeSchizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders2 moreAn acute psychotic episode is a severe psychiatric syndrome which might occur in different psychiatric diagnoses. The outcome prediction of relapse rate of a psychotic episode within a certain time frame is difficult and depends on many factors. More and better predictors are required to improve the outcome prediction in order to adjust therapy and follow-up if patients suffer from this acute disease. Copeptin, a surrogate marker for vasopressin, has been proven helpful in the prediction of the outcome in serious somatic diseases. Additionally, a rise of copeptin due to psychological stress was shown. The aim of this study is to investigate the association of the neuroendocrine biomarker copeptin and the prediction of the onset of psychotic episode within one year.

Lamictal Bipolar Observational Study
Bipolar DisorderThis is multi-center, prospective, observational stud. This study is designed to evaluate the rate of non-serious rash in Korean bipolar I patients.

Lamotrigine Pregnancy Registry (LAM05)
EpilepsyBipolar DisorderAntiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are not indicated for use in pregnancy. However, women with epilepsy, and other approved indications including bipolar disorder, may require or be unintentionally exposed to AEDs during pregnancy. Prior to an AED being marketed there are few data available on drug safety in pregnancy: data from animal models may not translate directly to humans and pregnant women are routinely excluded from clinical trials. The International Lamotrigine Pregnancy Registry was established by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in 1992 to monitor the safety of lamotrigine during pregnancy.

A Non-Interventional Post-Marketing Surveillance Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Zeldox...
Bipolar DisorderSchizophreniaThis is a regulatory-required non-interventional pharmacovigilance study exploring the safety profile of ziprasidone HCL monohydrate 20mg, 40mg, 60mg, 80mg in the real world patient population, thus, safety (and/or efficacy) signals will be checked at every visit during the contracted study period until the maximum study end date, per the protocol, of April 2010.

Antipsychotics and Blood Vessel Function
Bipolar DisorderSchizophreniaOver the last decade, second generation antipsychotics have been increasingly utilized. Since their introduction, however, atypical antipsychotics have been increasingly associated with significant metabolic complications including hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance/diabetes mellitus, and obesity. These metabolic complications increase the risk for cardiovascular disease in populations with an already elevated risk. The initial goal of the proposed study is to identify early signs of endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease in those treated with atypical antipsychotics. The identification of early signs of vascular disease may further link metabolic complications with any cardiovascular risk. Demonstration of changes in vascular function associated with atypical antipsychotics represents an important identifiable intermediate of more long-term cardiovascular risk. The second goal of the proposed study is to identify genetic factors that may be associated with the development of cardiovascular disease, which can later serve as a guide to predict risk. Accurate prediction of risk may facilitate the future development of an empirical, risk-based, individualized selection process for antipsychotic medications. Aim 1: To quantify the role of antipsychotic-induced metabolic complications on the development of vascular disease using measures of endothelial function. Hypothesis 1: Atypical antipsychotics will lead to greater impairments in endothelial function, evidenced by decreased flow-mediated dilation from baseline measures and compared with changes over time in controls. Medication-induced metabolic complications will be temporally associated with these impairments in endothelial function. Aim 2: To investigate the role of candidate pharmacogenetic polymorphisms with cardiovascular and metabolic complications of atypical antipsychotics. Hypothesis 2: Profiles of polymorphisms at receptors targeted by atypical antipsychotics will be associated with impaired cardiovascular function and metabolic complications.

Recovery Group Pilot
Bipolar DisorderSchizophrenia1 moreThe purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a low-cost, joint consumer/counselor-led, health education and support intervention that will foster self-care and recovery among adults with serious mental illness. Results from the study will indicate how well the workbook and the overall program were received by individuals with serious mental illness, and whether participating in the program appeared to improve recovery and functioning.