Emotion Recognition Modification for Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderPrevious research suggests that people with bipolar disorder have trouble accurately identifying emotions. The goal of this study is to test a novel intervention, emotion recognition modification (ERM), to help improve the ability of young people with bipolar disorder to identify emotions.

Evaluation of a Prevention Program in Children and Teenagers at High Risk for Bipolar Disorder (Bipokid)...
Bipolar DisorderBipolar disorder is an early onset chronic disorder. Children of bipolar parents are at high risk of developping the same disorder and/or a psychopathology. Early intervention focused on emotion and problem solving strategies could improve their prognosis. The main objective of this trial is to evaluate the FFT (Family Focused Therapy) efficacity. Children emotional dysregulation profile will be compared before and after this CBT intervention.

Biocollection on Peripheral Inflammation
Schizoaffective DisorderDepressive Type2 moreMost psychiatric research is based on the nosographic classifications used in current practice. At present, there is no diagnostic or prognostic biomarker for psychiatric pathologies commonly used in clinical practice. The study hypothesis is that peripheral inflammatory biomarkers could be common to several psychiatric disorders, in particular psychotic disorders (bipolar disorder, schizophreniform disorder, schizophrenia, depressive episode with psychotic features). The aim of this project is to set up a bio-collection of biological samples (peripheral blood samples) with associated phenotypic data (assessment of various symptoms using standardized scales in patients whose blood is sampled). The setting up of this cohort follows on from work carried out on a PsyCourse cohort also using a transdiagnostic approach in psychiatry, in order to be able to collaborate within a European research project.

Premorbid Personality Profile of Patients With Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders
Behavioral Variant of Frontotemporal Disorder (bvFTD)Phenocopy Frontotemporal Dementia (phFTD)2 moreDamages in frontal area present in neurodegenerative disease (frontotemporal degeneration, frontal variant of Alzheimer disease) and in psychiatric disease (bipolar disorder) can affect behavior and cognition including social cognition. Symptoms vary both quantitatively and qualitatively from disease to another and from person to person. It cannot be completely excluded that in some cases, factors of susceptibility such as premorbid personality traits lead to frontal fragility. The study will assess the relationship between premorbid profile using NEO-PI 3 inventory and cognitive and behavioral/psychobehavioral manifestations in patients with behavioral variant of frontotemporal disorder (bvFTD), phenocopy frontotemporal dementia (phFTD), frontal variant of Alzheimer disease, bipolar disorder characterized with frontal damages.

A Study of Aripiprazole in Patients With Bipolar I Disorder With a Major Depressive Episode
Bipolar DisorderThe purpose of this study is to evaluate flexible doses (5-30 mg) of aripiprazole in patients with bipolar depression.

Efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Impulsivity and Suicidality Among Clients With...
Bipolar DisorderPsychiatric nurses face a huge challenge in predicting and preventing suicide behaviour in their patients with bipolar disorders, but it may also be one of the most accurate measures of how well their clinical care is working. In addition to, high impulsivity scores are associated with increased overall functional impairment, a higher number of episodes with early onset, and a higher number of past suicide attempts, as well as increased substance intake. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating the efficacy acceptance and commitment therapy on impulsivity and suicidality among bipolar clients. research hypnosis Clients who engaged in acceptance and commitment therapy had less impulsivity than the control group. Clients who engaged in acceptance and commitment therapy had less suicidality than the control group.

Study of Sensorimotor Compatibility Effects in Bipolar Affective Disorder.
Bipolar Affective DisorderBased in an embodied approach of cognition, several studies have highlighted a direct link between perception of an object or an emotion and the associated motor responses. This study investigated in patients suffering from bipolar affective disorders whether the perception of emotional words involves an automatic sensorimotor simulation of approach and avoidance behaviors, and whether the perception of an object involves an automatic sensorimotor simulation of object prehension (affordance). We hypothesize that, in this pathology, low level (sensorimotor) cognitive processes are preserved whereas high-level (attentional) are altered. 20 patients suffering from bipolar affective disorders and 20 healthy controls will be recruited. The main objective is the emergence of sensorimotor compatibility effects in approach-avoidance task with emotional stimuli (gain between compatible vs incompatible conditions).

Imaging GABAergic/Glutamatergic Drugs in Bipolar Alcoholics Alcoholics
Alcohol Use DisorderBipolar DisorderThe proposed 3-week, double-blind, crossover, proof of concept study aims to manipulate neurochemical dysfunctions characteristic of individuals with co-occurring BD and AUD (i.e., abnormally low prefrontal GABA and glutamate), using medications that have been shown to normalize cortical GABA (i.e., gabapentin) and glutamate (i.e., NAC) levels in past research, and to evaluate medication-related changes in response inhibition and alcohol cue-reactivity fMRI tasks as well as drinking and mood in individuals with AUD+BD.

The Appeal and Impact of E-cigarettes in Smokers With SMI
Tobacco DependenceSchizophrenia2 moreThis study will evaluate behavioral and psychological appeal, toxicity, and effect of e-cigarettes on smoking behavior and nicotine addiction in chronic smokers with serious mental illness (SMI) who have failed to quit smoking. A total of 240 participants will be enrolled and randomly assigned to either receive a supply of e-cigarettes for 8 weeks plus assessments (baseline & weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 13, & 26) or assessments only. This single-blinded study will provide e-cigarettes and instructions on their safe use. Level of appeal will be inferred from carefully assessed use of e-cigarettes and reduction in combustible tobacco. Qualitative data will also be collected from participants assigned to e-cigarettes, given that unanticipated issues will almost certainly arise in connection with e-cigarette use that can only be captured within a qualitative debriefing at the conclusion of participants' time in the study.

Targeting the Microbiome to Improve Clinical Outcomes in Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderThe objective of this study is to determine how specific dietary control alters the microbiome composition to effect clinical outcome measures in a longitudinal study of individuals with bipolar disorder. Our central hypothesis is that a low carbohydrate (CHO) / high polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) diet will increase the fractional representation of specific butyrate producing members of the Firmicutes phylum in the gut microbiome, which will attenuate host inflammation, improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety in bipolar patients. The rationale for the proposed research is to take the first step in a continuum of studies to develop personalized novel approaches to treat mood disorders, including the need to address gut dysbiosis, which often co-occurs with mental illness. The investigators will test our hypothesis and achieve the objective of this proposal with the following Specific Aims: 1) Determine the taxonomical change in the stool microbiome following a low CHO / high PUFA diet; and 2) Determine the changes in sleep quality, anxiety, and depression following a low CHO / high PUFA diet. These aims will be achieved using the unique resources at the University of Michigan, including the Nutrition Assessment Laboratory for dietary intervention, the Host-Microbiome Laboratory for microbial assays, and the ongoing Prechter Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder. At the end of the proposed studies the investigators expect to set the stage for future studies to assess neurochemical mechanisms. These data will provide a greater understanding of the mechanism by which diet controls the specific microbes in the gut microbiome to affect mood disorders and gut dysbiosis and improve response to psychiatric treatment paradigms.