Standard Patient Simulation in Nursing Students' Approach Toward Patients With Bipolar Disorder...
Educational ProblemsAnxiety and Fear1 moreThe study was conducted to determine the effect of the simulation method with the participation of standardized patients towards the patients suffering from bipolar disorder to benefit the education of the psychiatry nursing students. The Research Questions Does the use of simulation training with the standardized patients have any effect on the average scores of the fear and behavioral intentions of the students as they approach patients with bipolar disorder? Does the use of simulation training with the standardized patients have any effect on the average scores of the communication skills assessment scale of the students as they approach patients with bipolar disorder? Does the use of simulation training with the standardized patients have any effect on the average scores of the state and trait anxiety level of the students as they approach patients with bipolar disorder? Does the use of simulation training with the standardized patients have any effect on the average scores of the clinical decision making in the nursing scale of the students as they approach patients with bipolar disorder? Does the use of simulation training with the standardized patients have any effect on the average scores of the self-efficacy - sufficiency scale of the students as they approach patients with bipolar disorder?

Improving Work Outcome for People With Severe Mental Illness
SchizophreniaSchizotypal and Delusional Disorders2 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of IPS in Denmark and compare effects of 1. Individual Placement and Support (IPS) vs. 2. IPS + cognitive remediation and work-related social skills training vs. 3. standard intervention, among individuals with severe mental illness.

Uridine Adolescent Bipolar Depression Randomized Controlled Trial
Bipolar DisorderBipolar Depression1 moreThis is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the investigational drug uridine as a treatment for depressed adolescents with bipolar disorder (i.e. "bipolar depression"). Participants initially randomized to placebo who complete the 6-week protocol will be offered 6 months of open-label uridine treatment and follow-up. Participants initially randomized to uridine will be offered the open-label treatment as well.

Event Marker Ingested To Trigger Event Recorder 3.0 Psychiatry Study
Bipolar DisorderSchizophreniaFeasibility study of using a digital health feedback system (DHFS) to monitor medication-taking and physiologic and behavioral parameters in patients with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Hypothesis: Using a digital health feedback system to characterize medication-taking behavior and activities of daily living is safe and tolerable in appropriately selected patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Implementing Health Plan-Level Care Management for Solo & Small Practices
Bipolar DisorderDepressionThis study will determine if a version of the chronic care model for individuals with mood disorders seen in small or solo practices can improve patient health.

Texting to Improve Adherence in HIV+ With Bipolar Disorder
HIV DiseaseBipolar DisorderAdherence to combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) is critical for successful HIV viral suppression. Nonadherence to ART poses several potentially serious health consequences, including higher viral loads, faster progression to AIDS, and a heightened risk of viral mutations, treatment resistance and HIV transmission. The prevalence of serious mental illness (SMI) conditions, including bipolar disorder (BD), is elevated among HIV-infected populations and is associated with poor ART adherence. HIV-infected individuals with co-occurring BD (HIV+/BD+), when compared to demographically similar HIV+/BD- persons, demonstrated poorer ART and psychotropic medication adherence and were twice as likely to be non adherent to their ART regimen using a ≥ 90% cutoff score. HIV+/BD+ individuals are particularly at-risk for medication non adherence, and there is a critical need to develop interventions to improve adherence in this population. Poor psychotropic medication adherence is also common among people with SMI - it has been estimated that 40% of those with BD do not take their mood stabilizer as prescribed. Among persons with BD, nonadherence to psychotropic medications can lead to greater risk for manic and depressive episodes, decreased quality of life, suicide attempts, and hospitalization. The utilization of mobile health (i.e., mHealth) technologies to improve everyday functioning is growing. mHealth interventions capitalize on technology already incorporated into most people's daily lives (e.g., cell phones) to assist people with behavior modification and disease self-management. Text messaging, in particular, may support daily ART adherence by delivering reminders at precise times to match an individuals' dosing schedule. The initial evidence for using text messaging to improve ART medication adherence has been compelling. Researchers and clinicians have also started employing technology-based approaches to improve treatment for individuals with BD. Taken together, a distinct need for RCTs utilizing text messaging to improve medication adherence within an at-risk HIV population is warranted. Individualized Texting for Adherence Building (iTAB) is one such intervention. The investigators propose an intervention development study designed to address these potential mechanisms of nonadherence with the following Specific Aims: 1) To further develop and refine a personalized, automated, real-time, mobile phone, text messaging intervention (iTAB) designed to improve adherence to ART and psychotropic medications among HIV+/BD+ persons; 2) To evaluate the acceptability and effectiveness of a brief psychoeducation plus text messaging intervention (iTAB) as compared to psychoeducation alone (CTRL) for the improvement of objectively measured medication adherence among HIV+/BD+ persons; and 3) To examine predictors of within-person trajectories of nonadherence using the longitudinal data collected over the study. In order to realize these aims, the investigators will leverage the infrastructure of two unique UCSD resources increasing likelihood of study success, impact, and innovation: 1) the HIV Neurobehavioral Research Program (HNRP), which encompasses multiple NIH-funded studies that focus on the effects of HIV infection, and 2) the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), which conducts research on state-of-the-art wireless means of health promotion. Initially, the investigators will refine the iTAB intervention to ensure that it is user-centered and tailored to the needs of HIV+/BD+ persons via focus groups and rapid prototyping. Once refined, the proposed iTAB intervention will use text messages that are automated, scalable, personalized, interactive, flexible, and motivating. The investigators will assess the acceptability and effectiveness of iTAB in improving objectively measured adherence (i.e., MEMS caps) over a 4-week period via a pilot RCT with 58 participants were randomized into 2 groups (30 HIV+/BD+ assigned to the iTAB intervention and 28 HIV+/BD+ assigned to a psychoeducational control). Predictors of nonadherence including neuropsychological impairment, and mood will be examined to determine whether iTAB is better able to compensate for these factors associated with nonadherence as compared to CTRL. Further refinement to the iTAB intervention will be made in order to pursue a large-scale R01 using the investigators tailored intervention.

Self-Management Training and Automated Telehealth to Improve SMI Health Outcomes
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective Disorder2 moreThis randomized clinical trial (RCT) of 300 persons with serious mental illness (SMI) and medical comorbidity will evaluate outcomes for n=100 in a Community Based Health Home alone (CBHH), compared to n=100 also receiving Self-Management Training (CBHH+SMT), and n=100 also receiving Automated Telehealth (CBHH+AT). The investigators will test the following 3 hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: CBHH+SMT and CBHH+AT compared to CBHH alone, will be associated with greater health self-management and greater mental health self-management. Hypothesis 2: CBHH+SMT and CBHH+AT compared to CBHH alone, will be associated with greater reduction in risk of early mortality and (Exploratory E2) in psychiatric symptoms. Hypothesis 3: CBHH+SMT and CBHH+AT compared to CBHH alone, will be associated with less acute service use and less acute service use costs.

Recovery Guide Intervention for Recurrent Psychiatric Hospitalization
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective Disorder2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether Recovery Guide support services are effective in promoting recovery and social integration among psychiatrically disabled individuals who experience high rates of inpatient hospitalizations.

Single Ascending Dose Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of AZD4451
Bipolar DisorderThis is a single ascending dose study to assess the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of AZD4451.

Drug-drug Interaction Study of Aripiprazole and Lamotrigine in Patients With Bipolar Type I Disorder...
Bipolar DisorderThe purpose of this clinical research study is to learn if aripiprazole has a drug-drug interaction with lamotrigine.