Reducing Racial Disparities in Severe Maternal Morbidity
Maternal DeathThere is a paucity of research examining the intersection of race, ethnicity, maternal safety bundles, doulas, and maternal outcomes in Black women at increased risk of severe maternal morbidity and mortality. The proposed mixed-methods study is the first systematic investigation of pregnancy complications and outcomes among Black women with whom maternal safety bundles are being implemented including racial disparities, hemorrhage, and hypertension. Additionally, through the analysis of secondary state level data, this study will examine perinatal care, maternal outcomes, and healthcare utilization of Black women at increased risk of severe maternal morbidity and mortality compared with non-Latino white women. Finally, through individual interviews with Black women and focus groups with obstetric health providers and doulas, the study will examine disparities and improve care by creating and disseminating a set of practice recommendations for maternity care for Black women at increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Research has not yet examined the intersection of race/ethnicity, doulas, and quality improvement (QI) interventions, such as maternal safety bundles, on reducing SMM and mortality among non-Hispanic Black (NHB) women. The overall goal of this mixed-methods study is to use analysis of existing big data and the evaluation of two interventions to ultimately develop targeted recommendations for addressing these inequities. Our approach leverages multiple data sources to study maternal outcomes and access to care during the prenatal, birth, and postpartum periods in order to identify commonalities among women who experienced SMM and use those findings to create a risk profile of women who are more likely to experience SMM; examine the implementation of maternal safety bundles on SMM and MM outcomes for women up to 1 year postpartum (Intervention 1); gather in-depth data from obstetric care providers on factors that support or hinder safety bundle implementation (Intervention 1); and gather in-depth data from individual women and doulas on facilitators of barriers to the use of doulas to improve care and address inequities (Intervention 2).

Maternal Health Service Utilization Among Women of Reproductive Age in Sidama Region, Ethiopia
Maternal DeathIntroduction: Maternal health service (MHS) utilization helps to decrease maternal morbidity and mortality. However, the existing evidence is not sufficient to design effective and efficient strategies. Objective: This study aims to improve maternal health service utilization among women of reproductive age in the Dale and Wonsho districts of the Sidama region, Ethiopia. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study will be carried out to assess the utilization and predictors of maternal health care. A phenomenological qualitative study will be conducted to explore perceptions, barriers, and facilitators of maternal health care. A cluster randomized controlled trial will be employed to assess the effect of health education on maternal knowledge about obstetric danger signs, birth preparedness and complication readiness plan, and maternal health service utilization (MHSU). The minimum required sample size is 1,104 for a cross-sectional study. To explore perceptions, barriers, and facilitators of maternal health care a minimum of 20 in-depth interviews, 3 focus group discussions per group, and 20 key informative interviews will be conducted. The minimum required sample size to assess the effect of health education on outcomes is 942. Data will be entered into Epi Data version 3.1 and exported to the SPSS and Stata software for analysis. Descriptive analyses will be carried out to get descriptive measures for the important variables of interest. The generalized estimated equations analysis will be used to assess the potential predictors of MHSU. The coding and analysis of the qualitative data will be done using the thematic content analysis technique by Atlas-Ti software and presented in narratives. Schedule and budget: This study will be conducted from October to August 2023; the total cost of the project will be 421,600 ETB (7,026.67 EURO).

The Effects of Medicaid Policy Interventions on Racial Equity in Severe Maternal Morbidity
Severe Maternal MorbidityMaternal DeathThe goal of this study is to learn about the effects of structural inventions, such as equity-focused Medicaid polices, on severe maternal morbidity (SMM) and mortality and maternal health. The main questions it aims to answer are: What is the effect of Medicaid healthcare quality interventions on SMM? What is the effect of Medicaid healthcare quality interventions + doula care? What are Medicaid beneficiaries' experiences in receiving services and the potential impact of integration of doula services and equity practices? Participants will be asked to describe experiences as a result of structural interventions and focused Medicaid policies.

Accountability for Care Through Undoing Racism & Equity for Moms
Pregnancy RelatedMaternal Health4 moreThis project-also known as "Accountability for Care through Undoing Racism & Equity for Moms" or ACURE4Moms-aims to reduce Black-White maternal health disparities using multi-level interventions designed to decrease bias in prenatal care, improve care coordination, and increase social support. ACURE4Moms is a pragmatic 4-arm cluster randomized controlled trial conducted with 40 prenatal practices across North Carolina. Practices will be randomly assigned to receive either: Arm 1 (Standard Care): North Carolina Medicaid Care management for high-risk pregnancies; Arm 2 (Data Accountability and Transparency): North Carolina Medicaid Care Management + Practice-level Data Accountability interventions; Arm 3 (Community-Based Doula Support): North Carolina Medicaid Care Management + Community-Based Doula support intervention for high-risk patients during pregnancy and postpartum; or Arm 4 (Data Accountability and Transparency + Community-Based Doula Support): North Carolina Medicaid Care Management + Both Arms 2 and 3 interventions. During each practice's 2-year intervention period, the practice will initiate prenatal care for ~750 patients (30,000 patients total), whose outcomes the investigators will follow and compare between arms until all these patients have reached 1-year post-delivery.

Improving Women's Health Through Coordinated Postpartum Planning
Maternal DeathMaternal MorbidityThe purpose of the study is to design, implement, and evaluate a holistic postpartum women's health care system for women who have cardiovascular risk factors for severe maternal morbidity (SMM) including chronic hypertension, chronic diabetes, gestational diabetes, pre-pregnancy obesity, or a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (HDP) which includes gestational hypertension or preeclampsia. The researchers will use a sequential mixed methods design. First, the researchers will conduct in-depth interviews with women who have given birth in the prior year to characterize barriers and facilitators to accessing postpartum care. The information from these interviews will be used to inform the design of a postpartum care system. Next, the researchers will conduct a pragmatic randomized trial to test the effectiveness of the system on postpartum care engagement versus standard of care.

Effectiveness of Health Education Provided to Couples on Utilization of Maternity Waiting Homes...
Maternal DeathMaternal BehaviorMaternity waiting homes (MWHs) were identified as a solution to improve pregnancy outcomes by bringing women living in geographically isolated areas closer to a healthcare facility. Literature shows that MWHs contribute significantly to the reduction of maternal death and stillbirth among users. Despite its importance in improving maternal & neonatal health outcomes, the utilization of MWHs is very low in Ethiopia. It is important to investigate what strategies could be effective in improving MWH utilization. Therefore, in this study cluster-randomized controlled trials will be conducted to evaluate the effect of male partner involvement intervention on MWH utilization in Ethiopia.

Prevent Maternal Mortality Using Mobile Technology
Post-PartumBlack women who reside in a rural area are at highest risk for maternal morbidity and mortality due to a combination of social and structural causes. The postpartum period is the most critical yet most neglected phase for preventing suboptimal or fatal maternal health outcomes. The goal of this project is to use a mobile app to provide personalized support and improve the lives of women during the early postpartum period. The information the study team gathers will help educate women and all who support them about the need to seek postpartum care and the impact postpartum care can have on pregnancy-related complications. Participation in this research requires taking part in a focus group discussion which will allow participants to share or the person that supports the participant's story and experience with postpartum complications and willingness to use and desired features of a postpartum mobile app.

Integrated Community Engagement and Audit Systems
Maternal DeathNeonatal Death1 moreThe goal of this implementation research project is to determine the feasibility of establishing and implementing an acceptable and robust audit system with community representation at secondary health facilities to improve maternal and perinatal outcomes. The implementation phases follow the standard World Health Organization (WHO) audit system. The initial step includes identifying death cases for review and subsequently collecting the detailed information on the near miss and adverse event history. A mixed methods data analysis will include both quantitative components, such as identification of trends in rates and causes of death and geographic location, and qualitative components, such as analysis of modifiable factors. The use of both types of data will provide a robust analysis of the problems and aid the audit team iin identifying and supporting priorities for action. The three-delay's model categorize the modifiable factors as the first delay (recognition of danger sign and care-seeking decision), second delay (identification and reaching health facility) and third delays (receiving adequate care and treatment at facilities). The audit team will make recommendations in collaboration with community representatives. The findings of the audits will be shared with the health facility authorities, program managers and community representatives to support policy and practice changes. A monthly monitoring cycle will be set up within the implementing facilities to ensure effective implementation of the audit systems.

Azithromycin-Prevention in Labor Use Study (A-PLUS)
Maternal DeathMaternal Infections Affecting Fetus or Newborn4 moreMaternal and neonatal infections are among the most frequent causes of maternal and neonatal deaths, and current antibiotic strategies have not been effective in preventing many of these deaths. Recently, a randomized clinical trial conducted in a single site in The Gambia showed that treatment with oral dose of 2 g azithromycin vs. placebo for all women in labor reduced selected maternal and neonatal infections. However, it is unknown if this therapy reduces maternal and neonatal sepsis and mortality. The A-PLUS trial includes two primary hypotheses, a maternal hypothesis and a neonatal hypothesis. First, a single, prophylactic intrapartum oral dose of 2 g azithromycin given to women in labor will reduce maternal death or sepsis. Second, a single, prophylactic intrapartum oral dose of 2 g azithromycin given to women in labor will reduce intrapartum/neonatal death or sepsis.

Defining Causes of Deaths in South and Southeast Asia
Cause of MortalityCause of Neonatal Death3 moreMortality data are important in low and middle-income countries to assess the population health status and trends. Mortality statistics in the populations of Bangladesh, Myanmar and Lao PDR are considered as generally limited and a recent assessment of vital registration systems of those countries reported a poor performance of the death registration system. Majority of deaths occur at home in rural area of those countries without cause of death assigned. To address this problem, the investigators will use verbal autopsy (VA) method developed by WHO to ascertain the cause of a death based on an interview with a family member or caregiver of deceased person to obtain information about causes of death in study rural communities. Death related to a specific cause will be defined by ICD-10 codes and described as primary, secondary or underlying COD. The study is planned to conduct in approximately 390 rural village communities covered by Southeast Asia clinical trial network (SEACTN) network in proposed 3 countries. The study findings will help establish a better understanding in signs, symptoms, medical history and circumstances preceding death; prioritize future interventions for early and effective diagnostics and treatment for diseases and how to keep mortality surveillance ongoing in study rural settings.